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Sunday, March 20, 2005

Sooo...I've been horribly sick for the past two days. x.x That was super. You know, I think I got the most sleep in weeks in those two days. I can't believe I actually got tired of sleeping...scary.

*shudder* Yeah, I actually was feeling pretty wonky during my last period on Tuesday (I missed Wednesday and Thursday- Friday was a day off. Those are so lovely), which was Geometry. My teacher was handing back our vocab quizzes, which, by the way, are one of the banes of my existance. ¬_¬ But I suppose it's important to make sure we all know about all the various nitpicky definitions and such of the geometric world and all that junk...but I still hate them. Lately she's been using this format where she gives us a phrase with an underlined word and we have to decide if it's true or false. And instead of writng false, we get to correct the sentence! How exciting! My math teacher's...interesting. But anyway. Yeah, I'd been falling asleep all day, and I probably got sick because I hadn't been getting enough sleep (though tiredness has pretty much become my constant state of being) and couldn't fight off whatever nasty I'd caught, and I think I actually did in Geometry. >< Luckily my slightly odd teacher is also a little oblivious...and didn't seem to notice that my head was down and not really moving that much for about twenty minutes. Or maybe she figured I wasn't too well. I don't think I looked too good that day... -_o Yeah...being sick's great. And Motrin is my new best friend. *hugs her bottle of pain-killing happiness*

Wow. Ibuprofen-induced ramblings. I'm going back to bed.


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Wednesday, March 2, 2005

Happy spring everyone!! *runs around in circles*

~__~ Heee...winter's my favorite season- I love cold weather and snow (when we get it -_-' Such are the effects of global warming. Stop using hair spray, people!). Heh. Actually, it's not really spring yet. More like almost spring. Sort of...winter-spring. Winring? Hm...intriguing. I shall ponder the various ways to combine those words later. *^^*

Well, all the daffodils and cherry blossom trees have started blooming..so that makes it spring, right? OH! I found out that there are two cherry blossom trees in my backyard. ^-^v That was a lovely suprise. I love cherry blossoms. *happy happy joy* I get excited over really strange things. Like Pocky. And oranges. ¬_¬ Actually, lately I've been really wanting pancakes. Is this some sort of sign? Of some sort of deficiency in my diet? That's scary...

But you have to admit, pancakes are a beautiful invention.

I think I probably shouldn't have mentioned them, though. I'm really hungry now.

*wants pancakes*


Hmmm...if I put Pocky in the pancakes, it would be like combining two perfect foods! Pocky pancakes!

Perhaps this is a sign that I need more sleep. I've spent this entire post babbling about pancakes. >< Sleep...I remember sleep...it's been a long time...

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Sunday, January 23, 2005

Haaahh...I'm still so tired. Finals just ended, and I'm sure I completely messed up the Bio one- but at least they're over. I really hate finals week. No one ever gets enough sleep and we're all running around studying frantically and snapping at everyone. -_-' Really brings out the best in people. Finals are such...nasty, nasty things. Though I suppose I'm lucky not to have midterms too...

*shudders* Ugh. It's best not to even consider such things.

Friday was one of those lovely teacher inservices (I love those things), so we had the day off. ^^v I completely wasted it, though, sleeping the whole day. God knows I don't get enough of it during the week. I was a little…out of it during my history final. No wait, I was CONTEMPLATING the effect Charlemagne's empire on Europe. Yup. *nods* Actually, the last day of finals went pretty well. I think it was all the Man Pocky that kept me going. *^^* Food of life.

