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um.....since i started drawing....when i was 2 years old :3
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hellsing, .hack ect
be a photographer, artest or writer
drawing, writing, photo's, reading, watching t.v, swimming, on com ect
........swimming and writing. Im good a catch the boomerrang (never had an injure from it apart from a brushed ankle but thats it) and im also good a making people hate me, a talent u must have!
Monday, November 28, 2005
an eyeliner story - early chrismas treat!!
hey guys!! its me im back had to think about this one. Anyway i hopr you like the pic of my puppy Benji at the top i love him dearly...hes better than the rest of my family.
Billy and Paul climb up the ladder to the attic.
"Paul move your ass!"says billy pushing paul up.
"Shut up i can't get the door think open."
"Why can't we have a normal attic like every one else normal?" says joelgoing through the tinsil they had in the colset.
"Because we arn't normal joel!" benji replies helping his brother.
The guys had taken to joels sexuality quite well especaily Benji he was happy for his brother, just because he came out with it and didn't hide away.
"got it!!" shouts paul climbing up into the attic.
"Thank god!" billy yells climbing up after.
"Lets go get coffee this could take a while."carry pulls you in the direction of the kitchen downstairs.
"So hows it going with u and billy?"she asks ,"any sight of a ring yet?"
You look at her.
"No..but there is sight of a new member to the family."
Carry looks at you.
"What?! really!"
You nod.
"OMG! Congrates!"
She hugs u.
Benji, joel, paul and billy all come into the kitchen dragging the boxes of tinsel and christmas tree,(they are going artificl).
"Wow." says billy wiping his brow,"god thats heavey."
"Your just weak." says paul laughing.
Billy rears to jokingly hit him but carry stops him.
"____Don't you have something to tell us all?!" says carry a grin on her face.
"Oh carry no no...."
Carry looks t you,"go on."
"Okay fine......better be room for one more in this house coz im preganat"
Billy runs over and hugs you.
"Really!" he say
you nod.
"Shit! im gonna be a daddy again."
You hug him.
"Im gonna be an uncle."says joel
"me too!"says paul and benji
"You guys an't related to billy." carry points out.
"So....this is a really good chrismas."
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