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Reploid Zero
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AB honor roll,and i guess i have excellent luck when playing friends in soul calibur. I successfully have created some neat backgrounds with friends. Beau: I have a loving girlfriend, at least. Zack:... So!
Anime Fan Since
WE were 7 years old.
Favorite Anime
inuyasha,Jing,king of hell,DN angel,naruto,and um...NARUTO!and Boktai the sun is in your hand.(not anime,but a cool game :D) final fantasy the most....
...To get into UofA
games,gundam games,fighting games and um..reading..drawing,im better than my bro XD Beau: Yeah right.
Talents fighting,basketball,baseball,swimming,and playin ma gool old Viola!(orchestra) I also like to do tricks on my bike. Beau: I've started skating recently, and Like to watch movies on my Video iPod.
| Childre Inarbita
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Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The Village Under the Sea
I get comments during the day like, I should make an anime, or a TV show lol. I should make a book.
Veronica stood in the foothills at the end of the desert. An oasis was near, and her troops needed water. It was desperate to get to the lake before Zack and his wounded soldiers. They could have spent weeks there. But now She had a post. It was impossible to get in without infiltration.. But that snake.. He could have been trouble. Hopefully his corpse was being pecked away by the buzzards.
Meanwhile, Drew sat sulking in his tent, not quote sure what to do.
Drew: I hope somebody lived..
I wont have anyone to go back to.. But I dont want to go back, all he does is boss me around.. But I listen, so I guess its not his fault.
You! Stop that. And go take your watch.
Drew: Oh yeah, Im coming.
He stood up and walked with his head down to his post. Veronica was busy packing for the trip into the middle of the lake, In which the traitor would stay here and be guarded by the horde.
Back at the desert, the team had come upon grasslands. I was tired from carrying Adriel's body. He was missing his rifle arm and had to be patched up. In the meantime we gave him a robotic arm as a substitute, but it was nowhere near as accurate.
Eeveryone, we can pull water from the ground using magic.
Jess: sounds like a fine Idea.
She was missing her thumb, a tent collapsed on her and she was rescued while I was busy pumping lead into the bird's head. Along with us, I had brought a small bottle with a boat in it. People thought it was just a model. We would use it to get to atlantis, the city under the lake after the Asahari Grasslands. Then I saw it. The horde camp. Perfect. We were low on supplies and we needed water. I would be just right for the job.
Which was what Veronica had anticipated. She put guards on only the side and back entrances to camp. She waited in her tent, fully armored. And told only the best assasins to stay. She wanted a showdown with this, snake, and bring him to his knees.
As you can clearly tell, I was only TELLING you about the village. So yeah. Im having a good time doing this, I hope to keep it up. I have been taking care of my mother, Ive balanced my hardcore schedule, and I run cross courty 4 times a week. I feel GREAT. we race tommorow, and I dont know if Im prepared. Wish me luck, friends.
See ya!
Dad quotes: "Fairness is what justice really is."
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Monday, September 25, 2006
Journal #3
This is turning into more like a story lol.
I'll keep most of it along the lines of my dreams though.
I was on night shift, the first watch. I watched everyone doze on the soft sand, we had been traveling all day and all night the past two days, and antlions were everywhere. It gets old after a while. The mountainous dunes were perfect for sleeping on. I walked a little ways and then slipped, flying down an underground tunnel, slick from the eroding sand. I hit an underground cavern, rubbing my hit while sitting up.
Where am I?.. ugh, my head..
Then I heard it. AND felt it too, eck. A horrible hissing sound. I wan in an antlion nest. So close to camp? No way. We could be doomed.
Meanwhile: The main Character is Crystal.
*yawn* Time for my shift.. Zack? oh whatever. She stood up and scanned the horizon, it was almost daybreak. She was thinking about what they would eat. There were plenty of rations, but they needed to be cooked. Everyone was up and at 'em already the next hour. But where was zack? A shadow loomed over the team. They were happy for the shade.
