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Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Ugh...watching the election coverage...which is just depressing me. So now we're watching a movie. -_- Election...

Gah. New topic. Sooooooo...school! School school school. Well, that's mainly the reason I haven't been on in so long (and to everyone who signed my guestbook- I'm so sorry I haven't signed yours yet!!! I will do it...just...I can't right now. >< I'm really sorry...I feel like such a bad person). School's been...difficult. I don't know why, but lately I've been going to bed really late. Bio...*narrows eyes* I seriously don't understand anything we've gone over in the last few weeks. Photosynethesis confuses me. Too many G3Ps and NADH+'s and other random letters put together to make absolutely no sense to me. =_= That's fun. Well, I gotta go. See ya!



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Thursday, October 21, 2004

*beams* Well, apparently I'm the new co-president of my school's anime club. Snazzy, huh? Yeah, the original mod hasn't shown up for the last two meetings, even though she's an upperclassmen (and therefore has seniority over the club...) so now Violeteyes and I are the new presidents! *does her happy little dance* I feel...power...BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Ahem. Yes. Yes yes yes. Heh. Well, that's probably one of the only high points of my week. -_- My teachers seem to enjoy giving me obscenely long sections of notes to take (due the next day, of course). So that's lots of fun. I don't think I've gotten more than six hours of sleep any night this week. And that's not really very good. I fell asleep in Theology today...again...

But it's so boring! Ehhhhhh...I gotta type up my history notes...all five million pages of them...



Man Pocky!!!!!!!

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Sunday, October 17, 2004

Hiiiiiiiii!!! *waves excitedly* Guess what guess what! Nothing! It's really boring over here! -_- I have a ton of homework I really should be doing, but I'm not. Ehhhhhh...I'll do it tomorrow. When I do all my homework. I'm such a slacker.

Blarg.....I've had so many tests this week. *yaaaaaaaawn* And I've been staying up waaaaaay too late studying for them. Don't you just love it when you've got three major tests in one day? So much fun. Especially Bio. Did you know there's four essays on the AP Bio test? Yes. And my teacher's prepping us by putting essays on our regular tests. It's not that bad...right now. He's kinda breaking us into the whole "AP test" thing...the first time we had to write the essay at home and turn it in on the test day, and he gave us the essay question on the study guide this time. I think next time it'll just be on the test. >< I don't like essays...but that's not really that interesting. Actually, this post was pretty boring. *angst* My life's pretty boring.

Well, it's one in the morning over here, so I'd better go now. Sleeeeeeeepyness....sleep is good. I should really do that more often.

*waves as she stumbles off to bed*


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Tuesday, October 12, 2004

My mom got in a car accident yesterday...I found out about it right before I left to meet my carpool at 3:30. The vice principle of something (we have a lot of vice principles at my school...I have no idea why) called me over the intercom. >< The first thing she told me was that my mom had been in an accident and our car was totaled. I was imagining our little Toyoda in the shape of a smushed pop can, but it turns out it was just the front right wheel that was completely bashed in. But really, I wasn't as freaked out as my friend was (she walked up with me to the office).
I think I was just kind of in a state of shock. I mean, those things happen to other people, not you. >< But it was really scary!

Well, everyone's ok, so it's not as bad as it could be. But our poor car's going to be in the shop for about a month. Sadness...poor Mr. Car...

*sighs* Well, I have to go meet my carpool now, so byebye!


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Friday, October 8, 2004

YAY!!! No school for me today!!! Yeah, apparently today is a state inservice...whatever those are, I think I like them. ^^ I haven't really done anything today...I woke up around ten because the phone was ringing. And ringing. And ringing. >< It finally occurred to me that there was no one home, and that I should probably answer it, but there was no one on the other end when I got there. Ehe. I think I let it ring for about five minutes. I'm sorry, person who I don't know! OH! Today I had my first Nutella-banana crepe! My friend Anna was telling me about how she always got them when she was living in Germany, so I thought I'd try one...it was really good, but now I feel a little sick. There was a lot of Nutella in there. So now I'm a little hyper. Let's see...what else have I done today? Not much, really...I was playing around with the little remote that came with our On Demand boxy thing...what do you call them? Well, the little box that came when we updated to On Demand...it has this strange little remote that we're still trying to figure out. It seems like it has a bunch of unnecessary buttons that serve no purpose except for me to play with...but anyway. I found out that we have Anime Network and Adult Swim On Demand stuff, so I was checking out the anime. Yeah...I watched a little of Witch Hunter Robin. I didn't really understand it because it was the 16-18th episodes or something, but I think I like it. But I had no idea what was going on...I'm so confused! ^^ I think I'll buy the anime, though. I liked the theme song. Very guitary. Don't you just love describing things with themselves? Like lemony lemon bars...I'm still kinda hungry, even after that Nutella thing. I think I'll walk down and get a latte. Bye-eeeeeeeeee!!!



