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Tuesday, September 14, 2004
7 fan-fic: New Moon
Chisaki ran with Inuyasha and Miroku while Kagome, Sango and Shippo rode on the cat that Chisaki learned was called Kirara (pronounced Kilala). When they reached the village Kaede stood outside waiting for them. “Where have ye been? And who is this stranger?” she said starring down Chisaki with her one eye. Kirara landed behind Inuyasha and Chisaki. “Her name is Chisaki. She’s a friend of Toutousai. She came to the rescue of a village we already saved.” Kagome explained jumping off Kirara. “Toutousai seemed to be looking for her, not Inuyasha. We happened to be there when he arrived and he told Chisaki to watch over Inuyasha tonight.” Miroku chimed in. Kaede thought about this for a moment, “Come inside and have something to eat.”
Everyone was sitting around the fire eating. Chisaki ate very fast, but no one seemed to notice. When she finished she looked at the bottom of her bowl embarrassed and still hungry. She looked around; everyone seemed to be enjoying their noodles still. Kaede was starring at her. Chisaki felt so out of place there. They all knew each other and were all comfortable with each other. Chisaki couldn’t help to feel responsible for the silence over the meal. “Chisaki,” Kaede started talking, “How do you know Toutousai?” Chisaki placed her bowl to the side and sat up a bit, “I was his apprentice for a while.” Chisaki pulled out Mekoru “I discontinued his lessons after I created this sword.” Kaede nodded, “Where did you go after that?” Chisaki sheathed Mekoru, “I went back to the training grounds at the top of the eastern mountains.” Kaede looked surprised, “Your parents sent ye up top the mountain?” Chisaki shook her head, “I’m afraid not. Master Akahito found me living with a couple, living in the village that Inuyasha and the others saved the other day.” Kagome’s light bulb lit up, “Oh! That’s why all the villagers didn’t fear you.” Chisaki nodded, “I never went outside before Master Akahito came to me. He told my foster parents that it would be better for me to be trained to fight and let my energy loose outside than trying to keep me hidden inside.” Kagome looked disappointed, “Why would all the villagers know you if your foster parents kept you hidden?” Chisaki slouched a bit, “Because Master Akahito would come down the mountain and trade with them since they were the closest village to the training grounds, and I would come with. My foster parents would always greet me and the village subsequently came to know me as well.” Kaede got back into the conversation, “Why were ye adopted?” “Hmm? Oh, I wasn’t exactly. I was found wandering around begging for food and they took me in when some men threatened to kill me because I’m a demon. I don’t remember that at all though, that is what they told me.” Chisaki sat silent for a while as every one continued to eat and as Shippo went for another helping so did Chisaki.
For the first time in two days Chisaki was full. She helped clean up and every one got ready for bed. Chisaki placed herself next to Kagome and Shippo and straight across from Inuyasha. She and Inuyasha starred at each other until Chisaki fell asleep several hours later.
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Monday, September 13, 2004
castle in the sky
I had a dream last night that I was at a very beautiful LDS temple helping my dad take pictures of a wedding (my dad is a photographer) and I looked up and I saw this huge castle beyond the mountains (I live on the Rocky Mountains) and I got so excited! I ran to my sisters and pointed at it and they called me stupid (or at least, something to that effect) for getting so excited about it. my whole dream was me running around a temple to see this floating castle, and to make it funner, it felt real!!! my heart was pounding, I was that excited! sigh, I guess I'll draw it... won't be as cool as when I dreamt it tho...
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Friday, September 10, 2004
lol! I just watched the best movie last night, ok it wasn't like LOTR, BUT I did watch Inuyasha the movie last night! ^_^ it was sooooooo funny and I was glued to the tv! stayed up till 1:30 watching it... but what else is new right? lol now I'm going to watch spirited away for the first time (I was told by my freind to watch it two years ago and I'm just barely getting to it) well I hope to hear from yall! bye bye!
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
 You are the comforting friend. You like listening your friends deals and advicing them...that's really nice! You are caring and is always there for the ones you like!
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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 Angel of Art
Youre a creative person. You LOVE anything that deals with art. You make a lot of friends and you try your best to stay friends with them. But sometimes you tend to forget about things and worry about your art so be careful.
What kind of Angel are you?!?!!?(anime pic. & girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
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he, always tired
 Stressed Schoolgirl. You are very immature and you tend to cry if people don't let you get enough sleep, but you have rights, enough sleep gives you energy right? Well that's what you think, but you are always tired..yay you.
What Type Of Schoolgirl Are You?(Anime pic) brought to you by Quizilla
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one who is willing to fight for who u are!
what r u? (girlz) (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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 You're a best friend! Your favourite thing to do is just hang out with your buddies. Friends are really important to you and you care about them very much. Really, you're just a great friend!
What Kind Of Anime Girl Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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I've made myself upset now look what I'm doin!
 goddess of innocence 0.o purehearted and sweet..
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its sooo odd! i draw a pic thay I absolutely love and the first two votes ar no? how is that possible? than to make it funner the pic that I'm not all that happy with still has a 100% on it (I never post anything that I'm not at least somewhat happy with) I don't get it... is my veiw of my art realy that much different than the majority of all the people out there? *sigh* I'll never get the hang of it...
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