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Wednesday, October 6, 2004
YAY FOR JOURNALISM!!! **jumps and cheers**
OMG today was AWESOME!@#$!!! YaY yAy it was SoOoO kool!!! my journalism class went to the Eau Claire College Campus today and we had a Journalism Conference and if it sounds boring..it was KOOL!!! haha ^.^ yeah me and my bud Katie walked around today and we met a whole bunch of people like this one girl named Anita or sumfin and yeah she was from Luck High School. hehe i like that name...and even though the bus ride was about 2 hours...*sniff sniff* (any hot guys willing to massage???!! hehe ) but yeah we traveled with Jeff and Eric and Dorinda and stuff and there was only bout 28 people from my school so yeah i had a really awesome time. But apart from meeting a whole bunch of people I also learned some kool facts about Journalism. I really like it ^.^
P.S. lol that massage offer is still on the table ^.< =wink wink=
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Sunday, October 3, 2004
Chuckie Cheese...The place where a kid can be a kid!! lolz haha
yeah the reason i put that corny little chuckie cheese comment up is becuz its my stepsister's b-day partay today and her and like, 14 of her friends are going to chuckie cheese and just my luck, I have to go. lolz i admit it prolly wont be the most fun in the world but i dont know, maybe ill meet some kool people who were forced into that kind of cruel and unusual punishment as well. ^.^ we arent leaving for quite a few hours so i think that a will be bored for a while. **sniff sniff** .::runs and gets scetch book::. yeah i hope i can keep myself from dying of boredom =reaches out= *hehe* will you guys help me think of ideas?? haha lol. hey i gots a question for ya'll...have you ever felt really restricted from the thing you want the most?? like was there some thing your heart longed for but some how there were reasons you couldnt have it? what did you do then? lol well i g2g now
l8tr dayz
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
yeah....West Side Story is a good movie...
hey everyone...right now i am just hanging out on the internet talking to people while watching my absolute fave movie of all time..which is....West Side Story. lol im such a hopeless romantic and i think the tale of Marie and Tony is absolutely adorable...sorry if i bore you male Otaku-ers out there reading this. I am also pigging out on food *sniff sniff* but i really shouldnt be. The West Side Story and the accessive eating are signs that im not too happy with something...but i guess ill get over it..::runs and gets tissue::
and also...sorry to change my website yet AGAIN...lolz...i am no longer obsessed with Nelly. he is still mega awesome..but from now on im prolly just gon post random celeb pics...lol so yeah 
l8tr dayz
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
OMG OMG OMG !!!! ^.^

OmG!!!!!!! i went to tha school Homecoming dance last night and i had SOOOOO much fun!! ^.^ it SO totally rocked and all the songs totally kicked butt!! lol *wink wink* Krissy chan....
there were so many people and it was just so awesome....hey im sorry if this is a short post too...but oh well huh...lolz n e ways..right now im listening to Jennifer Lopez's CD called J.LO...pretty kool CD so far...not the best but oh well. hope ya'll love tha Nelly pic and tha Ashlee Simpson pic....yeah Ashlee's really awesome..so is Jessica. but Nelly is THA BOMB!!! **puts thumbs up** lol hehe by tha way his new albums dropped a little while ago and everyone should go pick em up...lolz they are...AWESOME!!! well i g2g now but see ya'll l8tr
~**~NELLY FAN~**~
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
*starts singing* oh My HeAd Is SPinNiNg BuT My HeArT iS In ThA RiGhT PLaCe..ect.
Hey ya'll!!! lolz watcha up to?? today is yet the second day of my school's homecoming...you may have read about it already on Tepocoora's page....but n e wayz...lol...i go to tha same school as her ( you may already know that too ) and yeah i think that homecoming is really fun.
I think that the best day will be Friday becuz we get to get out of school early *jumps up and cheers * i think its fun to get out of school...but dont be fooled!!! I DO hold education on a very high pedistool in my life...i think its just the key to getting what i want out of life and im gonna fight to do my best!! lol omg i sounds like one of those navy people....*sigh*
oh and my deepest sympathy to the two americans who were sadly held hostage and beheaded in Iraq just within the past 24 hours...i hope the third hostage does not hold the same fate
l8tr dayz
~**~NELLY FAN~**~
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Wednesday, September 15, 2004
HEY EVERYBODAY!!! lol okay now i KNOW that i make SoOoO many changes in my site..but thats okay becuz im a teenage girl and i change my mind a lot...lol and so y'all have probably noticed that this is now a Nelly sight...NOTICE: this DOES NOT mean that i like Hilary Duff ANY less...it just means that ive found a new idol..so im changing a little..lol nuthin wrong with that, right?? :: looks around strangely :: and guys....dont worry lol i may think hes attractive but i know that hes totally off limits. lol and this Nelly thing is prolly like, a phase...so DONT WORRY!!! lol *wink wink* *nudge nudge* yeah u know who u r...lol ^.^
But yeah PLEASE do NoT think that im like, not gon like Hilary...shes TOTALLY second lol...but right now Nelly is my top celeb. >.< ooh Kira im still TOTALLY with ya in tha Hilary Duff fan thing!!!!!!! but yeah i g2g now but hope ya'll like tha change...i know its drastic lol...well l8tr dayz!!!
~**~NELLY FAN~**~
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Sunday, September 12, 2004
lol i LOVE Japanese food!!!

