As I sit in my wizard robe and kitty ears, I would like to continue with yesterdays subject. I feel that I really didn't take the time to fully express my view on the subject.
I believe that religion is both a beautiful and a Ugly thing.
It is beautiful because in many ways with out it life would be a much duller place. It at times causes people to expand their imaginations and reach for a goal that is beyond human. It allows for mythologies that you can learn a great deal from and also always expand upon.
The thing that makes religion ugly is that in the same way it may expand what you may have once thought so many also constrain what those same thoughts. You could be forbidden to experience things that would be helpful to your life. It also brings about so much hate between people, because there are so many different things to believe that many people just get washed up in the mix.
Any who, religion is just to big for me to take seriously. It like the MAN but on the whole cosmic scale and if I’m not careful I could fall off into a black hole.
Oh, I’m sure you’re wondering about the wizard robe and kitty ears . . . well I guess you’ll have to keep on wondering, because I’m off the Harvest Moon Fest.
Happy Harvest!!!
Of your soul that is! Nah, Just kidding.