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AUZIE! hahaha, oh wait! Eldarwen Ciratan. There was one more... Shidenei Furudemo. Don't ask...
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Friday, September 3, 2004
6 fan-fic: Enter Toutousai
Anger and hatred ran through Chisaki’s body. How could a demon so cowardly even bother to show their existence? She growled, punched the tree and fell to her knees. She had never been so humiliated; she couldn’t even imagine how that puppet could seem so real. She turned her attention to Inuyasha. He was going for his sword. “I mean you no harm Inuyasha. You saved that village and I owe you thanks for that.” Inuyasha looked at Chisaki and picked up his sword, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, and you attacked Kagome and no one gets away with that.” Chisaki laughed at herself, “Is that why you attacked me, Inuyasha? For your information I was thrown at Kagome by that coward Naraku.” Inuyasha looked at Kagome “It did seem funny how she landed Inuyasha.” Confirming what Chisaki just said “How do you know my name?” Inuyasha demanded. Chisaki was very confused, they had worked together for an entire day, even though she looked different her scent would have been the same, “Inuyasha, I’m Chisaki. I’m insulted that you can’t even remember me after a few days.” Inuyasha twisted his nose. Kagome starred at Chisaki, “Yeah, she even has the same outfit on.”
“Inuyasha! Kagome!” Chisaki recognized the sound of Miroku’s voice. That large cat landed right behind Inuyasha. Sango, Miroku and Shippo jumped off the back of it. To Chisaki’s amazement the large beast shrank to the size of a kitten. Sango and Miroku ready to attack Chisaki were a little shocked too. “Don’t worry she’s not an enemy.” Inuyasha told the two of them sheathing his sword. “We were worried that you hadn’t returned yet Inuyasha.” Sango told him, “It’s almost night fall!” on cue, the last ray of sun fell behind the mountain. Chisaki smelt Inuyasha transform into a mortal. Every one looked at Chisaki in fear except Inuyasha who shut his eyes and smirked. “I guess we better get back to the village then.” Inuyasha told every one. Every one stood there, not knowing what to do. The sky suddenly clouded up and a lightening bolt hit the ground in between Chisaki and the others. Toutousai sat upon his three eyed cow, hammer folded in his arms. He looked down at Chisaki “Ah Chisaki, there you are!” Inuyasha and gang starred in unbelief. “Uh, what are you doing here old man?” Inuyasha inquired. “You’re here too Inuyasha? I see that you’ve been miss-using the Wind Scar again.” Toutousai said looking at the marks left on the ground. “Yeah well, I was actually fighting someone.” Toutousai scratched his head, “Who were you fighting?” “Toutousai,” Chisaki interrupted, not wanting Inuyasha getting into trouble for attacking her, “What are you doing here?” He tilted his head, “No reason.” Chisaki shook her head with Sango and Kagome not believing him. “You know Master Toutousai, you are a terrible liar.” Chisaki laughed. “I just wanted to inspect your sword.” Toutousai said, making it painfully obvious that he was still lying. Rolling her eyes Chisaki handed Mekoru over. “Ah! A fine crafted sword!” he said looking at it. “That’s what you said when you first inspected it.” Chisaki said taking Mekoru back. Miroku coughed in the back. Toutousai turned to look. “Inuyasha, you know you shouldn’t be out in the open in this condition!” Inuyasha got a dirty look on his face, “I know old man. I’m supposed to be at Kaede’s hut right now!” Toutousai shrugged, “Then, you better get over there. Chisaki watch over him tonight.” Toutousai left as suddenly as he came. “I guess we better go than.” Chisaki half smiled.
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5 fan-fic: Naraku's Entrance (this one is long... just to warn ya)
Chisaki walked as fast as she could, repeating to herself that she just needed to keep on going. On and on this went through her mind. All morning she would only allow herself to think about the mountain top and her reward at the top. Why weren’t those trees getting any closer? When the sun was way up in the sky and blaring its heat on the top of her head she decided to sit. To her relief there was a small creek running down from the West Mountains and she sat next to it. Chisaki drank from is only to spit it out. She could taste her own dried blood mixed in with it. Refraining to use some choice words, she splashed her face in the cool clear water. She tried to rub as much blood off her face as much as she dared due to the throbbing pain is caused to touch it. She was on her hands and knees, eyes closed, face above the water. She smelled the freshness of the air and she started to relax.