Hey everyboday!! lol omg wat is everyone's fave food?? i absolutely LOVE japanese...lol we just went grocerey shopping and i totally saw this awesome cart thingy with the most adorable japenese chicken rice thingys..lol and i soo totally made my mom buy it lol. but she knows she loves me haha. and ive been doin stuff to keep myself busy...becuz im in a very slow process right now which is...Waiting 4 Hilary Duff's second album to come out!!!!! lol I WANT IT NOW!!! LOL just playin.. but yeah, honestly, i am a very patient person so i can last!! ^.^ well ill c ya'll later!! xoxo buh bye
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Friday, September 10, 2004

hey everybody!! im listening to Hilary Duff's CD: Metamorphasis and chattin with ma buddy Amanda and my otha buddy Scott lol. yeah last time i dyed my hair blonde...it didnt exactly work all tha way..so my mom is taking me to get my hair professional dyed lol. it will be before picture retakes....becuz i got my pics the other day and i DID NOT like them AT ALL!!!! but yeah who all got thur school pics??? lol how many ppl liked them??? becuz i know that i usually dont like mine but i mean i really really dont like them this year so im really happy i get retakes...lol well sry this is a short post...well i g2g now...but ttyl later!! buh bye!!!
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004

YAY IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!! ^.^ i just got back from my freshman orientation at my new school and it was soo awesome!!!!!!!! im glad i didnt skip it because i would have missed out on a great and very fun opportunity!!! i went with my friend Brittney and i saw all my old friends and i met a lot of new people and i just had a really great time...although im still not sure where all my classes are *looks around scared* but i did learn an improtant lesson **clears throat** the upperclassmen WILL NOT shove me into a locker or murder me or hurt me in any way, shape, or form...i also learned that i should do the things that I want to do..not what my friends want me to do because i can do three things with my time in these next four years....i can spend my time wisely, i can invest my time into doing something great and successfull, or i can watse my time...i choose spend and invest... lol now im sure y'all are bored from my lil speech but i just wanna say GOOD LUCK to everyone starting school soon or for those who already started :::gives two thumbs up::: ^.^ 
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
im living the vida without the loca!!! lol

hey everyone!! ^.^ what is everyone up to today? im kinda bored myself, but oh well ill get over it lol. right now im just hanging out drinking a diet pepsi vanilla and listening to Mase "Welcome Back" (thats where i got my subject from ^.^) and its such an awesome song...*nudge nudge** poke poke ** right Tepocoora??! >.^ yeah she heard it at my house. and yesterday i saw the movie Malibu's Most Wanted ( for like, the tenth time ) and it keeps getting better every time i see it lol. so dont be hatin and REPRESENT dawgs!! lol haha my lingo is the shiznit isnt it..yea my homies say im droppin some rad tunes and there off the hizzle fo shizzle. lol just kidding y'all im just hyper...well ill ttyl everybody!! **waves** buh bye ^.^
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