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Reploid Zero
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AB honor roll,and i guess i have excellent luck when playing friends in soul calibur. I successfully have created some neat backgrounds with friends. Beau: I have a loving girlfriend, at least. Zack:... So!
Anime Fan Since
WE were 7 years old.
Favorite Anime
inuyasha,Jing,king of hell,DN angel,naruto,and um...NARUTO!and Boktai the sun is in your hand.(not anime,but a cool game :D) final fantasy the most....
...To get into UofA
games,gundam games,fighting games and um..reading..drawing,im better than my bro XD Beau: Yeah right.
Talents fighting,basketball,baseball,swimming,and playin ma gool old Viola!(orchestra) I also like to do tricks on my bike. Beau: I've started skating recently, and Like to watch movies on my Video iPod.
| Childre Inarbita
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
ive updated my site a bit. being a bit of a fan of fire emblem, i had to change the theme. so im gonna put my mini characters throughout my game ^^!



these are my favorite characters to use in the game. i have plenty of them and will post them ALL later.
and stop by my and my brothers new site "Canas"
if you guys would like a sprite, just give me a shout XD
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Tuesday, July 5, 2005
hey guys, sorry i havent been posting lately,ive been feeling...sick...on my fourth of july me and my friends were firing roman candles at each other in the neighborhood. everyone kept getting pissed after i accidenly set my friends leg on fire and he tripped into a persons lawn XD, it set a chain,and we used smoke bombs to, how was your 4th of july?
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
Delta Squad Forming Up: Pt.2
Okay,heres part two.
Boss:we need to concentrate our fire on the super battle droids!throw your charge detonaters!
Scorch:six two ready to go!*tosses two of them*(they explode and leave four of them broken)
Remaining 3 SBD's:drop you weapons.we have you surrounded.
Boss:he has a point
Scorch:he does.*signals* NOW!
Delta Four-oh:profile:The acknowledged 'second-in-command' of the Deltas is a gruff, by-the-book type of clone. He insists on calling his squad mates by their batch designations, rather than the more colorful nicknames they acquired. In the heat of battle, he's most often the one urging the rest of the group to press onward. Known to the others as 'Fixer,' Delta Four-Oh is the resident technology expert, and often handles computer slicing and code-breaking duties. Four-Oh was a favorite of the borderline sociopathic Vau - as they shared a common obssession with tech and tactics.
Fixer:all right!*throws ten sonic detonater grenades down into the field*(the sbds are broken into tiny pieces and 38 is rendered unconcious)
Scorch:administering field bacta sir.hold on,well have you up again in a sec.
Fixer:uploading and linking with your visor sir.
Boss:good work commando.
Fixer:thank you sir.*spies a door*
hey captain,theres a door over there.want me to plant a charge?
Scorch:hey,thats my job.
Boss:i dont care who does it,just get us in there without killing us all.
Scorch:*quickly plants a charge and runs away*
Boss:*detonates*all right squad!lets get in there and start breaking things!
Fixer:roger that.
(they all run in to see broken droids and ripped apart geonesions)
(they all find a lone commando breaking in geonesians faces)
boss:gettung aquainted with the locals eh Sev?
Delta oh-seven:profile:Some soldiers fight because they have to; others fight because they like it. Oh-Seven is definitely one of the latter. Most of the time he's a coldly efficient killer with a grim sense of humor. But when things get hairy, he gets scary. Other members of the squad suspect that someone spiked his cloning vat.
Sev:dont worry guys,i saved some targets for you.*ducks under a war staff,trips a bug off his feet,stands up and fires rounds into its face**stabs the other one and kicks it off a cliff*
Advisor:theres sun fac!through the glass door!shoot it and eliminate him!NOW!have sev get into a sniper position and shoot him down!
Boss:roger that!*pumps the window with rounds and chase after sun fac*
Sev:heading to a position.(heads to a boulder and croutches behind it)
Boss:hurry up sev!
Scorch:me and Fixer will hold off the bugs,take care of sun fac!
Sev:*smacks the head off of a droid and laughs*heh heh heh...stupid droids..
Advisor:sun fac is in his assault ship!take him down!
Sev:Pyou cant rush excellence..*aims for the fuel tank*(fires and it blows up into the sheild a floor downward)
Scorch:hah hah!awesome!
Fixer:all i smell is burnt geonesian.
Advisor:okay squad,head to the droid factory product,thats where the other team failed to do your job,your objective is to destroy the SBD droid production line.
Advisor:good luck team.youll need it.
To be continued...
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Friday, June 17, 2005
Delta Squad: Forming Up
Walon Vau:..awaken little one..your time has come,you must join your brothers,learning and training,to be the greatest warrior.
Delta 38:*looks around slowly at brethren,while learning to slice consoles,and plant charges*
Walon Vau:your job will be to become the most superior to your brothers,and become a member of the most elite team of clones.,the Delta Squad...
Delta 38(prnounced three-eight):profile:Even among clones, there is a heirarchy. Three-Eight is undisputed leader of the Deltas. Relatively taciturn, when he speaks, it's usually to bark out an order to his squad. Three-Eight has earned the respect and loyalty of his squad, and he repays that dedication in strong leadership. Despite being trained by Walon Vau, Three-Eight somehow inherited Jango's strong Concord Dawn accent and speech patterns.
