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Friday, July 15, 2005

Gaaaaaaaahh... *dies*
Why do people always seem to assume that I'm younger than I really am? It was hard when all the freshmen thought I was a visitor, but now people think I'm my 12 year old sister's twin. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I hate that. And she's almost as tall as me....and more than TWO people have asked if we're twins. o.o Oy. We're NOT!!! *diesdiesdies*

I am not in 8th grade !!!

Hah. Midmorning rants are very invigorating. *glances into the kitchen* My little brother's making bacon. I like bacon...

My sleeping pattern is really quite skewed. I can't really go to sleep until about 3, and then I wake up at about 11. It feels strange to be up this early......I wonder what's going to happen when school starts again.

WHEN school starts, that is. I still have over a month of that lovely thing I call sleep. *^-^* I think I'll make pudding today. I like pudding...

Especially the mango pudding I get at the dim sum places...

I want hom bow....*is hungry yet again*


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Monday, July 4, 2005

guess where i am!
Actually, I hate it when people tell me to guess things. I'd probably hit myself if I were reading this post. Maybe it's because I'm not that patient of a person? I think I need to work on that...

Ahaha. Anyway, diverging from that rambling topic [I think that's another thing I need to work on...if you've ever had a conversation with me you know how easily distracted I am. ^-^;;] - I'm in Hawaii! Hee. I honestly thought I would die, though, because I really, really hate heat. It's surprisingly not too humid here, though, and it's pretty tolerable. Almost. It was really weird when we got to the hotel, though, because for once my family is staying at a really nice hotel - we're all really cheap in my family and usually just stay in the less expensive ones - and when we got here some guy gave us juice and towels to clean our faces with and leis. I was just like "o.o does he think we're dirty or something?"

But who am I to argue with free stuff? Apparently the drinks in the fridge and the coffee and tea and all the bath supplies [which I'd steal anyway. Does anyone else have a collection of hotel soap? No one? Eh, I'm just weird.] are refilled everyday, so I can exploit to my stingy heart's content. Christmas presents? ^-^v Joking joking~!! I'm not that cheap. Really!

Last night my little brother found a really tiny lizard in the bathtub, which he promptly dubbed "Potato." ^-^ He was really cute, but he moved so quickly! Heh. Actually, we haven't been able to find Potato for a while...maybe he went back to Potato-land?

I like potatoes...I'm getting kind of hungry now...

Food time~ *^-^*

Byeee everyone!! *wavewave*


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Friday, July 1, 2005

i really want roll cake right now...
Maaaaaah, I didn't get the job. Apparently, I was one of the top three contenders, but the person who did get the job had previous experience as a page. *sigh* I want moooney...eh, but that's ok~! Rejection is just a part of life, and I WILL get a job this summer!! *raises fist in a determined-like way* Just watch!!

So, I just got back from Vancouver last night, and I couldn't find any roll cake there. Which saddened me, because you all know that food is one of my true loves. :3 I did find some inexpensive pocky, though [$1.29 Canadian, which is a lot better than what I pay back home]. So that perked me up a bit, as saving money usually does. ^-^ By the way, does anyone know where I could find good jellyroll cake in Vancouver? I really do love sweets. *heartheart*

Anyway. ^-^v Happy July everyone!! *sends you love and pretend roll cake*


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Sunday, June 26, 2005

lazy lazy lazy ramblings...
There's something about summer that makes me really restless and nostalgic. I think it's probably the lack of structure or something, not having every hour planned out. But then that makes me feel really lazy. Ahahaha. I really should wake up earlier, I think. I'll sleep away my whole summer, just watch. But it's so nice being able to sleep again...

Heh. Actually, I applied to get a job at the library where I volunteered when I was in junior high. If I get it, it'll pay pretty well [$9.31 an hour], but I'm a little skeptical of my chances. There were 23 other applicants, and when I went in for my interview I saw the people who came in before and after me. And...they were scaaary. *dies* I think I might be easily psyched-out because this would be my first job, but I felt a little underqualified next to them. But I know how to cover books! That counts for something, right? Hah. I really want to find out if I got the job or not, though. Waiting is so boring.

So...oh, I saw one of my old grade school classmates today. It was a little awkward...since I haven't seen him for about two years. I wasn't really sure what to do. I really don't know what's going on with all my old friends now. I feel really old. >< But I'm not. I'm one of the youngest people in my class, I think [but I'm still older than you, Kao-kao~!]. It scares me that high school is almost over. And then there's college. The deluge of college letters has started already...

*has visions of drowning in unsolicited college mail*

College is scary....but not here yet. I'm still free! Ish. So leave me alone scary college people!!! *shakes stick in random directions*

Eeeeeeeh. I'm hungry now. I got baked hom bow today! o^-^o That makes me incredibly happy.


I really do need that job, though. Paying for all my mangas is really depleting my money rather quickly. x.x Maybe I'm just buying too many...but...I love my manga! I could never abandon you~!

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Thursday, June 16, 2005

isn't it a beautiful day today? i love living!!!
I'm just ridiculously happy because

I HAVE NO MORE SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*runs around in circles*

Heh. I'm so happy...no more homework...no more AP bio...no more waking up at 6...

Actually, I never really woke up at 6. More like...6:45. Which made my carpool reeeeeally happy. ^-^ *pokes Mimiru* I tried! It's really hard to wake up in the morning!!!!!! It is it is!! And it makes you really hate alarm clocks. Or clocks in general. But you know, running in the morning is extremely refreshing. Especially since both of our first periods were on the fourth floor. It was great. And kinda woke me up. A little.

Aaaaaaaaah...school. School which I shall not see for THREE MONTHS!!!!

*cheers* I wish pocky upon you all!!!!!