Chisaki finally opened her eyes. She looked at her face in the water pooling around her hands. She slapped the water, hard. She had never seen herself in such a condition. Though there was no broken skin, she had bags under her eyes, one half of her face was bruised, and trails of dried blood came from her nose down her neck. She should be in no condition; she had never fought with an enemy. She drank some water after cleaning herself. After a few more moments she got up, still fuming about her looks.
While walking she found herself following a well traveled trail going toward the mountains. She didn’t realize this until she had almost run into another demon who seemed o have no interest in her what-so-ever. She glanced up at him angrily as they passed each other. He was very tall, and his silver hair reminded her of that half-breed Inuyasha. What bugged her even more about him was that he barely looked at her and kept on walking by as if she wasn’t good enough to even be seen next to him. Then she blushed as she walked by a toad-like demon followed by a human girl both stood, starring at her.
Chisaki’s stomach grumbled. She finally realized she hadn’t eaten anything since the night before. She looked at her surroundings. The first stars of the night were coming out even though the sun still had about and hour to go before it set. But the thing she was happiest about was that she was near the forest! She would have someplace to sleep besides the ground! She walked along the trail that followed the edge of the forest for a while. She walked passed a well that seemed to be dry. The wind swept her face and hair. She looked up toward the sky and saw that giant cat with flaming feet soaring through the sky. She quickly jumped into the closest tree and watched with the up most attention. She heard a rhythmic clicking. Chisaki investigated the ground to see the Kagome woman riding a weird looking contraption with Inuyasha standing on the back. Chisaki looked up to the skies again to see that the cat flew away in the distance but Inuyasha and Kagome were heading strait toward her.
Chisaki knew better but her curiosity got the best of her, so she stayed to see what would happen. Kagome stopped at the well. “I wish you would just let me stay tonight Inuyasha. It’s the new moon!” Inuyasha picked up her bag off the pink slim thing they were riding on. “You think I don’t know that? I’d feel better if you were safe, back in your own time.”
Chisaki’s ‘over-hearing’ was interrupted by a rather menacing voice. “Now, now, spying is very rude you know.” Chisaki nearly fell out of the tree. She looked down at a demon dressed up as a baboon. How he snuck up on her was very curious, due to his potent smell, but than again, he was down wind from her. “Who might you be?” She asked him. “My name in Naraku. I’ve come looking for the half-breed called Inuyasha.” Chisaki didn’t like this at all, he seemed too cool about everything, “Why would you want anything to do with him?” She could imagine him smiling under that weird mask of his, “Because he and I have some unfinished business.” Chisaki raised her eyebrows as if to say ‘Oh?’ Naraku continued, “You see…” Chisaki cut him off, “Take off your mask so I can see your face, I’ve been taught not to trust anyone who hides their face during a conversation. If you’re ugly I can understand, but I must see your face. I need to look into your eyes.” Chisaki had remembered one particular story she had heard from her swords smith master Toutousai about a woman named Kikyo who had been murdered by a demon named Naraku fifty years ago. Naraku suddenly became very tall with many new limbs squirming about. Chisaki jumped but he caught her. He started to squeeze her, she couldn’t breath. Chisaki had her hand on Mekoru but couldn’t move enough to use it. She started to get desperate. Her eyes flashed red, her fangs grew, her claws barred. She transformed into a tiger. She bit and clawed at the tentacles holding her and ripped through them easily. She dropped to the ground and leapt at him again only to be thrown backwards out of the forest. She almost landed on Kagome, but Inuyasha pushed her out of the way just in time. Chisaki landed on all fours and started charging into the forest, but Inuyasha held his oversized sword in front of her and hit the ground with it sending a huge wave of fire toward her as he yelled “Wind Scar!” Fearing for her life, Chisaki jumped as high as she could, narrowly escaping his attack. Angered, She charged Inuyasha knocking him down. “No you don’t!” Inuyasha yelled at Chisaki throwing another “Wind Scar” at her. Frustrated she decided it would be best to take the sword away from Inuyasha so she could take care of Naraku. She transformed back to her original state, ran up a tree and back flipped over the Wind Scar. She ran toward the confused Inuyasha and grabbed his sword. An electric shock hit her body and was thrown back. She heard Naraku laughing, and that pissed her off. She pulled out Mekoru and charged Inuyasha one last time. Inuyasha had a smug look on his face, “I don’t know who you are but you are goin’ down!” Chisaki watched his sword carefully and how he held it. He looked like he was going to use his Wind Scar again. She concentrated on her speed and she went faster looking at only the base of Inuyasha’s sword. It was like watching him go into slow motion. Chisaki chose her moment, swung Mekoru around Inuyasha’s sword and sent it flying. Kagome screamed, “Naraku!” Chisaki turned around to look. There he was laughing, “YOU JERK!!!!” Chisaki ran at him, as fast as she ran at Inuyasha, and sliced him into two diagonally at the torso, cutting his heart. She turned around only to find a wooden carving sliced. She picked up a piece and cursed, throwing it at a tree.
