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So far north, no one would believe me if I said that I actually live there
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I did win some sort of 3. price in a t-shirt drawing contest, and my friends really like my art...
Anime Fan Since
since I saw the first half of Akira
Favorite Anime
Dragon Half, Samurai X, Chrno Crusade, Exel Saga (!), Cowboy Bebop and...oh, well... :) Pretty much all animes Ive seen
to be international famous
drawing...and hugging, and petting with animals
enthusiasm, fortune telling and getting myself into trouble
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Saturday, November 5, 2005
Poems of todays posting
Today i posted a drawing with a "poem" on it, and i just thought id write it here as well, for all visitors who doesnt bother looking at my art, and for those who cant read my handwriting =p I also wanna post a poem that belongs to another pic, but that pic i wont post XD So anyway, here they are:
The search
If I could say that I love you
to whom could I say it to?
I want no more happy faces
No more of these emty smiles
How can I say that I love you
when I dont know if you exist
beyond my imagination
The search for you is never ending
How many of these happy faces
must I pass
before I can finally see your face
Before I can say that I love you?
Why do I have
these dreams at night
These dreams
that hount me
like a ghost of a truth
that I wish I knew
A dream that faded
long time ago
A truth I once knew
but dont know no more
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Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Art of Otaku
Hey all!
Guess what? I just downloaded the Art of Otaku!! Its this kinda "how to draw manga" book, with our own artists from theOtaku! I just recognised the names of Milky Cat and Snow Fox, but there were 6 other artists as well who each have their own chapter in the book. It looks so exiting, but i havnt got the time to read it all, its huge! And i think im gonna download Adaobe reader stuff first, it was recomended..
I just wanted to tell you all, its so exiting that this is a product from this very page! MyO is like my second home.. =p I just love being here, and its so fun to see that people here, and Adam the great, have come together and made this book. I dindt even know of the product untill i got an e-mail from Adam, so maybe im the only one here that didnt know of this project, but im really exited about it! I cant wait to read it! .. But i have too =p Right now i have to sleep, its late here already and i have school tomorrow -.-
Well, ill be shure to tell you what the "book" was like when im done with it ^.^ The official release is November 20. So all of you who havnt got the chanse to download it yet will just have to wait untill then.
See ya laterz!
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Monday, October 31, 2005
Yupp yupp!
Yey! I finally did it! I managed to get rid of the inner bg and meny colors! The reason i still have a inner bg color is : it got a little to messy without it. Ill go search for a better soothing bg image first ^_~
Thanks for all the help!
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
learned something new

and just so i wont forget: is the place to go.. Man, have i been looking for this site for long now!
Uhm, anyone who knows how to get rid of the inner background colors?
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Yey! It worked.. lol ^_^ If you dont get it, never mind, im just talking to myself.. =p
So, anyway. Yesterday i posted a drawing that .. hmm, whats her name.. AsageKitsune?, well, she drew it, and i coloured it ^_^ I also posted a painting i made a couple of years ago, but i think ill delete it, cus it didnt look good..
Hope all of you are having a great time!
PS. all the beautiful snow melted :( Its too hot... But not to fear! Itll come again! Its just the beginning of winter!
PPS. check out my newest scanned pic ^_^
Heres a poem from my friend Vamp2004, i just didnt want it to lay around in the shadows all the time...
you are there
you are always there
your behind me
your in front of me
your all around me
but when i go to reach for you
i end up with nothing
my love is what keeps you here
but i dont know if i am hurting you
i want you to go away but yet i dont
you are always around me
you are like a ghost now
you haunt me in my sleep
you haunt me in my dreams
you haunt me everyday
so i guess now i am haunted by your spirit
so i am haunted
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Just tryin out something... =p
 you represent the begining of life. you are bright and cheerful and love being who you are!
What part of life do you represent? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
mya, still sick. I didnt go to school today, cus then i would have to get up really really early, and i wanted to sleep instead =p
I figured out my scanner, and i think its working okey.. I posted a pic today with it, just a little something i had laying on my desk, please comment!
We still have lots of snow, and its really cold outside, brr.. Need lots of clothes...
Hope youre all doing fine, and dont get sick like me!
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Wee! I just got a scanner! Its a multi thingy thingy.. XD Ist both a scanner, a printer, and it can copy! Yey! Hehe, the only problem now is to get it to work.. =p I dont know how to do it, im really not good at this stuff, so i just hope my boyfriend will take som time of WOW and help me installing..
What else is happening up here? We just got loads of snow..It finally got cold enough for all the rain to turn into snow, but i dont know if itll last, if the temerature rises a little now, it will all melt away. I hope not, im so sick of rain, pluss: i love snow! Its really cold outside, but i dont want the snow to go away!
Blah, im sick.. :( And i was going to a consert today and everything! I was going to see Kaizers Orchestra (Norwegian group), but i know that if i went, i wouldnt be able to get up tomorrow, pluss, id had a major head ace. A shame though, i was looking forward to this consert... Oh, well, there will be other opportunities!
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005
hmm.. whats this?
None of my friends have updated their sites today! Im the only one here!! And and.. they will probably all be on tomorrow, but then i will not be here.. Isnt it tradical? hehe, oh well, never mind.
I just learned that dan felton has moved out, and is now living in his own, poor and everything. So; hes selling his pics.. XD I wish him the best, and heres a tip for you all who wishes to move out: get a job! Its a great thing to have. Ive personally lived away from my mom for hmm.. what is it now, 5/6 years, and know practically everything there is to know about living alone for the first time. So if anyone needs any help with that, im available :)
Uh! My Uriel pic didnt quite get the response i wanted. C`mon people! Take a look! Vote! Comment! Its one of my best pics so far if im to believe what im told! And my Belladonna pic too! It really deserves better! Well, i know this is a dificult site to show of art anyway, so i wont be sad or angry if i dont get the response i want.. But you really are missing something...
Chisaki! If your there: your kittens are ready, and if you had something else in mind, ill try to draw you new ones.
Take care now all of you, dont drink and drive when you can smoke and fly..
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Sunday, October 16, 2005
Okey folks, new piccys are here, please take a look at them... Especially the Uriel pic, its this seasons greatest work from me... The kittens are a request, and the others are experimental.. Please vote =^.^=
Also.. dunno whats wrong about MyO these days, am i the only one having slightly problems with the view of my site? Everything seems so... long ?! Nya, never mind if you dont understand..
Raining, as always... This autumn has realy been a special one. We have had rain now for.. 2 months? Constantly. Every day. E v e r y s i n g l e d a y. Its due to the orcans and stuff in USA.. So, their bad weather actually affects us. We have currently broken every single record. I dont think Norway have had this much rain since.. never!
Blah, ill probably have exams soon.. :(
Anyway!! Hope you have a nice day! Enjoy my gallery if you like, and ill see you later!
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