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• 1990-02-10
• I live in a semi boring town called West can lack entertainment but when ya think about really is an awesome place to live
Member Since
• 2004-05-28
• Well i like to consider myself a professional shopper...*hehehe* it seems to be a great problem solver and a wonderful stress releiver
Real Name
• Tamara ...i really do hate my name...i want it to be Vanity or
• i have won a few contests in my short lifetime so a few drawing contests and i did get pretty far in some spelling bee only to lose to some one i really dislike lol haha oh well i was supposed to win and we both know that
Anime Fan Since
• i think i have always been an anime fan..i just didnt know it until a few years ago ^.^
Favorite Anime
• I.N.V.U, Cowboy BeBop, Love Hina, Peach Girl, just about anything having to do with romance or hot guys who like to show off their abs...=hehehe=
• to go to a four year college to be a fashion designer, or a marine biologist...but who knows..Im really not sure, i could change my mind anytime
• poking things with hidden identities, annoying, using the powerful power of procrastination, singing, drawing, shopping, dreaming of romance *ahhh* lol
• poking things with hidden identities, annoying, using the powerful power of procrastination,drawing, singing, dancing, shopping
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, November 8, 2004

yes...ANOTHER crush...this one from a band called Busted. hey and im sorry i havent been on in a while!!!! **waaaa***** but i have come up with somthin pretty cool.....its called: THE RANDOM TOPIC OF CELEBRATION. its kinda self explanitory...but i think that people need random topics to every post ill pick a new one!! ^.^ lolz
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Monday, November 1, 2004
SEAN CASHMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now i am quite aware that i say that i will marry a lot of guys....but THIS one is FOR SURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol ^.^ he is off of Fear Factor and he made it ALL the way to the third challenge!! GO SEAN!!! lol yeah todays post is about him and how we are going to get married and all...he is also from Sydney, Austrailia so he has a HOTT accent to go with his HOTT self....^.^ *yay*!!!
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Saturday, October 30, 2004
o0o0o cuz thats the way, uh huh uh huh i like it ^.^

well yeah as you can tell i am feeling quite better from my last post....i think i just needed some space and what not. anyways...the picture above is of my lastest obsession, Ryan Reynolds!! lol ooooh i am so gonna marry that man. ^.^ **grabs wedding dress and massage oil** lol i am such a teenager, huh. yeah today i am going out to my dads house, and i am almost certain i will be bored out of my mind, just like every time i go there...=sniff sniff= oh well i guess ill just have to find some thing to listen to my new whats everyone's fave cd?
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
we have a four day weekend now... yet i feel horrible and depressed? WHY??

this pix is of my most fave Real World members, Cameron and Brad. they were on the last season. Today i should be happy...but the fact is that i am not....right now i am horribly depressed, and i dont exactly know why, but i think i might, yet i dont. lol its complicated. but right now i just kind of want to be in my own little corner where no one can see or hear me...but yet theres a feeling in me that speaks out and says that i want affection. that sounds goofy but i dont care lol. i think its becuz i have all these feelings in me, that have been cooped up for a long time. my best friend said that what im doing by keeping it in, is horrible and it can really mess with me. she said she wouldnt have been able to deal with it. but all my life my opinion hasnt been appreciated by hardly n e one, and i have never been free to be the real me, and its hurting me...*sniff sniff* im telling you guys this, becuz i guess i feel safe knowing that you guys are my friends. *hugz*
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
hey ya'll!!! wuddup?

Im sittin on the computer right now and Tristy is right next to me lolz. ^.^ yeah she says hello to every 1. lol she was sick today so guess what? I GET TO STAY HOME!! haha BOO YAH CUZ THATS THE WAY UH HUH UH HUH I LIKE IT!! lmao yeah i am wayyyy to hyper today. well n e wayz....wats every 1's fave colour?? mine is a tie between orange and pink...lolz and Tristy's is pink. were so girly in this house hold. ^.^ well i gotsta go now but talk to ya'll later
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Friday, October 22, 2004
OH YEAH BABY!!! >.< yeah Trey Parker IS THE CENTER OF MY WORLD!! haha for all those who dont know, Trey is the one on the right side.....*hehhe* yeah im sooo gonna marry him one day...omg tho my world like revolves around him!! ^.^ oOoOh love sure does make the world go round.
Anyways, today is yet another Friday...kool. haha yeah not too excited but excited enough. well n e ways i g2g now but ttyl dudes...lolz AND HAVE A SHPADOINKLE DAY!!!!!! <---my new phrase
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004

hell i LOVE South Park and EVERYTHING ABOUT IT...Even the of whom i am madly obsessed with...*hehe* yeah today is a short post...sorry ya'll lol...not much on the brain today. but yeah quick question...
what's everyone's absolute FAVE television show?
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
*hehe* Simon Rex is SoOoO yummy!!

Sorry about that...lolz but my mind is programmed to love boys....=nudge nudge=*hint hint u know who u r* lol haha yeah i just got done watching How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days...its a really cute movie. ^.^ well just yesterday i came back from a little vacation type thing with my moms friend Gretchen and her son, and her parents. we went down to Dubuque, Iowa and stayed in a 4 star hotel with a water park and pay per veiw movies!! lol *shreik* and we also went to the dog races at Greyhound Park, which were totally kool. on the way down there we also went shopping in a town called Galena...which was really awesome. so Tepocoora, Krissychan, and anybody else who was wondering why i wasnt in school yet again on i was two and a half hours away in Dubuque.
whats everyones fave place they have vacationed? ^.^
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Tuesday, October 12, 2004
**sings** gonna spread my wings..its my chance to shine..ect.

hey there!! ^.^ **hehe** im kind of, well, skipping school right now. lol but dont worry, my mom knows about it. you see, my lil sister said she was sick and wanted to stay home, and my mom had to leave so of course she called in and said me AND tristy wouldnt be in school today, but then just as mom was leaving tristy said she would go to school so now here i am....home alone with very loud music on and food and pop!!! lol wow this is great...
cmon everyone, confess to many of you have skipped school? lol dont worry i wont tell if you guys dont ^.^
l8tr dayz
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
ShOpPiNg ShOpPiNg ShOpPiNg !! ^.^

Hey there everybody!!! lolz sowwy i havent updated in a while. hehe yeah i have been shopping a lot!! ^.^ its so awesome..ya'll know how i LoVe to shop **gets shopping eyes* haha i dont even know what shopping eyes are!!! lol but yeah today i went over to my friend Megans and i had a lot of fun, and then me and my friend Amber decided that we are gonna take our little brothers and sisters trick or treating, cuz yeah we dont see each other very often so it should be really fun. hey whats everyone doing for halloween?? ^.^
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