Advisor:welcome to the field for the first time delta ill be your eye in the sky.its nice to finally see they unpluged you from the training simulations.anyways,your objective is to find sun fac,and eliminate him.but,your MAIN objective is to rendezvous with your team.good luck delta.(lands on the geonesian planet)
Clone Trooper:lets go delta.LOOK OUT!(gets grabbed from behind by a geonesian bug and killed,left on the ground behing a rock ledge)
Boss(38):i need to get rid of these bugs...*loads dc-17 machine gun*(runs up through the valley)
(ends up being blown off feet)
Advisor:are you okay 38?you just tool an anti infantry round.
Boss:yeah im fine
Advisor:good,theres a bacta staion just around the corner here,heal yourself and continue to your checkpoint,rendezvous with the clones near the gunship.
Boss:will do sir,(heals self,then runs up to the gunship,but the ship and clones are blown up by a grenade)what was that...since when do geonesians have grenades..*is attacked by 4 warriors*(fires rapidly at three,but on the fourth one,runs up and stabs with blade)*cleans the blood off HUD)
Advisor:we have an anti air turret just up around the cornertake those frag grenades and lob a grenade into the turret.
Boss:will do captain.*picks up a grenade,stabs a droid in the chest,throws grenade into turret and makes a run for it*
(turret explodes and takes out a clone)
Boss:oops....medic!we need a medic over here!(walks into the exploded remains of turret and finds a path)i hope six-two is nearby..
Boss:(looks up at a bridge up top,stabs a nearby bug,and sees droids getting blown up by frag grenades)whoa..
Delta Six-Two:yeah!eat plasma ya stupid driods!
Six-Two:profile:'Scorch'War does funny things to people. Similarly, some people do funny things with war. Six-Two is the Delta's resident wiseacre, regularly dropping a world-weary bon mot into the stew of violence and destruction that serves as the Deltas' steady diet. A competent soldier, and an excellent explosives technician, Six-Two has an overdeveloped sense of irony that could be mistaken for fatalism. 'Scorch' earned his nickname after an ordnance accident that left him and Sergeant Walon Vau without eyebrows for a short time.
Boss:good work soldier.
Scorch:thanks boss.
Advisor:have scorch plant a charge on that barricade delta!we need you to rendezvous with your squad A.S.A.P.!
Scorch and Boss:(see several SBD's walk out in front)
Both:oh damn...
To BE Continued....
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Thursday, June 16, 2005
say hello to delta squad!
alirght guys,ive seen star wars and played like,all the games now.but the one i loved most was republic was awesome(for xbox only)!it inspired me to do a fan fic just for the delta squad.we are an elite fighting team,ahead and mroe powerful then normal clones.tommorow!my new team will start our mission to destroy the sith will begin!introducing my team
Delta 07:nicname'Sev'hes earned this nickname becausse of his will to fight to the end,favorite weapon:the sniper rifle.
Delta 40:'Fixer'he calls his self thisa because he is the more superior of the team.well not really.he has the ability to slice a console faster than anyone.he has a large sense of humor.quote"hey,were all clones here.why am i the only one with a sense of humor?"favorite weapon:concussion rifle
Delta 62:'Scorch'he loves to blow stuff can plainly see"scorch"we dont stand too near him.might get our eyebrows singed off.he has a habit of laying mines and traps for us.and the driods are stupid enough to walk by as i detonate..he has a bit of humour as well,when we kill the trandoshans(lizard men things)and shoot there sends them sky high and quote"hey!look fireworks!weeeeee!"favorite weapon:sonic detonator grenades(motion sensored,extremely dangerous
Now i Delta 38:IS the most supiorios to the team.i am the squad leader.i have the right to kill anything or everything.i give the team the orders around here.and i kep the peace between sev and fixer.feirce rivals they are.but great friends in this war.
well,that concludes our profiles.catch ya tommorow!
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
okay,im here ni pheonix!VISITING MY DAD!cool eh?...okay maybe not,'cause im bored,its ten o'clock and...i have nothing to post about.but tommorow im going to see star wars!FINALLY!well,all for now!
Ja ne!
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Friday, June 10, 2005
i cant decide
okay i know posting twice in the same way is odd,but i want a new theme again!but i dont want check this out,this is Django the solar boy,and his friends!

okay,left to right is sabata,lita,django,and master plainly see that theyre doing some kind of art XD.its hilarious.just thought id post XD
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Permalink more day..
its only one more day before i go out to pheonix.tommorow at seven ill be there!but my mom wants me to do ALLL my chores,try on all my clothes to see what i wanna take,and um...what doesnt fit.and she wants my HAIR CUT!i was like"NOOOOOOOOO" because i comb my hair in the sacred style of my father,and my moms getting remarriied*sob sob*...well,i have things to do,so thats all for now,
Zack--signing out
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
'morning people!
*shuffle shuffle**shuffle shuffle*...oh,hi!im still getting ready for my trip,im really looking forward to talking to my brother again,he just moved,but i already miss him alot.hey,its brotherly love for ya.but then again,your spose to love siblings right?they might be a pain sometimes,but they will always be by your side.maybe not always,because there are times you wished they didnt exist,but you realy know,deep inside,that you really care for them.thats how i feel about my brother.hes cool-and funny.and i respect well as i look up to him.well,thats all for now my friends.i must finish packing.
Zack-----signing off.(Ja ne!!)*has headed back to bed*(im tired -o-..)
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Monday, June 6, 2005
SUMMER is the best time of the year
i love the summers after school ends,know why?because its nothin but trips!im flying to hawaii!and to visit my dad and brother in pheonix arizona!awesome huh?seven plane trips in ONE YEAR!..chrustmas and spring and stuff..but that doesnt matter.this staurday,i leave FOR MY DAD's house!its gonna rock!*shuffles back and forth packing suitcases*anyways,i have work to do,so beat it!or i kill you dead O.o...
(Ja ne!)
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