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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
Hello! :o)
Im glad to be back again after my looong vacation. Ive actually missed this place. Hehe, so, today Ill be posting something rather unusual, coming from me, its a drawing done in black pen. No pencils this time, and no schetching. I havnt got any great inspiration lately. Started playing Pokèmon this Christmas, so the only thing I can come up with drawing is.. eh, pokèmon... A shame really.
Ive been having these dreadful dreams lately aswell, and its becoming a bad circle. I walk around all day thinking about my nightmares, and as a result; I get more of them. Or at least I think thats the way it works. So I decided to draw to get my thoughts away from my dreams. And thats how this.. doodle ended up.
Anywho.. The lazy Christmas has really gotten to me, I wake up at 2 pm and go to bed at 5 am... Well, thats about to change, because Im starting my studies again next monday. Jihaa!
Oh, and, we got more Naruto from our dear anime-dealer, so its all about Naruto these nights. Started watching Robin : witch hunter , but Naruto is .. hehe, not so dark and slow. Robin was nice, but "I choose you Naruto!" Maybe Ill watch more Robin later, who knows.. She was pretty damn fine :P
(my dreams really trouble me, I never thought my imagination was this horrible... I feel evil)
Fewh! I finally got up from the bed and got my hands on the exam results.. Its a C and an A! An A!!!! Hurray for me! Hehe, Im very happy about that... Never thought I d make it. What courses it was? To hard to explain.
Hope you all are doing fine, sorry if my post was all to long! Check out my drawing if you like!
Bye for now ^_~
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Friday, December 16, 2005
Environmental question
What is more important? Humans or nature/animals? Income and profit or nature?
If you are attacked by a tiger in the jungle, will you shoot it for your own protection?
Humans populate the world, how much are we really worth? One life and we are dead. We are so many, there is no way our race will die out. Should minorities be sacrificed for the benefit of the majority?
The real question is: how much are we actually willing to sacrifice? Can we sacrifice our own life? Can we live without our daily coca-cola? Can we see the big picture? The future?
Please think about this.
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
Naruto quiz
Which Naruto character do you fight like?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 11, 2005
Well, I have a lot on my mind these days. So much to do, so many presents to buy. And on top of all, Im going away to my mothers place for the holiday, so I have to give all the presents to my friends before I leave...! I have less than a week! Ugh..
Another thing: while Im at my moms place, I probably wont be here at myO at all. Ill probably be occupied with everything else, Christmas preperations and talking to my friend who lives out there, and trying to spend some quality time with my family. You know.
Oh, there are so many things I want to do. And everything at once, whitch is impossible, and I dont even know why I try, because it only makes me tired... I thought that finally being done with the exams would make me relax, but its not. (btw, I went to that party, and it was fun, but not so much fun the day after XD)
Sleepy.. need to sleep. I didnt get any sleep this night eihter. My back hurted for some reason. And then I had to go to work, whitch made me really exhausted, and then I had to help my boyfriends mother dye her hair. Or, actually, we made stripes, whitch was so bothersome, because it took 2 hours, and I had to pull all those little pieces of haire to dye and sepparate them from the rest... =(
Well, now I will do some bellydancing and the go to bed! Marry Christmas everyone! Ill try to make it here later, but if I dont: have a nice holiday! Eat lots of good food and have fun!
~ chikki ~
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
I forgot to ask.. Im gonna get photoshop for my birthday present, but the giver doesnt know whitch version to buy me.. I dont know anything about photoshop, so if someone who knows have any idea of whitch version would be best for me, a total newbee in that area, please help =) Thank you!
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Well, now its just holidays for me. No more exams this semester =D Its good to be done, and the last exam that I had today went really well! I was so happy when I saw the options for my exam, whitch questions I could answer. They were both so easy, I used only 2 hours on writing the 7 pages I delivered. Still, today is not my best day. For some reason, I dont understand why, I couldnt sleep at all this night. I went to bed at 11 pm, but didnt slep untill 2 am or something. Then I woke up again at 4.30 am and couldnt sleep properly. So I was bright awake at 7. Blah, it was horrible, and I felt so hungry, but didnt want to eat, and it almost felt like I would throw up. Maybe I eat some bad food... What a way to start the exam.. I went home and got to bed after the exam. And now Ive gotten myself a couple of extra hours of sleep. I still feel tired though.
My classmates are having a party today to celebrate that we are done with the last exam before Christmas. Uh, I dont know if Ill last that long. I was really in the mood yesterday, but after having such terrible little sleep, I really dont know... Hmm, well, we will just have to wait and see. Maybe Ill feel better later.. Its only 15.30 now, I still have.. 5 hours to make up my mind =)
Hmm.. and I have to hurry bying the last presents for Christmas.. I havent gotten around doing much lately, just been practicing and studying..
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Friday, December 2, 2005
Just 1 more
Now I have only 1 more final exam. I looking so much forward to the end of it! Im preparing and preparing, but not as much as I would like to. I think I lack self-dicipline. Hehehe, you all see where I am right now, and Im not studying, thats for shure.. Boo! Bad chikki! Okey okey.. Ill go study..!
