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myOtaku.com: Chloe4

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I need some art help.
OKay so im trying to draw some art for my fan fiction called ' Harry and Draco's Dungeon of Passion' which is on my plant in angelfire. Not to mention i need to finish Eyeliner Story on Angelfire.....im really pinning my self down. Anyway so far i have a pictre of harry finished.

This is the smaller version and the bigger and blurrer ones in my photobucket. So if u want to see that then ask me for the url.

Anyway if any of you have any ideas or any help then please post them here...oh wait the story behind the picture is that draco is in the hospital wing for poising himself after he felt so quilty about not helping harry out of a tight situation where he was brouht into the wing becasue of deep and continous self-harming. Now harry is blaming himself for what has happened to malfoy and he thinks that he's gonig to die plus i thought the idea of him using the glass from his glasses and him being in the shower would make it better.

Oh well sorry for the crap blurry ness of it my scanner isn't working so i used my mothers digital cam.

Peace love and die from the inside out

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