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Sunday, October 3, 2004
funny... this is me
 Your beauty is plain but you completely make up for it in a pleasant personality. You may not be the supermodel in the magazine or the woman with unusual hair, but you have a great way of making people feel at home and comfortable. Because of the normality of your looks, people feel like they can talk to you easier or ask for help without feeling as embarassed. Your personality is easy going and can be represented by a warm smile. People like how undemanding you are and your great at keeping secrets.
What kind of Beauty should you have? (girl) (PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
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hehe ^_^'''
some are concerned about my frind and I not keeping in touch after she moved... its kinda a long story... but I have another hour before Inuyasha is on so here it goes. about 3 years ago I moved away... a 45 minute drive away, now I'm moving again... without my parents this time... and right now... I have two amazing families willing to take me in their home... the first one you would know as Kennedytheneko *kennedy* on this site, the other is the one I just helped to move *lets call her Joe*... *kennedy don't kill me* but I'm thinking about moving in with Joe... that way I'd would have my own room and stuff... and the room I would move into is AWSOME!!! he, but I;ve made commitments with Kennedy's family and... yeah... awquard........ so yeah... I'm moving back to Joe's area I'll be going to school with her this January and going to Marching band with her so I'll be keeping good tabs on her... so no worries there! and thanks for your concerns!
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
one of my best friends just moved!!!
its sooo crazy! I can't believe it! as far as I'm concerned, but she just moved down the street a little bit so its not like a HUGE deal... but ya know. So I went to help tham move today... I had sooo much fun! I don't know why... but it was way fun... I guess because I got to play with her little neices and nephews ohh it was fun... I felt so bad tho, I almost lost her dog!!!! 0.0 I can hardly believe it... *sigh* well I'm very tired... I'm 1/3 done with a pic now.. so you'll get one tomorrow from me. and hopefully I'll have all my requests done by tomorrow... its been pretty crazy around here. see ya!
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Monday, September 27, 2004
lol i found this to be funny!
ok I think thats enough...
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yay! dragon-ess!
 Your an ice dragon! Congrats! Out of all the dragons, you are most powerful but do not like to show it. A rare and special creture, you have artistic style and are great at expressing yourself. You think friends and Familly are the most important, and are a hopeless romantic. But of course, as ice goes, you can be a little cold or harsh at times. But not to worry, you always apoligize later!
What elemental dragon are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Blah! I just decided that I don't like drawing Kagome!
grrrr! honestly! you would think that she would be one of the easier characters to draw from Inuyasha, esp for me! I can draw Miroku, Inuyasha, Sango and the rest of my orrigional characters... but she is the only one (so far) that I cannot draw!!! *sigh* I'm trying... and of this next one isn't perfect oh well... it will be posted anyways, i'm getting tired of trying to draw her, and she is making me angry! lol because I'm not good enough to draw her *hides from Kennedy* well maybe enopught to make it recognizable as Kagome.... but its realy not that good! and I won't hear any arguments! I can do better! I know it! well see yas!
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
Quiz Time!!
 Guardian of the Earth - mistress of the woods and master of the wild and untamed.
What are you Guardian of? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, September 20, 2004
ok I will get stuffs out soon! but unfortunately I have to get more important stuffs done first... and believe me when I say I would rathar be drawing, inking and coloring right now! grrr well I might get something out tonight... doubt it, but I'll try... sorry to any inconvienances.. see you!
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Friday, September 17, 2004
I'm feeling a bit better today... XP kinda but I can't move much and I've been finishing my requests. I just submitted the first one... now if I could figure out how to draw kagome the next one will be out too! *yay* so wish me luck!!!
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
To all those who gave me a request...
hi all! this is for all those that have given me a request: I am not feeling well! I feel very very sick! especially if I look at something bright for too long (like a sheet of paper or the white screen on the computer). I will get your requests out soon, hopefully within the week...but no promises I am half way done with all of them so they should be out very very soon. I feel realy bad for the delay and I hope my art will be worth the wait. again I am very sorry! hope to see you soon!
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