Anyway (I just have to talk a little bit more) I just took this quiz again and posted the results (again, a proof that I havnt been studying) But but! Eh.. The result is so accurate! I really like this quiz.. Okey okey! NOW Ill go and study, and I wont see you guys untill Im done with the exam, whitch is the 8. des. (uh, who am I trying to fool, Ill sneek away from my studies every once in a while, but its not likely that I will post)
So, hope all of you have a nice time and good luck to all who is going through the same as me! See ya!
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Tuesday, November 29, 2005
I used to think, that love might be that one person in the entire universe, the entire eternity. One person just for you. And when you meet that person, you will know. And that this person, this soul, you would have to search for, maybe forever, again and again, even in different lives. And all other loves would be nothing but entertainment, something to ceep you busy untill that speciall someone comes your way. I used to believe that when you met this soul, it would be your twinsoul, and you would be united forever.
I remember from my dreams that I have loved in the past. Different lives, different persons. But I always thought that it might be the same soul. In another body. I used to long for this love, for this person to come back to me, to feel peaceful again. I woke up sometimes crying, for I had dreamt of my love, and lost it. I searched my heart to find it, because it had to be there, where it had been before. But I was so emty. So lonely.
I fell in love several times, and never thought any different. Love was something else. I met a person. He looked familiar to me, and I loved him from the very moment our eyes met. He told me that he had seen me somewhere before, but we had never met before. I dreamt of him, and I knew I loved him deeply. I still do. But that didnt stop me from falling in love with someone else.
3 times I fell in love. I met another person. A total stranger. He had the eyes of a wolf, and he scared me at first. I dreamt of werewolfs many nights in that period. Then I began to love him. And he loved me back. And I could not remember this person, but the feeling.. it was the same as it had been before. I recognise it from my dreams.
Then one night I had a dream that changed the way I had always looked upon love.
It taught me that the ones I remember today, the ones that will come to me and find me, they will always be there. There is no one true love. No twin soul. The ones I meet and love, the ones that I meet again, they will always be there, by my side. He is like that old book with magic spells, that you can take with you wherever you go. You know every inch of that book, and you know that if you are ever in trouble, it will help you, for you understand it. You can leave it somewhere and know that it will still be there when you come back. Filled with all good meories and knowledge.
But love... The love from my heart and dreams... It is like a flower that blossoms for only one year, one life. When winter comes, it dies. And when spring comes there will be new flowers. It will be the same type of flower, but never the same one. That is why it is important to hold on to it and enjoy it while you can. Because you can not take it with you when you leave, and you can not know that it will still be there when you come back.
That is why I know that I will stay with my wolf, and no longer search for love with that someone who will stay with me forever. For no mather what, he will always be him. And my wolf, my flower, he will be gone when winter comes. And then I will long for his love again, the love that only that flower can give. Only one time, one life.
Why am I talking about love and flowers? Here is why: I want to tell those of you who care, that there is no meaning in searching for the everlasting, because the everlasting will, in the end, always be there. Enjoy that which you only have for that one time. Atleast, that is what love is for me. It is not perfect with a twin soul, it is briefly, with a stranger that you might never see again. But, it is worth remembering.
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Monday, November 28, 2005
Birthdays and exams
Hello! ^__^
Yesterday I celebrated my birthday, even though its not untill tomorrow! lol, Im getting OLD! 20! OMG, I cant believe it! hehe, I feel like a child of 10, how can I be so old? hehehe, neeway...
I had 10 guests at the table, and we were quite 'cramped' if thats a word =p. There wasnt much space. I cooked and had my brother and boyfriend to help me. We had lamb and fried potatoes and jummy jummy... And my brother made three cakes! I promise: no one left that table with lust for more food! I stuffed them MUAHAHAHAHA! ^__^
Its was nice, its just: my friends are so quiet and polite and they didnt know each other all that well (Im not part of any gang or group, so its a little here and there). So it was as much fun as I would have liked, I just have one girlfriend thats loudy. And she really took alot of the attention! Hehehe, but shes so funny, so its all good..
About exams though... blah! I had one this morning, I had to get up at 07.00 Uack! I hate waking up early! I thought I knew everything there is to know about this subject, philosophy, but nooo... Offcourse they came up with questions I didnt know the answer too! About Imanuel Kant and Descartes. And the thing is: I realy DO know alot about these people, but they asked so difficult! And about details! It was so embarrasing, I just sat there and "...uhm eh..". Well, I got a D. F is failure, A is the best. So I m not happy about that grade, but.. theres nothing to be done about that. I must accept it. And, after all, they said that I was far from failing and that they think that Im a good student, so I will have no problems in the future, I was just unlucky with the questions...
Nya, Ill live. Its not like my dreams are shattered or anything.
I hope youre all doing great! See you later!
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
Hear hear! Todays horible news:
Nightwish's singer Tarja has been kicked out of the band! It appears that the rest of the group did not like her housband Marcelo and gave her an ultimatum: eihter leave him or Nightwish. She left Nightwish! So now Tarja will be a solo artist and Nightwish (the rest of the band) is looking for a new singer. I heard today from my brother, and he also told me that there was a letter by Thomas on the official homeside about this teme, but I couldnt get into that page. It appears that all Nighwish sites are down, but lucky me found one in German that explained the situation. So now you know. Isnt it horrible? At least for us who love Nightwish....
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