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Read 100 different manga in 1 year ^^ Beat up a boy in a karate tournament and won first place (then accidently broke the 4 foot trophy three years later -_-...)
Favorite Anime
.Hack, Full Metal Alchemist, Pretear, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, DNAngel, Fushigi Yuugi, Gewtbackers, Saiyuki
To read all of the manga, watch all of the anime, and to open a pickle jar without help from a parental unit!
Reading, and making graphics... I am getting better on that! I have gotten better at drawing also... I used to make such deranged characters and show them to Freya and Shia... They were so ugly, it wound up in the trash when Shia got it..
I don't think I have any...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, February 26, 2005
Gawd, I have NO time lately on the internet... It really sucks. I just bought Getbackers volume 1 for ten dollars, so that was cool... I want to extract the music from it, now that I know how, but my friend is still borrowing it, curse her!!! Well, I just noticed something that happened all the way in December... I just checked the Getbacker ECards, and someone decided to copy mine not once but twice! That really gets on my nerve, and I can't believe I just noticed that... Oh well, i am just going to keep rambling, so thats all I am going to type.
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Friday, February 18, 2005
Second Post in one day!!! My Mind is now dictated by a Rabid Squirrel named Charley!
The voices in my head calmed down... They decided to elect a rabid squirrel to dictate my mind... Not to happy about that, but I'll live. ^^ The squirrel's name is Charley. He is going to make me do a new theme on squirrels within the next week... He also wanted me to say, that he will dictate all your minds one day, he and his friends Nutter and Billy Bob Fred the Third... o.0 I named my cellphone Billy Bob Fred the third once... Oh boy am I rambling, I blame Charley...
Anyhow, Charley forced me to share this joke I picked up on the net... You may have heard a different version of it. Anyhow, enjoy! ^^
Once there was a woman whose husband kept falling asleep in the middle of sermans. So, the lady one day went to the minister and said 'My husband won't stop falling asleep in the middle church!' The minister thought about it for a second and then handed her a needle. 'Tomorrow, during church, I will restate myself while asking a question, only if he is asleep. When I restate myself, poke him with the needle. The woman agreed to it, not seeing how it could hurt, and took the needle and left.
Sunday at Church
Well, only ten minutes into church, and the woman's husband was asleep. The minister looked up and said 'To start today, I will ask a question. What did the wise men say when Mary gave birth, what did they say?' The woman then pokes her husband. He awakes in pain and screams 'Jesus Christ!' 'Very good' the minister winked. Ten minutes later, the man dozed off again, and the minister asked another question. 'What did the people say when Jesus came to town? What did the people say?' The woman poked her husband. 'Hallalueah! (sp?)' the man screamed in pain. The minister winked again. A few minutes later, the minister asks another question. 'What did Eve say to Adam after bearing 99 children. 99 Children!' the woman mistoke this as the signal and poked her husband, even though he was awake. He screamed again and then said 'If you stick that thing in me one more time, I am going to break it in half and shove it up your butt!'
Well, that is basically all for now, I am tired, the rabid squirrel is telling me to take over Eurasia... I have a bad cough, and all the usual. ;)
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Odd Little Day
Today went surprisingly well, even though my stupid week has been horrible. I was at time for the first and only time this week. I had a horrible cough though, but all the teachers acted so nicely... But I know they are just being sweet to pile me up on the work! Anyhow, today in Science I 'disected' an owl pellet, which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I pulled out all the little bones from it, and the skulls looked rather cool. Monday I have to clean the bones and glue them together... I have school because I live in Florida, and those random people decided to do a Hurricane make up day on a National Holiday... I think they don't have kids and just want to take it out on us... Grr!

Well, the little voices are telling me to make a wallpaper, don't know why... I want to make the next one look REALLY nice... (wow, that was random)
I would also like to say the little voices are yelling at the world right now... Bad little voices!
I am working on a new site theme... I have had this theme for a few months, and want to make the new one a bit more, erm, festive! I will never get rid of my avatar though, I like it to much...
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
This week has been so horrible! Ugh, not only did I have the flu for the second time in two weeks, I also was in the ER for three hours with my brother because he can't last three weeks without getting himself injured... THere was something else, but I dont want to post it, for it would make me in a worse mood. :(
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
Wow, I have barely gotten anytime to do be on here.. I have been working on my webstie at, working on a short story for Language arts AND working on a world history fair project! EBIL TEACHERS! Well anyhow, I suddenly LOVE my church. My friend is planning on taking me to Japan this summer with her and her dad! Yippee! All because I talked to her at church today and found out she had grown a passion for anime (havent seen her in a while. :P)
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
Sorry I haven't been on for a while... My teachers thought it would be fun to assign major projects in one week... ebil teachers... I got a new teacher for Reading... His name is Proffesor Davis, and he is a college teacher... He lets you sleep through class sometimes...
I dropped my GBA in his class and the batteries fell out and scattered on the floor... He looked at me and acted as if nothing had happened.... He's really cool! :P
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Monday, December 27, 2004
I am going to restart Kingdom Hearts... I am on Ansem and I JUST figured out how to use the special techniques, such as dodge roll... Gawd I am pathetic... I also JUST got Aerora, which most people had Aeroga by now... I am restarting to see how difficult I made this game for me lol. GO ahead and call me an idiot. :K
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Wednesday, December 22, 2004
I just read volumes 1-20 of Naruto (internet is a wonderful place isn't it? Great for translations ^^) it is so interesting, I have to beat myself up now for all the times I have touched it at the bookstore and placed it back immiadiatly!
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Top Three avatars of the week
Here are some avatars I just found funny, cute, or I just liked for some reason... I am NOT the creator of these avatars unless I state so.
Only one avatar was from myotaku...
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Guestbook Signing
Sorry if I don't immiadiatly sign your guestbook once you do mine.. I have been busy... I should get to you all in a week or two... I have had barely any time to get on... I probably will set a day to sign all guestbooks... like Saturday...
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