Wow! we have some serious luck for a cloud in the desert. Then they all looked up. Not good.
They pointed and immediatly equipped their weapons. She looked up.
Oh. OH. OH. MY. GOD!!
She ran immediatly for her Gunblade. Which was also a shield.
Back at the Nest: Back to Zack
I sat quietly and fumed. I was scared. Very scared. Antlions are easy, but when there are 1 million, and they attack at the same time? Not quite. My eyes finally adjusted to the darkness. And realized I was in the queen chamber. Not good. Good thing they're Blind. But smell is amazing, ten times more powerful than a dog's. But.. I was wearing a special shirt and leggings, leaving no scent.. But they're hearing is even more sensitive. Im not prepared for that one. I stood up and everything was instantly alerted.
Uh.. Hi.. Just uh.. Passing through..
SSSS... They raised their claws. A sign of.. Friendship? I was confused.
Oh yeah. not hard. Other than I know NOTHING about Antlions. I didnt know they could even talk. I walked on all four limbs, and if they had eyes, Im sure they would stare. I found myself about a mile from camp. With something about as big as the Eiffal tower (spelling?) slaughtering anything in site. I ran. It took me about 5 minutes. When I got there, the camp was burning, and everyone was tired.
'jya miss me?
Crystal: Where wer- nevermind. just help us.
Sounds good. I ran to my burning tent and grapped a hilt. Just a hilt, which happened to be a laser gun too. I shook it, a green blade shimmered out from the sword, and it attached to my arm like a robotic hand. I ran back and simply jumped. HIGH. I climbed along the bird's body limb by limb, and hovered in front of its face. It roared. It was to horrible to describe, reeking of the billions of people it has slaughtered in its life.
Seriously. I threw a tooth brush at it. It cocked its head and screeched. Then I pounded its face in, and it sliced my side with its enourmous beak. It beat me with its wing, and I ran along it and flipped onto its head. I drove my beam sword into its skull to the hilt. My gun folded off and fired 3 Armor piercing bullets into its brain. It didnt die. But it was in so much pain it collapsed. I didnt have the heart to kill it. No matter how much pain it caused. Im not a killer. Unfortunately for me, crystal walkd across its body, to the gaping hole on the center of its head, and drove her rapier deep in. Instant death.
Crystal: Zack, I cant do this anymore. Im turning back. Theres a large village here, And I intend to find it, somewhere in these sands. Goodbye.
And then she was gone.
Next Episode: The Village Under the Water
Sup? Like it? I keep having the continuations every night! Dont you love those dreams? Im having a race on wed at CC. I ran 8 hill sprints and 3 and a half miles today. Not bad. I even beat Andrew Carr and Vince, the fastest runners!
Awesome. Proves Im getting better.
See ya!
Dad Quotes: "The shifts of fortune test the liability of friends."
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
Journal #2
She stood in the trees, watching us. She was the fiercest fighter and magician in the pack. She had her eye on the betrayer, just incase he decided to rebel again. Drew decided it was time to chat.
Drew: We're going right back to base, right?
Derw: Like, now?
Wait. I need to eliminate one more person.
Drew: FINE. god..
What was that?
Drew: nothing!
She had her eye on Crystal. She didnt want any FEMALE slaves. especially those who pose a threat. But she needed a plan. a good one. Then she knew what would do it. A Grifon, the swamp gaurdian. She simply threw a piece of magpie into the air, and a shadow instantly drew upon in, and dissapeared in a flash. She pointed at Crystal, and it ascended to stalk its prey. Poor girl, she thought, there was no hope. But then she saw Zack. She thought, a snake. Simply dangerous. She felt something, although she did not know what it meant, something... Emotional. No matter, she knew they would confront eventually.
Next Episode: Crystal's Final Fight
Whats up? Im tired folks, Im not grounded anymore! Which I know wont last for long. Im going to Misawa for my cross-country team! I cant believe it! I made it! Im ecstatic. I feel so good, almost as if life doesnt get any better,Im on top of the world. Have a great day, everyone, theres a long day of school ahead of me, though.
