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Saturday, February 18, 2006
Wee, new piccie! Dont ask me why, but Im up at 3 am, still sick, and Im drawing anime!!! LOCO! *snoore* Gotta.. go.. to ... sleeeeeep....
Check out pic if ya wanna!
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Friday, February 17, 2006
mm.. I forgot to tell you in the previous post, Ive submitted a new drawing. So far I got 3 votes and 2 comments, but those comments were really great, si I think you will like this one.. Oh, and Ada, there's something wrong with myO so Im having trouble reading your comment, you know. This things annoye me so much =_=
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Thursday, February 16, 2006
Sick again
Oh... Im sick.. Almost everyone in my class got sick lately and offcourse I got it as well. So now Im just hanging around at home doing little and nothing. Studying? My head gets dizzy as soon as I try to concentrate about anything. And I cant really read any books and actually /read/ them, I just look at the letters.
So, anyway, been watching Naruto ^_^ And, Ive used an entire day to play 50% of FFX-2, just beacuse I wanted to hear that song "Thousand Words". And Ive been scetching like a mad woman, Ive only done like 2 drawings, but I have.. 50 scetches or something... Dont know why, I just dont get pleased with the outcome of the scetches, so I leave them unfinished.. Not like me really.. I hope I will finally get done at least one masterpiece soon.
Well, take care all, and try not to get sick like me! And if you do, take good good care of yourselves, and drink lemon tea with honey ^_^
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Saturday, February 4, 2006
Nyaa... Naruto...

XD He looks so god danm good on this picture...

And this must be one of my favourites.. Its so adorable!

The last one... :

