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Member Since
Read 100 different manga in 1 year ^^ Beat up a boy in a karate tournament and won first place (then accidently broke the 4 foot trophy three years later -_-...)
Favorite Anime
.Hack, Full Metal Alchemist, Pretear, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, DNAngel, Fushigi Yuugi, Gewtbackers, Saiyuki
To read all of the manga, watch all of the anime, and to open a pickle jar without help from a parental unit!
Reading, and making graphics... I am getting better on that! I have gotten better at drawing also... I used to make such deranged characters and show them to Freya and Shia... They were so ugly, it wound up in the trash when Shia got it..
I don't think I have any...
The inhabitant of this site is currently OUT. She will be back soon! The living dead and the fallen angels unite, to proudly present:

Welcome to my domain! MUAHAHAHA! *coughs* Anyhow, please feel free to look around at my collection of randomness... Hope you enjoy! Read:

I caught Sesshomaru!
 The evil kitties are watching!
I hop to have at least 60 evil kitties up on my site before Feburary... I will be numbering them,, and naming them after people on this site ^^ This one is #1 and represents freya123!

Christmas rocks! Merry Belated Christmas peeps!
The voices in my head are making comments right now, please beware...
Monday, April 17, 2006
Wow o.0
Its kind of scary, I havent been on in a while, but people still send me PMs... Wow. I actually forgot this site existed o.0 I'm going to delete a majority of those wallpapers now and upload a few...
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
# 40 (out of 37,385 active sites)
# 40 (out of 37,385 active sites)
Never saw that coming. I am soo sorry I havent updated in a while, I just *tries to think of excuse* Umm, you know what forget it, Im sorry. I just haent come on in a while. Cant guarantee I will be more active on this site either =(
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Erm, what to say?
Yea I am alive. Whoo, yay, celebrations around the world. I only have to worry about the 100 guestbook entries I am committed to responding too. (there were only 30 when I left ;_;) Not to mention, I can guarantee over half the people dont go on MO or TO anymore. Well, *puts on happy face* School has been over for over a month now *removes happy face*
ANd only one month too go damn it all. I ish tired, my dad as right. I would stay up till four in the morning. Well, oh well. Popularity Ranking # 193 (out of 29,814 active sites) Could be worse. ^^ I am in a negative mood lol. I can also guarantee I would be lucky if one person commented on my site lol. Sorry about my attitude, Its 4 in the morning.
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Spring Break
Yay, spring break is here! Anyhow, my quiz on getbackers was put up (which I submitted in December). I thought it was rejected. Oh well, what can you do? I was Lady Poison, which she is my favorite character, besides Genji. I have been busy with my website lately, for it seems so empty... I need to spend more time on it ;_;
Do any of you have a psyco pet, who's just really messed up in the head? My kitten Trinity, well, she has some issues. Many issues. She eats quetips, and sue me because I spelt the word wrong.
I just took a look back at my old wallpapers, and my current wallpapers, and I realised how much my skill has increased. Back in November, I didn't know how to use Photoshop. Sorry if I am boring you with my ramblings (if anyone actually bothers to read this =^^=)
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Wow my life has sucked recently...
To busy to come on the otaku.. I just started and account on Xanga, with the account name of chioh_chan. When its easter I will get back on neopets, yay! Well anyhow: Spring break is coming! I shouldn't be on the comp. right now, for my mom tried to lock me out but was unsuccessful... I dyed my hair black and the most important thing for today: Well, I found out my friend has cancer, so my heart goes out to you Taylor! We all love you! I hope you gets better soon!
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