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Haha..take a guess
well............helping ppl......ect
Anime Fan Since
um.....since i started drawing....when i was 2 years old :3
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hellsing, .hack ect
be a photographer, artest or writer
drawing, writing, photo's, reading, watching t.v, swimming, on com ect
........swimming and writing. Im good a catch the boomerrang (never had an injure from it apart from a brushed ankle but thats it) and im also good a making people hate me, a talent u must have!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
An eyeliner story -
OKay. if u love this series then lease take the banner, the url for it is at the bottom of the screen and so 's the pic of the banner so u can see wot your getting. ill but my banner and urls down there from now on. I need to put my name on the others i make so people know where to go to read them.
anyway heres the rest of the story.
"Billy! how did this happen?" you yell
Billy puts his hand on your arm.
"it'll be okay."he says.
"No wot she asked." says paul," are u deaf?"
You push past billy and sit on the stairs beside paul.
Billy sits on the stair below you.
No one says anything.
That is until benji breaks the silence.
"Im making coffee." he walks off into the kitchen.
"Ill get this sorted out." says billy,"to save my ass and yours."
He puts his hand on your knee.
"Why don't u just blame it all on benji." says paul.
"Hey!" benji yells from the kitchen,"leave me alone."
"How could this happen." you say icnoring paul and benji," only carry, billiejoe, mike, you, benji, joel and paul know about us."
"U for got..." starts paul..but billy shots him a look,"...never mind."
"I don't know where it went wrong but ill get it fixed." you look into his eyes,"promise."
Theres another silence.
"Right! Lost is on.lets go watch it." says carry draging paul by the elbow.
You and billy follow.
"Benji." yells billy as he sits down on the couch." wheres the coffee."
"Nothing wrong with your legs." he says as he walks into the room.
Billy rolls his eyes and gets up of his set to get the coffee.
You lift he newspaper once more and look at the cover.
*jesus. what have i got my self into*
not very exiciting. but i have writers block.
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