And thankyouthankyouthankyou to Naru and Kao-Kao for the Pucca pillows!!! *hugs pillows* I love you!!!!!

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Saturday, May 14, 2005

It really bothers me how some guys seem to think you are supposedly incapable of "hard work" just because you're a girl. As if by being a girl you automatically are too delicate and girly to do anything remotely strenuous.


In retrospect, I suppose they were only being considerate, but still. I just hate that people think I'm too small and weak to do work.

Well. Enough of that.

Oh, the people who just moved into the house next to us have decided to do a little gardening, apparently. There was this really pretty mountain ash tree next to our window, and for some reason they decided to top it. It looks really sad now...all small and stubby. They cut off all the nice leafy branches. Branches that, coincidentally, gave us privacy. >< So now not only is the pretty greenery gone, but they can see into our living room. It's pathetic, really, but I miss the tree...

Poor Mr. Tree...cruelly stunted...

Hah. I need some tea.


Lack of sleep makes me captious and cranky. ._. I guess the caffeine’s wearing off...

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Monday, May 9, 2005

life is beautiful
Hahaha I'm done with my stupid BIO EXAMS!!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*is insanely happy*


I really don't have much to talk about...I just thought I'd share that with you all. 'Cause I know you all just wanna know sooo much about my now FINISHED AP bio exam!!

Spiffy, ne?


Studying photosynthesis and cellular respiration has killed all my brain cells.

Look at the pretty clouds...

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Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Die Daylight Savings Time!!!

How can people wake up so early? I don’t understand…

x.x I had to wake up early to work on this huge evil project we have in history. It’s a really beautiful monster – We get to teach the class all about the revolution of our choice for the duration of one class period, and our teacher wants it to be “as thorough as possible!” I could have sworn I saw the evil-teacher glint of happiness there. So fun. Oh, but I just LOOOOOOOOOOOVE these kinds of projects~!! YAY for the Russian Revolution!! ^-^v Research projects are my secret passion. I’m going to try making vareniky (lovely little potato-filled dumplings that you boil and then sauté in oil. Food is so wonderful. :]), which should be an adventure. Cooking has never been my strong point, but I think I’ve been improving. I haven’ t burned anything beyond recognition in a long time!! *feels incredibly proud of herself*

Hehehe. Well, I’ve got to finish typing up my lovely notes on the many many key events of the Russian Revolution. I just wish my head wasn’t so fuzzy.

Seriously loving this time-zone change.


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Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Wow...it can really rain in the Midwest. Heh. My family's staying in Chicago over spring break, visiting family and stuff. So far it's been pretty fun, and the weather - for the most part - hasn't been as harsh as I expected. Of course, the last time I was here was in mid-winter and below-freezing temperatures. ^-^ Anyway. It started raining as soon as we left Borders (I bought BLEACH volume 3! And...other stuff. Hehe. I really don't have that much money, and I need to buy more manga paper, but there was a buy-1-get-1-free sale...and I can never pass up things like that. *^-^* I'm a miser. But a happy, deal snatching miser!) and got steadily worse as we walked back to the car. It was kind of strange, since we'd been having weather in the 70s for the past few days, but there was a storm watch on the tv today. Hm...well, anyway, being a Seattlite I'm used to rain...but the nice, semi-gentle and extremely persistent Seattle rain. But Chicago rain is fun! I was throughly soaked by the time I reached the car (holding my mangas to my chest protectively, of course- I have to save my manga from the evil paper-hating rain!! :]), and I could feel the rain and the hail vibrating off the roof when we drove off. _ Actually, I was vaguely worried that the roof would be all dented when we finished. Scary homicidal raindrops…


Yes. Well, that's my lovely weather report from Chicago! x.X Completely boring and rambly, but that's probably from my current state of sleep deprivation. I don't know if it's the time zone difference or what, but lately I haven't been able to sleep until about 12 or 1, and then I have to wake up at about 8 or I don't get breakfast (my whole family's obsessed with the whole take-advantage-of-good-deals view of life. >< We have a hotel soap collection...so this miserliness is probably genetic or something...), and 8 Chicago time is like 6 Seattle time. So it's been terrific. ^-^v Nah, I love Chicago. But I really could do without the whole time-issue thingy.


OH! Speaking of genetics, I finally found the source of my irrational fear of butterflies - my grandma. I guess it skipped a generation...so I'm the lucky grandchild! But you have to admit, there is something really creepy about them...

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Friday, March 25, 2005

Obsessing is fun!! I’m currently in love with BLEACH (which I would seriously recommend looking into if any of you haven’t already~! ^^v)…which is good, because I always love new animes, but bad ‘cause I’m broke and have no money to fund said obsession. X.x Lately I’ve been ordering stuff from the library, which actually has a surprisingly broad selection- I guess manga’s getting more mainstream now. *confetti, balloons* But they only have BLEACH volumes 1-3…and the hold’s list is a monster. *shifty eyes* Perhaps others are now cashing in on my secret…? We will have to take care of that…I’ll guard my cheap secrets with my life! ^-^ It’s good to be thrifty, ne? Actually, I don’t really have a choice at the moment…

Grrrrr…I hate not having money. I wanna buy my manga!!

Well, such is life. I probably need to distribute my money more wisely…I think I’m buying five different series at the moment, and based on my weekly intake of money, I probably shouldn’t be adding to that list. *siiiiiiiigh* I’ll just wait for volume 4 at the library. I can be very patient when I have to be…

*stares pensively at her holds status*


Oh, and thanks to all you guys who commented on my last post! I feel so loved! And I feel SO much better now! ¬_¬ Though I may have developed an addiction to those really strong menthol cough drops and herbal tea…

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