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
This is halloween! this is halloween! halloween! halloween! halloween! halloween!
hahaha! I can't wait till next month! next month I'm going to Hawaii, than I get to have a costume party with my family (or possibly friends)THEN my summer job ends!!! oooooh yeah! October is the happenin' month! I just barely finished my halloween costume from last year (don't worry I'm wearing it again this year... I'm too lazy to make a different one... especially how expencive and time concuming last year's was) I kinda wanted to be Inuyasha for halloween this year... but oh well I love the hollidays! welp if someone could tell me how to put pictures up on the posts then you could see my costume... but you can't know what my costume is until I can post the pictures! lol I'm so evil (tho I'm pretty sure you could care less) yeah, yeah, well see ya later!
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Friday, August 27, 2004
4 fan-fic: Hauntings
The shrinking crescent moon loomed overhead. Chisaki shuttered at the lack of sound. The new moon always gave her the hibbi jibbies. It was either too quiet or filled with sudden and unpleasant surprises. She walked quickly, eyes peeled and ears as open as they would go. When she left the village she changed back to her normal form, bright orange hair, a tail matching and broad black stripes along her face. She gripped Mekoru, ready for anything. She stopped and looked around her, nothing but grass and far away mountains on either side. Chisaki growled at herself. Why did she leave the village in the first place? She knew she was tired, and she had used up the little energy she had to heal the wounded. She ran toward the Western mountains. If she could make it to some trees before day break, she might get some rest after all.
“Chisaki…” Chisaki had to hold her mouth from screaming. She thought someone said her name right in her ear, but no one was there. Se couldn’t see a single being for miles nor could she catch anyone’s scent at close range. Chisaki couldn’t breathe anymore, fear was squeezing her esophagus shut. She looked around in horror and started running again. She just needed some rest… “that’s right, rest will make it better” she thought. Chisaki looked forward, not taking her eyes away from the trees she saw in the distance. Suddenly the trees came lurching forward, almost like they were coming to her. She was inside the forest, but she couldn’t stop now she just had to go up the mountain. She started up it, she was going so fast, like she was flying. A pain in her face developed, but Chisaki ignored it so excited that she would finally prove herself as a swords woman, and no one could have done it so quickly before. The scenery changed so fast and drastically Chisaki didn’t know what to think. The lush green mountain quickly turned dry and desolate with sharp cliffs. When she reached the highest cliff she started running along it. A thought trickled into her thoughts as she ran, the Western mountains weren’t barren, she had spent many days in meditation starring at those mountains. Just as she realized this she stopped and her eyes widened, her brother stood down the path a bit tapping his toe. “Chisaki I’ve been waiting!” Said her brother annoyed. “No! This can’t be!” Chisaki stepped back and fell backwards. Images of her brother’s frightened face flashed through her vision.
“NO!” Chisaki pushed herself off the ground her heart pounding. Dazed and confused she looked around. She was surrounded by tall grass. She looked down and saw blood on a stone her face must have hit. She touched her face and recoiled at the pain. Half dried blood stained her fingers. She sat up to have a better look around. Just ahead of her was the forest she longed to get to before day break, and just behind the forest was the Western mountains. She came to the conclusion that she must have tripped or fainted while running. She stood in pain. Her lungs felt as if they had been crushed. She felt Mekoru’s sheath, only to remember she was holding it while she ran. Fear ran over her but kept her poise. She called out to it and felt it pulsate. She reached out her hand and called out to it again and it floated right into her hand. She sheathed Mekoru, took a deep breath, knowing that the next night was going to be a new moon she couldn’t have anymore delays. The sky became lighter as dawn drew close and Chisaki walked toward the forest.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
isn't she cute?!?!