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Friday, February 3, 2006
Hey all people!
I know my last post was oh, so long, but it always become like that when I decide to write down a dream. What can I say, I have long dreams... Hmm, actually, not all of the time, but the only reason some dream are short is because I forget so much of them, and it wouldnt be any good to read because of all the wholes in the story...
Blah, blah, anyway...
Im in such a "bad" mood these days. I am happy, Im always in a bouncing mood, but I just feel so bad for not studying. I swear, I havnt read more than 5% of all we should have read untill now. And it kinda makes me feel bad, but it doesnt make me wanna do any work anyway XD.
Today I woke up early, as I said before, but when I got to school I found out that the class had been canceled because the teacher was sick. So now I had like... 4 hours of free time. Did I read? NO! Hehe.. me and two boy from my class (sorta buddies) went to take a "test" instead. We were headhunted by a girl from phsycology-classes (you hear that Ada Pallas?? Phycology students hunt us down..) She had a project for her master degree, and needed people to participate. Next thing I know, Im sitting in a small rom with a piece of paper in my hand, writing down how much I love/hate my body, and how beautiful I find the letters in the alphabet. Numbers as well... It was like : From a scala of 1-10, how beautiful is the number 23?
And it didnt stop there.. We also had to do a test on the computer to test our reaction abilities, but that test was so long and to hard to describe, so I wont bother you with that.
Ive gotta go no, Im beeing picked up by a friend, were going to go parteeey!
See ya!
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Long time no see!
Hehe, its been awhile since last I posted, Ive been so lazy lately, pluss: nothing interesting has really happened. But now I feel I should just write something instead of posting quizz-results that probably bore everyone to death XD.
Currently Im working on a drawing requested by my brother (although I probably should be doing homework) But I cant get my way around it. The image wont stick to the paper, it wont turn out like I want it to at all! That really bothers me, and I cant think about anything else at all.
I have to get up somewhat early tomorrow morning to go to school. Blah, I dont want to, I like to sleep. My nightmares dissapeared for now so sleeping is comfortable, I found a secret weapon to summon devils, so now it seems the monsters are a bit afraid of me. Atleast they havnt been bothering me all to much. (well, the aliens still try to take over the earth and kill all humans, but they arent that violent)
Maybe I should write down one of my dreams again? Okey, Ill do that right now, but you dont have to read all that unless it interests you in particular. Lets see... One dream that isnt that nasty...
I was a man. We were in the middle of a war, but we werent in battle at the moment. The sky was dark and cloudy, everything seemed so depressing and horrible. I was in a party of maybe 5 men and my 3 sons were with me. I believe we were out to scout, our village was not to far away, maybe we were heading home. I found myself inside a cave and we were walking out of there, when suddenly we were attaked by 4 orchs. They grabbed my sons and tried to run away with them, we were fighting back at them when suddenly the ground started trembling and the cave was falling appart. The orchs ran backwards into the cave with my sons, and I wanted to follow them, but the other men in my party were holding me back and pulling me away. We had to hurry out before we were burried by rocks. I screamed and fought nevause I wanted to run after the orchs, but I was pulled out as the cave was falling down. The orchs were our enemies, as well as many other species were. It was not a "normal" war between humans.
I split up from our party, and my memory about this part of the dream is not so clear. But I was walking alone, heading closer to the battlefront. I meet many creatures and men, some who had been at the front lines. As time passed, I heard talk about some mystical treasure. This treasure would give you great powers. I wanted to find this treasure, to save my sons, and maybe help win the war. But I also knew that I was not the only one searching for this treasure. I had to hurry. The clods were still hanging over our heads, sometimes dripping, raining. It was all so grey and dark and wet.
I searched for days, maybe even weeks or more, I cant remember. Then suddenly one day I found something. I was walking around and then I saw somthing on the ground. I dont know how I knew, I just did. This was the treasure I had heard of. And I was the one who found it before anyone else! It was an egg. I sat down and cracked the egg open. Inside was the fetus of a bird. I knew I had to eat this fetus in order to get the power. So I did it. I didnt fell any imediate change, but it grew on me, and as time passed I would become less a human and more .. something else. But I would never feel any change.
With this new strenght I headed back to my village. I was happy, now I could defeat my enemies, and save my sons. If they were alive after all this time. I entered the village and people came to greet me. I told them about what had happened and I was so happy. They were happy too. But then... I saw one woman in the back. She had not come to greet me, but was watching me from a distance. I looked at her, and suddenly I was not so happy any longer. She looked surprised to see me, but at the same time: emotionless and somewhat sad. I didnt recognise her at first, but I started walking towards her and then I remembered: she was my wife! And I had not had a single thought for her during all this time.
I could see in her eyes that she hadnt recognised me at first eihter. But now she did, and she was just surprised. I saw it in her eyes that I had changed and I saw that I had not showed her any love before. So when I now looked at her and loved her, she got confused. I started walking with her, away from the village, and I held my arms around her. Then we started lifting from the ground. I could fly, for I had wings. But my wings could not be seen. I had a cloak on and this is how she looked : she had dark brown hair, it reached halfway down her back, and her clothes were like the clothes the vikings used. She must have been around 30. Anyway, we were up in the air, and it was raining once again. She held a sword in her hand and I got sad when I saw it. She shouldnt have to fight the war that was raging below us. So I took her hand in mine and raised the sword up, trying to take it away from her, trying to tell her that she didnt have to fight now. I loved her so much. And then I kissed her. I knew that I hadnt kissed her in many many years, and I hadnt showed her any attention. She was so surprised.
Then I felt something else, something dangerous. I looked around and noticed a red light behind me, far away. I knew that this red light would see me if I flew, because it was magical like me. And it was very dangerous. So I decided it was best to get down to earth again. We landed and I told her that I would find our sons and bring them home. I would also fight in the war. Then I left the village and headed for the mountains/hills were I had last seen my 3 sons.
My memory gets blurred again, but I remember getting into the caves. I found them, and they were alive (the orchs had been so stupid that they hadnt manage to kill them yet). I flashed of one of my new skills and burned the orchs alive with my deadly eyes (pretty cool eh?). So my sons were saved and I went to war.
Thats about it. Well, I do remember some fierce battle scenes, include one in whitch I actually ate a whole person (he wouldnt let me through a gate). But that was in the end of my dream and it all blurred out, so I cant remember clearly... Well, there was some killing...
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Hahaha... Ah, this made me laugh....
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
Mya, why wont it show???!!! I made this great picture linky stuff thingy, but it wont work! Ada Pallas, what am I doing wrong? I tried out your code to make a picture link, but the whole post disapeared! Mya.. :(
I just wanted everyone to see my new drawing... Its my very first Gaara pic ^_^ I like Gaara. All he needs is a hug!
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Okey, here it goes.. Im gonna try out the code I got from Ada Pallas.. Hehe, I know, I know, Im a bit late, but better late than never eh? So, I hope it works this time, creating a picture link. Thank you for not giving up on me Ada, I hope I can do it properly now..
So: this is (in case it shows up) my newest drawing, and its a Naruto fanart. But I put in another non-Naruto person there.. :p Gaara needs a friend, dont you think? I ceep thinking that if only someone would give him a hug, there would be peace on earth.... or something :p
Gaara pic
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Opp og hopp
Hehe, hellu folks!
I just finished todays lecture, the first one this year. Oh, it was so boooring! He talked on and on about Platon and his "ideal state". Like we havnt heard about that before (we had philosophy last year, and got the same info then too)! And it still isnt interesting to me. Well, anyway, itll be an easy exam if thats what theyre going to ask about..
So, well, here I am at the library, trying to find out what books I need, and guess what..? Its impossible! I cant even believe it. It seems that I need.. hmm .. give me a second, Ill count.. 18 (!!!) books for 3 (!!!) subjects! Well, something tells me this cant be right. Am I supposed to buy the entire book when I only need to read 2 chapters from it?! Books cost money, I cant buy 18 books! There must be a mistake here.
Okey, my buddy here next to me tells me that well just have to wait untill the lectures start in the other subjecys as well, and probably the teatcher will fill in all neccesary info. I hope so. Because Im so confused... :(
Still, Im sort of happy today ^_^ I got up early, and I feel fresh and alive! Hehe.. I eat sushi yesterday, jum jum.. and banana split... I love sushi, its so good.. and rice and soya sause.. mmmm. Good memories. And we also made a pizza later that day, also very jummy. I got stuffed yesterday :p
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