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um.....since i started drawing....when i was 2 years old :3
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hellsing, .hack ect
be a photographer, artest or writer
drawing, writing, photo's, reading, watching t.v, swimming, on com ect
........swimming and writing. Im good a catch the boomerrang (never had an injure from it apart from a brushed ankle but thats it) and im also good a making people hate me, a talent u must have!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
an eyelnier story - bad news for christmas
sorry but i told u why it was late and i still think i might have more nights. im stressed about my exams coming in jan, im stressed about christmas and im stressed about this web site.
Carry throws you the tinsill from the top of the stairs.
"here catch."you catch the long thin, sparkly string in your hands.
"good one." carry cries, gripping the banester as she trips.
"Watch yourself" you say,"don't want you in the hospital when paul comes home."
You are both in high sprits as the guys are comeing home soon.
Cash is sleeping in the kitchen while you and carry hang decorations, and wrap presents.
"Can't wait to see what billy bought you"carry hands you the duck tape.
"Cant wait to see what paul got you." you replie as you tape the tinsel in place.
Carry stands back from the stairs.
"Wonderful."she says smiling, you join her at gasing at the stairs.
"It is."
Nether of you talk for a moment or two.
"The guys will love it when the walk in through that door."you say, lifitng the box of remaning decorations,"lets decorate the living room."
You both head into the livign room when the fone rings.carry and you grap for it, but carry reaches it first.
"Hello."she says breathlessly.
"Hello, how you guys doin?" asks Benji on the other end.
"Benji!" carry srceechs,"where fine."
"Thats good."benji replies.
In the backround you are making 'letme speak' movements.
Benji talks on.
"When are you guys coming home."carry asks excited.
"Well thats the thing....we won't be home till christmas night."
"What."carrys face fell.
"What?"you whisper.
"Sorry."benji says."see you then bye."
The fone gos dead and carry slams it down.
"What."you repeate.
"They won't be home till christmas night."
You look at her.
"What no..."
Carry and you head to the living room.
"I don't feel like decorating anymore do you?"carry says.
"Not really."
You both sigh and put your feet up on the coffee table.
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