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Monday, August 23, 2004
whew! I'm sooooo tired!
The entire time I was in California I didn't play at all!!! I didn't go to the beach, or a swimming pool, or go shopping... at all! I helped my Aunt and Uncle move into their new house. I still had fun tho. I can't tell you why really because the amount of work I did seemed to be wearing on my spirits. I was sooooooo tired yet my parents say that I was the life of the "party" I made every one stay happy apparently. well I did get a few more pics done while I was in California I'll post them very soon... but right now I've got to get some breakfast in me and I need to clean the house a bunch... well I'll see ya'll later!!! ^_^v
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
*Singing California Girls by the Beach Boys*
Guess where I'm going tomorrow! just take a wild one... nope, not there, pthhhh I WISH, eeeeew! why would I go there? lol I'm just messin' I'm going to California! and I will be the only sibling in my family going!!!! yeah!!! I'm so excited... I get the whole back seat to myself! well if my parents don't throw stuff back there, and I get to spend time with my cousin (That hasn't happened for a LONG time) and everything will be dandy! yay for vacation! ok, well I'll see ya'll next week! bye! oh and please tell me what you think of my fan fic so far please! I know its weird but I enjoy writing. well bye!
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More of my fan fic
3 fan-fic: "On my way"
Chisaki knelt down by one of the graves and placed some wild flowers on top of it. She wondered if her brother from her dreams had a grave dug for him. She looked up at the darkening sky. To her surprise a giant cat with flaming feet flew over her head. As it landed two women got off and a small demon child jumped off as well. “These must be the women the old woman was talking about.” She watched them warily as Miroku and Inuyasha gathered around them. They began talking in a low tone that Chisaki couldn’t hear. She watched them a few more minutes and decided to get up. She walked passed them, “It took us forever, but we did eventually catch up to it.” The young demon said. “It was so fast I can imagine why it managed to survive, but we caught it before it could find Kagome’s jewel shards in her back pack and become a real problem.” Said one of the women. “Ptttth! I still think you should have let me and Miroku come with you. You would have been back hours ago!” Inuyasha scoffed. “That may be so Inuyasha, but these villagers needed you more than us.” Said the woman that Chisaki assumed was Kagome. As soon Chisaki’s back was toward them she could feel their eyes burning into the back of her head. She could only wonder what kind of conversation that could bring up, since she did not get along with Miroku or Inuyasha very well.
Chisaki walked into the largest home left in the village. The old woman and a few other women stayed busy making food and tending wounds. She admired their strength and determination to continue. She knelt down by the most hurt man and put her hand on his chest. She closed her eyes and concentrated her demonic aura over his wound willing it to heal quickly. She did this on all the wounded. After she finished she sat back against a wall breathing hard. Never in her life had she tried to heal so many people before. She drifted off to sleep. The old woman looked at her and took a small blanket. Chisaki was startled and woke up when the woman put the blanket on her. “You look exhausted.” The old woman told her. Chisaki smiled at her “As do you.” “Are you hungry child?” “Starved!” Chisaki took the bowl offered to her and ate it hungrily. After finishing she stood, “Thank you for your hospitality once again.” The old woman nodded and Chisaki left. She looked at the moon and said a little prayer of protection upon the village, than she walked out of the village’s new gate she helped build toward her goal.
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Monday, August 16, 2004
 Your a Guradien Angel! Guardien Angels are also knows as Warrior Angels, because they are the army of God. Not always meaning that they are in war, simply that their job is to protect unwary humans from dark dragons, or other evil demons. Warrior Angels are not always friendly with humans, but they will watch over them all the time. Humans say that when a miracle happens, thank your guradien angel.
What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures! brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, August 11, 2004
 You're an every day average girl. You aren't amongst the popular crowd, but you are definatly far from being a geek. You are probably pretty, but not gorgeous. You have a fair amount of friends, but each one of them means the world to you. Keep them close and don't change yourself.
What type of girl are you? (many outcomes and awesome pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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