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myOtaku.com: chikki

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Oh, thank you so much for liking my hamster =) Its there for pure fun !

And today folks, nothing special has happened!

I ate cake.. that my bf made for me.. But, he didnt make it right the way it should be. Lets just say, it was very...soft and heavy to chew =)

Hey hey! Im going to visit my mom this week! Im actually not visiting her, but a girl thats one of my best friends that also live there...on this deserted island far far away. Its her confirmation. So, i bought her a summer dress (very summerish) and an orange plastic purse (very very summerish). And B-Are (buddy) is going to make her a neckless... Looking forward to seeing it, he has a really talent with making jewelery.

I will post more art, but it probably wont come until next week... Im having trouble with time =P Never too much of it.

Recently introdused Tenchi Muyo to my bf, he really liked it! So, my reccomandations to all of you who havnt seen it yet, or read the manga, whitch is also great...(me having all of it, and being really happy)

Hum... i have some bad news.. well, they only concern me, but.. I think ive lost my mus�.. I cant picture any images in my head any longer ! *troubled* Hope its just a fase im going through, due to too much thinking.

Hope you all have a great day, and come bye sometime later too =)

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