See ya!
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
Dream Journal #1
Its been a while. I missed you guys. And girls. So anyway, Im going to start a dream journal, to say what I dream about sometimes in each post. If anyone has any dreams they wanna share with me, Im here. Im going to say first, I had a dream, unlike any other, that I was longing for again.
I started in a training academy. It was a middle of a war between two empires. One for humans, one for the creatures and outlawed humans that want rights to joing the people of the other. All my friends were there. I was the captain, of course, of my cadet buddies. My friend drew had finished his work, and headed home. I stayed to practice magic. Ill go into the script style.
Jessica: can I go home now?
Zack: sure. remember to practice your bow skills.
Jess: thanks.
Shalise had already left for the day, Thank god I thought. She was always so loud. Suddenly an alarm went off.
Zack: what the hell?
We were being raided. I had to go to my post. which was on the other side of the field. The soccer stadium we used as a shelter was under attack, and I rushed to their aid. But I was too late. It was completely destroyed. There was no sign of Drew. I sat and cried for a moment. I didnt know what to do, but my father would have. I thought what he might have done. He would track them down and slay them for their crimes. So much for them wanting to join us. I gathered up the remaining warriors, Crystal, Teijo, Jess, Shalise, and Adriel.
(now this will be shortened a couple of posts, so it doesnt take too much time.)
We trekked far through terrain. We stopped at a swamp. I started to set up camp, and was interuppted.
Teijo: why are we here? I thought we were tracking them down?
He suddenly dissapeared. There was no sign of him, I thought, it was as if he was never there.
I knew then, Quicksand.
Zack: EVERYONE! off of the swamp, NOW!!
It was too late for shalise, she tripped and vanished into the murky depths. That day two soldiers lost their lives, we were being dwindled down slowly. It was as if we were being hunted by someone..
To be continued..
Anyway, Im tired. I have dark bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep.. School work is killing me. Im grounded. I cant go out, and my moms like, you need to get out more, And im like, IM GROUNDED STUPID. Someone once told me, the biggest thing about becoming a man is taking responsibility. That man was my father. I want to be just like him.. I miss him so much.. But that shouldnt hold me back. See you later, everyone.
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Tuesday, August 1, 2006
Zomg. Opinions.
So I was browsing the forum I go to today, (a Zelda forum) and was reading this topic about goths. heres how the conversation went:
Katana: Dude, goths arent all bad (middle of conversation)
Majora: goths r dum lol
Rybec(brother): Oh boy. Someone keep AM away from this topic. *hides*
Cojiro7:Labels are foolish.
Bydnelg: Quite.
NuKayon: Zomg opinions!
I like food. I like Trance. I like computers. I like sleeping. I like knowing stuff about things.
Z OH MY GOD. I hate plastic knives.
Junior: I hate goats.
Django(guess who): The subject on modern goths would bring up depression and emo-ness in my mind. er.. My school was FILLED with them. I dont like their view on the world. too dark and hopeless.<---optomisticx10
Sabata(me): YOU!! anyways.. Neither do I, and since when have you spoken like that? Back on subject, Still, I could care less about what any goth person would think; if they just like the dark colors or are depressed or praise satan, isnt it up to them? Im sure they don't care about what other people think as well.
And it goes on. Thats only a typical day here. Ill post more funny ones later. See ya.
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free!
So, I just set up internet again the other day, my computer crashed after all the work I had to do. Im going out for one of those Summer-hire things we do here. I also have to some shopping, to get my supplies for school, so Ive been even more busy. we need USB devices now. O.o, I didnt realize freshmans in highschool need something to store work in, we had our own log-ins at the MS. so now here in HS, we obviously dont. so I came across two funny videos today, I thought Id share them.
