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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
saddest post EVER..........

my grandmother has breast cancer for sure...she had an oporation and...the doctor said that she has it...i dont know what to do anymore...
i will try to be happy...and i will hold back all tears...if possible...
please help me i am in an emotional mess...
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Monday, January 24, 2005
hey everyone tomarrow i will add my favorite part of Romeo and Juliet! yey! anyway if you havent been to evilchibi's site then please go she is not very new but she hasnt had many visitors and i am a friend so i ask you to please go to her site...anyway i am so bored i feel like i am always asking you to go to someone's web site...ah all well you know i dont use people...right? well i went to ISS today and it wasnt all that was rather fun...
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Sunday, January 23, 2005

hello everyone visit my friends site rain-of-darkness she is new i belive she started yesterday...any she needs friends for sure...taha well anyway how is everyone??...i am bored... i am in a band the name of it slipped my mind but i am in a band i play the keybord and sing bachground vocals...taha the fisrt practice is ah...i forgot but my people will remind me...
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Saturday, January 22, 2005

hello all...well anyway it is now tomarrow i is now today...yey...well anyway...umm i am so bored...and im on the phone talking to my guy about whats better cold or warm rain...i say warm because it is much more comforting...and he says cold because after a walk through some nice cold rain you can go home and drink some warm hot chocolate...unless your alergic then you can have warm MOLK (taha goats milk...or so i learned)anyway i am probaly totaly boring the happy out of i end my post here.....or maybe i annoying....blah...oh go to my friends site Koriyama ....he is a very good friend and he has been feeling a little down latley...and he just started this myotaku be a friend and make a friend...thank you all....
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Friday, January 21, 2005

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hey hey everyone...anyway im here and i didnt cut myself today...well since i got home i havent cut myself..taha well has everyone been...i am planing on changing my whole theme on my site...maybe make it happier or more normal...*sigh* i dont know all wells...and i have 520 hits yey!...blah anyway...i tend to say "anyway" alot dont i? taha all well your loss...that makes no sence...
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well i guess the freaky finger thing got you all...taha well i had to put it up...sorry...if it freaked me out i had to freak you all makes me feel better...taha well any way i guess i will put up some cute pictures to cover up for the demented pictures i put up last time taha...well anyway to day i yelled at a teacher for taking up my pictures (the ones i drew) and i got in school supension for was sooo fun yelling at the stupid teacher it was worth it...(he was a sub and he had like five chins...i hate him) that all...

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Thursday, January 20, 2005
some little pictures

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thank you...
i understand that you all wish for me to be happier...i even have a few of you that dont usualy pray, pray for me...*surprized look* anyway yeah the pictures will be on today...not sure when but they will...not on my site but in fan pictures...there are only 8 of them so...yeah...i will try to be happier that will be my daily goal...when i wan to cry i will smile and think of all of the kind people who care for me on MyOtaku....thank you all...
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
so sorry...
for my pictures there will be a delay...sorry my teacher took them and wanted to show them to his wife...ii guess he liked them...anyway thank you all for the encouragement...there is a meaning to my many of you know i enjoy playing the piano...well it brings me to my place...where i can be me...anyway...yeah...and the song is nice i think...people are erasing their signatures from my guestbook...why? so far two people have...why would they do that...they must dislike me in some way or another...that makes my heart fall to pieces to know that people i do not really know hate me...sad-ning right?...well anyway right now i am at my friends house (pita-ten) so i can not stay long...and my grandmother is haveing surgery next make sure if she has or does not have CANCER...i blame myself because i wanted her dead...all well...farwell my beloved friends...
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