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Reploid Zero
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AB honor roll,and i guess i have excellent luck when playing friends in soul calibur. I successfully have created some neat backgrounds with friends. Beau: I have a loving girlfriend, at least. Zack:... So!
Anime Fan Since
WE were 7 years old.
Favorite Anime
inuyasha,Jing,king of hell,DN angel,naruto,and um...NARUTO!and Boktai the sun is in your hand.(not anime,but a cool game :D) final fantasy the most....
...To get into UofA
games,gundam games,fighting games and um..reading..drawing,im better than my bro XD Beau: Yeah right.
Talents fighting,basketball,baseball,swimming,and playin ma gool old Viola!(orchestra) I also like to do tricks on my bike. Beau: I've started skating recently, and Like to watch movies on my Video iPod.
| Childre Inarbita
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Denial, Revisited
Wussup?! I went to an awesome family deployment party thing yesterday. It was freaking awesome! Me and my good buddy Sean, we were helping kids decorate little cookies with frosting and sprinkles and stuff. We were on camera, so Sean was liek 'Quick, Zack, to conceal our secret Identities we have to dance!' So we we dancing to the jazz music. It was fun, but people in other countries will be like 'Who're those dumb-asses dancing on TV?!' It was worth it. Here's Beau chapter, he couldn't stop by today, too lovestruck. That person know who she is, talk to him.
Temporary Reprieve/Denial, Revisited
Dad: Sons! I can see you again! *crushes us in a bear hug* I see you two fused when you entered the portal. As for the girls, I can't help you. My magic isnt powerful enough. Ask Beau here though, he has potential.
Dad: *Jabs finger into our Solarplex (the area just below the sternum), a bolt of magic sends us flying* *The blast sends us to a different dimension*
Dad: There, that should do it.
Ara: Wait a sec! What happened?!
Veronica: .. Interesting. We should spar sometime.
Dad: Sorry, I don't fight little girls.
Veronica: I am NOT LITTLE!
Dad: Whatever, little girl.
Veronica: *fumes silently*
Dad: Now, come on. *thrusts hands together forward, the spread them, a portal appears*
Ara: Not strong enough to put us back huh..
Dad: Nope. *steps in and dissapears*
Ara & Veronica: Don't leave us here! *dash in*
[The Sand Dunes]
Beau: *lies on ground*
We haven't seperated.
Dad: It takes time. *appears out of a cactus*
Ara & Veronica: *fly in and get stuck in the sand*
Beau: *brushes self off* *notices Ara* Ah! *runs over*
Ara: mmph! *wriggles around*
Beau: *grabs her by the ankles and pulls*
Here, have some of my strength.
Beau:*glows a tinge of green* *flings Ara out of the sand*
Ara: flies across a few yards into a cool oasis*
Beau: Whoops.. *runs at a blurring speed into the oasis*
Hey! I dun wanna get we-!! *materializes in spirit form* Give me your strength, Beau.
Beau: *Heaps power to him*
*grows almost solid* *walks over to the squirming Veronica*
Dad: *Snores on a moss covered rock*
*pulls at her ankles and she pops out neatly*
Veronica: *spits out sand*
You okay?
Veronica: *Punches lightly in the stomach* We're still enemies. Just until we get out of this place, then we fight.
*Beau's stomach growls* I'm.. Hungry.
Beau: *wish Ara didn't hear that*
Dad: *nose bubble pops* What the?
Ara: *blushes* Sounds like you need something to eat.
Dad: Uh-oh. uh.. follow me. *cannonballs into the oasis, creating a mini tidal wave* *swins into a dark part*
Beau, Ara, Veronica: *follow*
*we swim and then just suddenly drop*
*land on top of each other, again*
Dad: You guys are a bunch of bozos.
Beau: *pouts* *fails to notice Ara clinging*
*everyone stands up*
*still in spirit form* Everyone, look around.
Beau: Wow..
*inside of a huge cavern with a few hot springs, and the glow of the water reflecting off onto the walls of the cavern.* *A large table sits in the center, with 2 Large blades in the center*
Beau: Beautiful swords.
Dad: Don't touch. I dont want you to break those like you did Zack's.
Beau: How did you--
Dad: In your thoughts, boy, along with some things about that girl over th--
Beau: SSshh!
Ara: *stares*
Dad: Anyways, Zack you may choose first.
*picks of a blade the had chained marking alont the center of it* No..
*picks up a sword that has a hug blade, as of a long sword and a broadsword mixed, with a basic handle and a Dragon head handguard* This one!
Dad: You may have the other, Beau.
Beau: *Picks up the chain blade with the silver hilt and sapphire pommel*
Beau: *swings it experimentally* *it detaches and flies about 6 feet and then reattaches* Sweet!
*carries a sheath that hangs to the rear of the body, for easy access*
Beau: *straps a sheath to his leg*
Ara: Careful.
Beau: *looks up*
Ara: *looks away*
Beau: *suspicious*
Dad: Now! Let the feast, BEGIN!
Next: Temprorary Repireive pt2
Hope you enjoyed this. I'll let you know about upcoming events later. See ya!
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