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I'm working at the local hospital. I work for a company called First Foto and I take newborn baby pictures!!!
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AUZIE! hahaha, oh wait! Eldarwen Ciratan. There was one more... Shidenei Furudemo. Don't ask...
^_^' I was on the Otaku top ten highest rating list for about an hour...
Anime Fan Since
1996... or whenever digimon first came out on WB
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to become an animater
horse-back riding, doodling, e-mailing
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004
howdy! I doubt anyone noticed but I havn't done anything on this sit for quite a while... and I'm am very sad that I can't see your art every day... I am so sad realy, but, I am exhausted!!!! I work every day and I stay up late and sleep in... I realy don't have time for this stuff anymore... and I doubt that I ever will again. I'm working solid until this October when I go to Hawaii and the day after I get back I start school and *hopefully* will be working at the same time... so yeah... I'm pretty busy. I guess I'll comment on your art every once in a while... if I decide not to play video games or watching movies, or going out on dates, or sleep... ya know, that does happen quite often. lol well have fun! I'm going out for a party!!!! ^_^ yeah! I love being the DD ^_~ its very fun
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Monday, August 2, 2004
Ummm, I don't have much to say except that I'm sorry for not commenting or even voteing lately... I checked my e-mail today and found it was full of e-mails from my close friends wondering why I havn't e-mailed them in such a long time. I've been working my butt off and I'm so tired when I get home... the shortest day I worked was a 6 hour day... the day after the busiest day of the year at my park sooo sory again. anyway I'm working on some more art as I speak... its awsome so far *shrugs* I have no idea when I'll be able to submit it but its something to look forward to... I can hardly recognise it as mine!!! well gots to go... I'm going to to pick up my Hidalgo dvd! ^_^ it doesn't come out till tomorrow!!!!! hehehe! I've got great hook ups! welp bye!
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
uh hi there! I'm sorry I havn't been on the internet as much as I would like to... but a lot has been going on in my life recently, mostly work. seriously, I'm there more than I'm at home. in fact I don't want to fall behind on voting on all the new pics so every day after work, and I get home at 11:30 at earliest *yawn* I'm so tired! anyway I just want you to know that I'm sorry I can't comment on your art if that is what you desire... I only comment if I realy want to say something to you about your art, so concider yourself lucky if you get a comment from me! ^_^ well hope to see you soon!!! bye!
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Thursday, July 22, 2004
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hahahahaha! ^_^ I liked this!!
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2 fan-fic: The Village
Chisaki crouched at a river running toward a village that she was familiar with and drank thirstily. She had run all the way down the mountain without stopping. It was mid-day now and Chisaki was starving! She splashed her face with the cool water and stood. She realized that she had left the training grounds unprepared; she had only brought Mekoru, the sword made from her own fangs. She looked down the river toward the village and decided to look for help from them. She sighed as she looked at her hands, she hated transforming, but the villagers were a lot more comfortable around her when she took her “human” form. She watched in agony while her claws changed to useless fingernails. She flipped her now black hair back and walked quickly to the village. Pictures of her holding on to her brother’s hand shot into her thoughts. She never knew if the dreams really happened. It was the only part of herself that no one knew, not even her trusted sensei knew of the dreams.
She came back out of her thought when she smelt smoke coming from the village. She strained her eyes to see the village and saw many houses were missing. She ran toward it and pulled out Mekoru. The village has been in some kind of danger recently and she wasn’t going to let any one hurt the humans she learned to love so many years ago. She jumped through the entrance of the village and saw the villagers rebuilding and fixing homes. She sheathed Mekoru and looked at the horror. Men were digging graves and women were attending serious wounds inflicted on others. Chisaki sniffed the air, there were demons here, their scent was still strong.
