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myOtaku.com: chiithecutey

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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forevabishonen (12/22/04)

Hello. You said complement something. I like your site. The pictures ya have are good, too. Thats it I suppose.

scstar160 (12/22/04)

great site lov pic.

akina kusabana (12/22/04)

Awesome site, it's really cool. I luv the background it cool, and the avatar's cute. If you want, you can come check out my site, Cya!!


junkoba kaiba (12/22/04)

hey! I like your site! saw you signed my guestbook and I thought I'd just return the favor!

Number 5 (12/22/04)

hey! thanks for signing my gb! i really appreciate that! ^^

well anyway here i am. lol

you sounded kinda depressed in your entry in my gb though. if something's wrong then just tell me if you want to. hehe!

also if there're some troubles with your site, just PM me. otaku guardian's job. hehe! lol

anyway i better go now. but hey, if ever you have time would you mind voting for my fanarts? only if you want to though. laters! ^^o

~ #5 ~

Gray Underpants (12/22/04)

Hey! Thanks for stopping by and signing my GB-- I like your theme lots. I do have to scroll over to see your page horizontally--don't know if you know. Maybe it's just my browser? Don't listen to crazy person below. Your site is really cool. Even though / maybe because it's so dark. You have every reason to be morbid, probably. I know I do! ;)

someone2 (12/22/04)

You signed my guestbook so I'm returning the favor.You said that this site of yours sucks but well...it doesn't.I'll give you tips to improve (or not) your site. Well you know what your site is way better than mine.OK well... maybe some other time.

Shuro (12/21/04)

hi thank you so much for signing my guestbook your site is awesome so cool and your song was cool aswell well thanks again

DrazenX (12/21/04)

Woah, nice site. Looks awesome. You signed my gb y'know that? Yup, sure did. Mm-hm. So, I sign yours. Yay! Heh, later.

YoukaiShina (12/21/04)


Thank you for signing my guestbook and commenting. I love your site, especially the girl in the background! Unfortunately I can't see the pictures, they're cut off...

Well ja ne, take care!

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