Anyway. What've I been doing lately? ^-^;; Actually, I'm a pretty boring person. I've studied like mad for the last week or so...probably still didn't do as well as I would have liked...but that's life for you. And AP Bio. Don't take it children! RUN! No...really, I thought we'd be doing more dissecting...but we haven't done anything like that. Just gone over photosynthesis and other complex, boring stuff that has about a million steps and is really, really boring. Now dissecting, that was fun. Not to sound like some kind of sicko or anything. I just thought it was interesting seeing what was inside the squid and the frog (don’t all biology classes seem to dissect frogs? *^^* Just a trend I’ve noticed.) and stuff. Which is kind of strange, especially since I hate those surgery shows on Discovery and really can’t tolerate gory movies. Maybe I’m just weird…

Ehhh…whatever. I had no homework this weekend, which was really strange. I haven’t had a weekend free of homework for… *contemplates* …about six months. Sad. That’s just sad. I wanna be in preschool again! >< We used to get pretzels and cheese cubes during snacktime…

*misses her cheese cubes*

Now I’m all sad. I want some jello, too. Cut into shapes. O_- Finals make you crazy. Anyway, hope all of yours went well, or the ones that are coming up go well (eh Annica?). Good luck!! Byeeee everyone!!


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Sunday, January 2, 2005

Happy New Year's everyone! *throws confetti* I hope you all had a great Christmas, too! *^^* I got The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker for Christmas and I've been practically playing it non-stop. The graphics are soooo cute!! >< Yes. I'm the crazy girl squealing "cuuuuuuuuute!!! So cute!!! I wanna take pictures!!!" at the television. Actually, I think I really like the Zelda series in general. I got this disk when we bought our Gamecube that had four Zelda games on it (are there any more? ‘Cause if there are…), so that was the beginning. I just get obsessed with things easily...first it was Rurouni Kenshin...*recalls her Soujiro phase* ^-^ That was fun. I don't think I'm quite over it. Swords... *sparkly eyes* So pretty...but I'm digressing. Actually, now that I think about it, I got obsessed with a lot of animes. Like .hack//sign and CCS (I think that was one of my first ones...Kero's so cute! But the dubbed version of that show just depresses me. *shakes head* Sad sad sad.), oh and Fruits Basket! *loves Momiji* Heeee...but yeah. I get really sucked into things, and I probably should have studied Bio more...especially considering the fact that I'm really not understanding anything anymore. Maaaahhh...well, I'm going over to my friend's house to study tomorrow, and that should help...she's one of the smartest people I know. >< *feels inadequate* I think I'll go slash up some more things in Zelda...I still need to get the last pearl...

*waves* Bye everyone!


*points above* See? I'm such a bad student. ^-^ *sighs* And I have school on Monday...ugh. Don't wanna go!!! I've gotten used to waking up at 11 every day, and I reeeeally don't wanna go back to the whole 'waking up at six and stumbling to school half-alive' routine again. Maybe it'll snow...*smiles hopefully*

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Saturday, December 18, 2004

*tosses confetti* Happy vacation everyone!! Heh. I really think sleep deprivation is bad for me. Today I was wearing two different earrings. And I didn't even notice till I took them out. x.x Yeah...I don't think I'm too alive in the mornings. OH! I got lots of lovely lovely presents today...like Man Pocky...various lovely items of the concentrated sugar variety...Pucca erasers (yeah, recently became obsessed with her. She's so cute!)...and more sugar. Lots of food in general. My friends know me. *hugs her food* That makes me happy. So. Wow. Now that I have all this free time I don't really know what to do. Maybe I should sleep. Yes. Sleep is good. I don't think I've gotten more than 6 hours of sleep any day this week. *loves how her teachers decided to try to get as much work crammed into 4 1/2 days as possible* Ehhhhh...so tired. Well, I hope you guys have a good break too! Eat a lot! And sleep! 'Cause those are good for you!

*waves* Byee!


-Click here for Pucca stuff!
*^^* I found it in reeeeally tiny print on the back of my eraser. Try the game (it's under Amusement)! I was playing it in the library...and people were looking at me funny. I love being weird. *beams* Bye again!