(one more not funny though,)
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
Hey guys.
been a while. anyways, I cant always get updated every day, families nowadays dont let me anywhere near a computer.Im in arizona now and I am TRYING to get hold of somebody(you know who you are) and she has not contacted me in a while. I feel kind of sad right now, although I cant tell why... I need to do some new things. We went to gameworks yesterday. Its like this humougous arcade with like games(obviously) and a lounge a bar, even a place to eat at. Yeah, we played house of the dead 4 all day, and some other shooting games, but we got bored, (amazing) and went home to eat and just, hang out. I need to talk to SOMEONE. Its just family here and I cant converse because sometimes it seems we're nothing alike. anyway, see ya peeps.
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Sunday, June 25, 2006
Whats going on???
I have some spare time this morning and I noticed nobdy has visited my site in a while.. I guess its because I was gone so long . Its only natural, but Ill have to comment more I guess..I also got internet in my room (again lol) well yeah, other than that I heard something on the radio the other day. It was a basebaall game and they had to cancel it on a count of 10 turtles crossing the outfield. There was a player nijured and had to be rushed to the hostpital for a critical injury. He said to them "why are we going this way? the highway is quicker?" They said "well we cant because theres turtles crossing. and some persons cat was hit by a car and the children are crying and need help" "but why are you worried about them?! IM GONNA DIE HERE!" so the children got a ride and had so much fun the children forgot about their cat that got hit. But the player was fine.
Not much else..Its too early to go out so Im just passing time. See Ya!
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Friday, June 23, 2006
long time not seeing.
been a while huh? sorry for the gap in time, and we have a lot to cover. Too much actually. U cant cover it all today but, I can cover the important bits. Well, important to me anyway.
First: If your out there and You have World of Warcraft, my name is Blazingaxe. (I like it,okay?)
and second, I have a new book series to read for once. I read this book the other day called the keys to the kingdom: Mister monday and Grim Tuesday. Awesome. I liked them at least. And if I didnt know any better I would say kingdom hearts copied off them..They have the keyblades in that book. And they came out before KH. Speaking of which I need to change my theme. But anyways, there good books, so if you get the chance,read them. I need to find the 3rd and 4th books. So yeah.. I also like a new person that was introduced to me during the MTV movie awards. His name is Gnarls Barkley, and I need to download his popular song "Crazy". Its a jazzy thing...anyway.. I fell off my bike yesterday, or something like that. I fell off riding one handed standing up. Going downhill. Cool huh? I live for this stuff. I got some cuts and scrapes. So I went home to see the damage. I pull around my collar and see something red on my shoulder. I look at it closesly and see its bleeding. Well, what do you think was my first reaction? Probly not. I thought, Wow. Then it came. A mindsplitting pain. I was like, wow, that really hurts. And after that my shirt shoulders were bloody. Hah, had ya goin'. But seriously. They were red. But they washed pretty good lol. So thats all thats going on here..A few problems I would like to tell somebody..If she wasnt always busy.. But see ya!
~From the Family of Myself
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
well, spring breaks here, I feel it. no, literally. its really humid out and its been raining for the past three days. saturday my friend slept over.then I went to his house. then I slept over there, then some more friends came over and I borrowed Is's( yes Is, his names Israel.) gamecube for a day. played super smash bros all day. tried to unlock mewtwo, but it didnt wor kout because he didnt let me borrow his memory card.I wish I could go out again. my moms annoying and she wont let me go anywhere for the rest of the week. but she said my friends could come over at 2 tommorow. but seriously, who wants to play at 2 when it takes 10 minutes to get to my house from theirs? but we might go to the new bowlin ally tommorow. we might see ice age 2 friday, so that should be fun.not much else is happening. boredness is taking my life away. at least my spring break <_<. I feel good though, when drew(the friend) slept over, jessica called and said she just watched chicken little, which we were watching at that moment. she called drew the pig, runt,which was true, because he is a gutless flip-flip-flopper and a chicken. And she called me chicken little. because, im inventive and smart and cute..whoa, wait....what were we talkin' about?
Anyway, we went on a field trip last thrusday, tell you about it later peeps, later.
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