She ran to the nearest person she could see, “What happened here?” she asked an old woman. “Oh! Chisaki! We weren’t expecting you to be down here so soon! Did you not see it from on top the mountain last night?” Chisaki shook her head, “I was traveling down the mountain…” Chisaki was cut off when her hand was no longer in her possession. She looked up into an unfamiliar face. “Would a beautiful woman such as your self bear me a child?” Chisaki ripped her hand from his and was about to back hand him when the scent of a half-breed crossed her nose. “I wouldn’t try it if I were you Miroku, that’s a demon!” Said the half-breed holding a fang-like sword. The man called Miroku jumped backward with dread poured over her face. Miroku held his staff in a offensive stance, “Old woman look out!” The old woman began laughing along with all the other spectators of the incident. The old woman stood by Chisaki, “This little dear? No she wouldn’t hurt anyone!” The laughter continued and diminished as every one got back to work. Chisaki, Miroku and the half-breed stood confused for several moments. “Chisaki, These two men and two other women saved us from an evil demon last night.” The old woman explained to her, “Now they are helping us get back up on our feet.” The old woman looked over at the freshly dug graves with sorrow and turned into a home that wasn’t completely ruined.
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its about time I put up a fan-fic... it will probably suck since its bassed off a dream I had
1 fan-fic: The begining
"Chisaki, you must keep up with me! These cliffs are very dangerous!" A familiar voice calls out through the canyons. "I'm coming brother!" The four year old tiger demon girl ran to her older brother. He gave her a stern look as she smiled innocently up at him. He sighed and looked to the sky, “We have to get out of the canyon before night fall. Hold my hand, we have to walk fast!” Chisaki obeyed and for several hours they walked at a high pace. Eventually Chisaki slipped out of her brother’s hand and walked much more slowly, she was exhausted! Her brother did not slow his pace however and she lost sight of him. “CHISAKI!” he yelled for her, “I’m waiting! Hurry up!” She walked faster trying to catch him. Once she saw him around the corner she started to run toward him. He crouched down and arms outstretched, ready to receive her when suddenly there was no ground underneath Chisaki’s feet. The cliff’s edge had broken! “Chi!” He yelled after her. Chisaki’s wide eyes were fixed on her brother’s face when he jumped down the cliff after her. He grabbed her and held her close to his body just before they hit the ground. He curled himself around her trying to keep her safe from harm as they rolled down the steep cliff, hitting many rocks, boulders and trees on the way. Chisaki was thrown from her brother but managed to escape the fall without major damage. Her brother landed several feet away from her his back toward her. She crawled over to him, “Brother?” she stood to see his bloody face, his eyes empty from life.
Chisaki lurched forward from her nightmare in a cold sweat. She had this nightmare from as long as she could remember. She looked around her dark room and grabbed her sword “Mekoru” and stood up. She walked outside and to the edge of her training grounds on top of a high mountain. She looked at the crescent moon holding back tears thinking about her 13 years living and training there. “Are you ready for your final test?” asked an old man from behind her. She didn’t turn around or jump at the sound of his voice, she knew he was already there, she IS a demon. She stared at the moon and stars for a while longer than looked at the valley below her and followed a trail back up a mountain on the other side of it. “Yes.” She said softly. “Than go.” Her sensei commanded.
Without a thought, she dashed into the forest that leads down the mountain into the valley. It was a week’s journey across the valley to the other mountain. All she had to do is get to the top of that mountain and light a beacon after finding a symbol of her adulthood and rank as a swordswoman. She ran down the mountain faster than she had ever done in her life.
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.... yeah... uh... I don't know!!!
yeah... I just got back from work and I just pulled an extra 14 hour shift this Saturday. its a state holiday this Saturday... CRAP!!! what in heaven's name am I doing this for?!?!?! oh yeah... money... its kinda important to have... I'm stupid sometimes -_- I'm going to do something now... I don't know what... but it will be something... like blow some fuse on Super Smash Bro's or something... I'm tired! well see ya!
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
pthhh! like thats ever gonna happen, men being scared off by my beauty... I'm not gonna say I'm ugly... I'm not preyy either... tho I have been veering onto the ugly side lately.
 You are the Figher Femme
Which Ultimate Beautiful Woman are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, July 15, 2004
uhhh, help!
ok, this may sound funny to some but I need some help. I just got a request and I've been working on it for several hours already. The reason its taking so long is because I have no idea how Vash from Trigun womanizes... if he does at all... ^_^' I've never seen Trigun before... nor have I read it... sooo help here would be great! thanx a bunch!!!!! ^_^v
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