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Reploid Zero
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AB honor roll,and i guess i have excellent luck when playing friends in soul calibur. I successfully have created some neat backgrounds with friends. Beau: I have a loving girlfriend, at least. Zack:... So!
Anime Fan Since
WE were 7 years old.
Favorite Anime
inuyasha,Jing,king of hell,DN angel,naruto,and um...NARUTO!and Boktai the sun is in your hand.(not anime,but a cool game :D) final fantasy the most....
...To get into UofA
games,gundam games,fighting games and um..reading..drawing,im better than my bro XD Beau: Yeah right.
Talents fighting,basketball,baseball,swimming,and playin ma gool old Viola!(orchestra) I also like to do tricks on my bike. Beau: I've started skating recently, and Like to watch movies on my Video iPod.
| Childre Inarbita
Saturday, December 9, 2006
The Voices tell me to Blow you away!
I have a special Guest appearence, By No1 Imp!
An ugly, short little demon poked its head around the corner.
???: afhaskr?
What the?
Zack: I have no idea what it just said.
Ara: Um.. Maybe its talking in its OWN language?
You would think. Do you speak english?
???: Eng-lish? Aye. you must be humans, thank goodness! My name is No1.
No1? as in #1?
No1: I suppose, my brothers called me that because I never really warped into a true form. Thts okay, though, I suppose. I can use magic, which my brothers can't.
What a strange name..
Zack: Best not make 'im mad. He could easily beat us in this state.
Ara: .. Hmm. Do you know the way out, No1?
No1: I was hoping you could tell me.
I clicked my blade on. It didnt work. That was NOT a good thing.
Zack: Something wrong?
Zack: Whats that? My Sword broke?!
Er.. Sorry.
Zack: Well.. I guess the gun still works, give it here. *fiddles with the controls* There, good as new. *holds up a permanent gun form*
Lets go.
We dashed to No1 and I grabbed him by the collar as we passed around the corner. Suddenly Veronica and Ara stopped. We all collided, and it was comical, to a Merman anyways. A pile of humans twitching and squirming on each other.
We were inside a giant BUBBLE. It wavered on the indside, and the giant city buildings lit up, decorated with christmas lights.
Wow, we must've been in there a while.
Ara: I'll say. Weeks at a time.
Zack: Get off me already!
Veronica, Ara, No1, and I stood up. We were the only ones left, it looked like.. Too bad..
We dusted ourselves off, only to notice the bubble was filled with laughing merman.
Quick! Go!
We ran to a pad in the center, and I pressed a switch. A chain of events occured.
The first, it seemed that I had FUSED with my brother, Half myself, half Zack.
The second, Veronica and Ara switched bodies.
The third, we found ourselves in the armory, only unconsious.
*opens eye* unhh.. Why cant I see out of both my eyes?
Zack: *opens eye*
Thats better.
Zack:*rubs face*
Hey, I dont wanna.. oh my god. I'm.. I'm.. Zack? Phew, thank goodness I didnt mix with Ara. That might've been awkward.
Ara: I heard that!
Zack: Hey, I cant control my mouth!
Not you idiot, me! *punches his side*
Zack: hey! *hits him in the face*
Veronica: Cut it out, you two.
Ara: Yeah, we have more urgent matters.
Veronica: Like getting my body back.
Ara: *looks down* Oh. My. God!! I'm not me!
At least YOU didnt fuse with a rather annoying sibling.
Zack: HEY! I'll kill you.
You'd kill yourself.
Zack: Oh yeah..
Lets go already. Zack, we'll take turns over our bodies, so we dont get our arms and legs confused.
Ara: Hey, look. *points to mounds of glittering armor and weapons* We should get well equipped.
No1: ouch, that hurt. hey.. is that a statue?
You're right! *stands in front of it* He looks oddly-
Zack: Thats our DAD!
Hey, I dont remember what he looks like, I've been in collage.
Zack:... We should *sniff* help him.
But how? I don't know any restoration spells..
No1: I do! I'm a warlock, he needs a gargoyle touch! *places his hands on the statue*
*touches it as well*
???: Hey, hurry up and heal me!
Who the?
???: Great, I've been here the past 15 years, and two simpletons show up. just my luck.
???: Beau? Is that you?
No1: Shh! *shoots sparks up into the statue*
Tons of stone pieces flew everywhere. A huge, Blonde haird man stood in the smoke. It was my dad!
Next: Temporary Reprieve.
Thats right, My dad. Hes pretty awesome. I love that big lug, And I can't wait to see him! Zack, If you're reading this, have you're mom buy you tickets out here to arizona!
P.S. Happy Holidays!
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