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I'm working at the local hospital. I work for a company called First Foto and I take newborn baby pictures!!!
Real Name
AUZIE! hahaha, oh wait! Eldarwen Ciratan. There was one more... Shidenei Furudemo. Don't ask...
^_^' I was on the Otaku top ten highest rating list for about an hour...
Anime Fan Since
1996... or whenever digimon first came out on WB
Favorite Anime
to become an animater
horse-back riding, doodling, e-mailing
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
uhhh... '^_^;'
Sorry yo! I just get so frustrated with myself all the time! I usually don't let it out tho... but the last couple of days had been rathar rough on me, with my dead end job and minimum wage and my family ragging on me that I home all day and I don't do anything but sit on my butt drawing or on the computer. I realy should get out and help around the house a lot more than I do but... you know... I'm a bit lazy. *sigh* I realy don't mean to go out like that and write my emotions like that... not publicly anyway. I guess I'm very phycotic and go on emotion rollercoasters a lot! but I'm better now! so go ahead and relax! I'm cool! ... sorry to give yall a scare! I just get like that sometimes
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mmmm, Sonic Ice is goood!
well we all know where I went for dinner tonight! I can't believe how much I ate in so little time! youd thought I hadden't seen food for a week! lol

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.
yay! something thats mesept I often hide it by being... I dunno whats the right word... ditsy? moronic? uhhhh Blonde? what ever... every one (cept my shrink) thinks that I'm just a happy person (hahaha! no jk I realy don't have a shrink! ^_^v Just teasn' yo!)
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Monday, June 14, 2004
 You are guided by water. You are generally calm and peaceful, but you can be very destructive without even realizing it.(Rate my test)
What force is your soul? brought to you by Quizilla
yay! the first quiz I've taken that didn't end up as the air! I'm something phisical!
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 What color are you? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
my fav color... but this is totally not me!!
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Sunday, June 13, 2004
I get on depression downhills.. a lot. I just rag on myself. I know I can do better, but I don't. I'm not concerned about the rude people and I take all advice to heart.... but thats just it... I don't get enough feed back nor votes for me to want to continue. And quite often I get good feed back that I don't want to hear (or read) don't worry... I'll be back at my happy ol self eventually.
oh for those who wanted to know how I know that the first vote was no... I'm always on this site... watching my art closely, I realy do want to know what people think of my art... b*_* I'll try harder next time to keep my emotions in check
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i don't understand it
I'm trying so very very very very hard.... I just can't grab peoples attention or put a good impression on them through my art! I finally draw stuff that I like and its almost immediately shot down one it hits the web. Don't tell me that people havent had enough time to look at them... people who have submitted their stuff after me already have 15-20 votes and are 100% ... how do they do it? the highest rating I seem to get is high 80's somewhere... and the very first vote has been a no every single one of my pics! EVERY ONE!!! the first vote is always a no... why don't people like my art? I would love to know why... than maybe I could fix it or something... this is driving me MAD! no matter what i decide to do... its always pretty good... but never excelent... someday I'll be better... one can only hope.
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Saturday, June 12, 2004
Blue Angels
I just saw the COOLEST thing! I was talking to my dad in the backyard and we heard jets flying around (not that thats unusual... we have an airbase close to my house) and we saw the blue angels! you know... the guys that do the real tight formations at the air shows... yeah! it was awsome! ahem... well anyway I have to clean up the kitchen for my mom (well actually my dad... its my parents aniversary and I wan't my mom to be happy when she gets home so my dad won't have a stressful day... like last year)and please vote and comment on my art if you haven't already! thanx!
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oooo! b^_^ me wuv da rain!
Rain is your ideal weather. You like to be alone so that you can daydream. You also follow your heart and know what you believe in. Some think you are strange, but the truth is, you probably have a lot more fun than they do. You're wild and don't care what anyone esle thinks about you. You would enjoy dancing in the rain, painting, writing, and meditating. You amuse yourself with fantasies and always have your head up in those dark storm coulds in the sky. Just make sure you remember that every cloud has a silver lining.
What type of weather are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, June 10, 2004
Demon Form story
all right... I have a pic called Demon Form, this is its insperation. I had a dream that I was this creature... a tiger demon, and I was fighting Inu, with a sword... (I dunno y) and Kagome and Inu both called me Chisaki. Then continuing in the dream Inu and I became friends and then I woke up. the next morning tried to draw it.. I didn't like it (this is before I had an account here) and thew it away. so I drew the Chisaki (the one that looks like the one kissing Shippou)afterwards and liked it. than last week at church I had my pencil and paper there and started to draw and that came up... looks exactly like my this morning before I went to work, I submitted it... yeah... so I guess that is the equivalent to when Sesshy transforms into his freaky form... I guess... I'll draw it again so you can see the whole body... I guess
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Wednesday, June 9, 2004
You're an average normal person. You're known to hate blondes. You're a nice person that would proble fall in the rocker tpye. You have reguler emotion like every one eles,but are more bord often.Rate^-^
What's your anime hair color? COOL PICS^-^UPDATED!!! brought to you by Quizilla
ok the description they had for blondes was: stuck on themselves... I'm blonde and I hate people who are stuck on themselves... and Chisaki (my Inuyasha chracter) has red-orangish hair so it all worked out!
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