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Monday, December 13, 2004

Wow. I've been seriously absent from myOtaku for a few weeks now. Sowwy! -_- ' School's been...rather preoccupying. I got about four hours of sleep last night (or would I say this morning?), and I don't think I operate too well without sleep. And I've been pretty depressed because of Bio. We got our tests back...and it's not going too well. I'm starting to regret taking an AP class. I'm so tired...of everything. I don't know. I think I've just become a little apathetic. And my priorities are so messed up. I’m such a bad person…but being depressed is boring. *^^* I really should be happier. After all, we get out for Christmas break on Friday! Oy...I thought I had one more week...so I only got presents for a few of my friends. Bad Cho. Procrastination is bad. So I'll probably just be making a bunch of cookies and wrapping them with some pretty plastic wrap or something. ^.^ I'm so creative.

Well, at least I'll get to sleep during break. *is somewhat consoled by the prospect of actually getting sleep*


Oh yeah…we have finals about two weeks after we get back from break. Super.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Happy first day of December everybody!!! *^^* It's definitely starting to get colder around here. Yesterday...I saw FROST!!! YAY!!! *skips around room* That's happy, especially since we didn't get any snow last year. And snow means snow days...which mean no school...which means sleeeeeeep!!! -__- Which I don't get enough of...


Speaking of school, I have to finish this stupid project in Geometry...it's basically just reading Flatland, which is supposedly a parody of Victorian society, and write responses to all the chapters, including the preface. =_= That's 23 chapters...and it's so boring! >,< I don't know if I can take much more of the stupid 19th century language...*dies*

Hah. Sooo...well, my cousin's getting married on Monday, which is why I'm doing my Flatland project now (it's due on Monday, and I usually procrastinate...ehehehe...). He's getting married in Monterrey, Mexico, where his fiancé’s from, so that should be exciting. Canada's the only other country I've been to, so I'm looking forward to that. Plus I'm gonna be able to get real Mexican food (hey, food is verrrrry important to me! ^-^). Food food food...I'm so hungryfulll....

*waves* Gonna go eat lunch now. Byee!!!


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Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Happy day before Thanksgiving everybody! YAY! ^-^ Yeah, my family's been forced to host Thanksgiving this year 'cause everyone wants to see our new house (we just moved last August). =__= My family's so nosy...

Yeah....so that should be fun. I'm really looking forward to cleaning the house tonight. Really, I just live to clean. *beams* But I am excited for Thanksgiving. Lots and lots of food...ehehehe...eating's my favorite hobby! Well, have a great Thanksgiving, everybody! Oh yeah! ^-^ Before our test (*grumbles*), my history teacher told us this really strange rhyme...but I thought it was funny. I'm just easily amused, I guess...

Gobble gobble, what's that?
Mr. Turkey makes you fat!

Eeee...yeah, apparently her little brother learned it when he was in kindergarten. *shakes head* Eating's good for you, though! >< So eat eat eat, you guys!! Yaaaaaay!!!

Byee everyone!!!


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Monday, November 15, 2004

^-^ Today's my little brother's birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ICKLE DANNYKINS!!! *throws confetti and cheers*

Yes. Not that he'd ever actually see this, but it's the thought that counts, right? (although I'm not so sure he'd appreciate being called ickle Dannykins. But as the older sister I hold that right, eh? Mwahaha...) Yeah, he's 10 now. -_- Although he acts like he's 6. Gotta love siblings. *huggles her brother and sister and steals their Pocky* Oh so much.



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Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Hiyeee everyone! *waves* How are you?! I'm doing...pretty well. Sorta. School's been horrible as usual, and I think I just got a really bad grade on my bio test. >< I am seriously regretting choosing AP Bio as my elective this year. We just had a test on electro-something or other (cellular respiration and photosythesis...together they make something who's name I forget)...and it was ugly. I didn't really know that much of the stuff on the test, even though I studied really hard for it. Blehhhhhh...*depression* I think I'll talk about something else now...

Sooooooo...OH! My cousin got married in Arizona last Saturday, so we all went down there to see her wedding. And that was fun. It was really cute when they both started crying. *beams* Yeah, I know, I'm a sap...but it was really cute! Plus I got steak at the reception. Steak steak steak...me likeys...

Heeee...now I'm hungry. Take care everyone!



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