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Sunday, October 3, 2004

Eeeee....I don't want to go to school tomorrow...I was so happy to go to school after summer, because I missed my friends (who all happen to be crazy, but what other kind of friends did you think I have?), but now it just seems like the weeks have become endless repetitions of the same thing. Does anyone else feel this way? Maybe I'm just strange...no, I know I am strange.

Anyway, enough of that. It's hard to complain so much. OH! We went to the International District today (yeah, here we have an International District...which is like Chinatown, but with other Asian cultures...makes sense, at least to me...) and got dim sum! Yes...so I got my allotted baked hom bow for the week. ^^ Yeah, I love the International District...all the food's a lot cheaper because of all the competition. So my hom bow was verrrrrry inexpensive! *grins* This appeals to the cheap side of me. Oh...there I go again, talking about food. >< Sorry! It really is one of my favorite topics, though. Ehehe...oh, while we were in the I.D., we went to Uwajimaya, which is like this huuuuuge Asian superstore. Dang, that place sells everything. So I stocked up on rice crackers, Man Pocky, and those lovely sesame cookies that I love. And I got Fruits Basket volume 5! *dances around* I'm so happy! Heh. Fruits Basket is one of my current obsessions right now...I tend to become obsessed with things very easily. ^^ I don't think that's a very good trait, is it? Oh well. Eh...since it does happen to be Sunday and, sadly, I will have school tomorrow, I think it would be good for me to finish my homework. Because it really doesn't work when you're frantically trying to do it 5 minutes before the bell rings. So off I go!


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Thursday, September 30, 2004

Ehhhhhhh...we had Jogathon yesterday. Or Walkathon, as my friend prefers to call it. Which is actually what I did the entire time. Laziness is my forte. Really, though, Jogathon a waste of time. Though I did get out of math and AP bio...

Yeah, I just walked around with my friends and talked about food the entire time. Food...actually, it's my lunch now, and I'm getting kinda hungry, so I'm going to go eat. Because lunch is the most important 40 minutes of the school day!



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Friday, September 24, 2004

It's Friday...

*confetti, balloons*

I've been so tired lately...I never thought I could fall asleep on the floor, but I did that when I was studing for my history test...that was fun. I was all stiff after that. So I didn't get much studying in. ^^ I did the whole "frantically study five minutes before the bell rings" approach...but my grade wasn't actually that bad. Which was nice, considering I only studied for about 20 minutes. Yep. I definitely need to sleep more. Sleep...I remember sleep...

Oh, I forgot to tell you last week, but I got a coffee plant last Sunday! Yes...so now I'll be able to grow my own coffee beans. In three or four years, according to the little card that came with it, but I can be patient. Coffee plant, coffee plant...I could make lattes...*starry eyes* Oh, but first I'll have to roast the beans...and grind them...and then brew the coffee. Maybe I'll just stick to Starbucks.

Ehhhhhhh...that's depressing. I really want to grow my own coffee, though. But I really don't think it'll produce that many beans. I mean, it's about a foot tall. ^^ It'll grow, right? Yeah. It’s got three years. Ok then. Gotta go!



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Saturday, September 18, 2004

Ugh...I'm so tired. >< Homework's evil. I started it as soon as I got home from school, and it still took forever. I've been going to bed at 11:30 or later...so sleepy...*slumps onto keyboard* Well, it's the weekend, so I'll probably spend half of it sleeping. Oh, did I tell you? Probably not, since I haven't updated since last Friday...by the way, did you notice I've been doing almost all my posting on Fridays? I think that's because that's one of the only days I have enough time...probably has something to do with all the homework my psychotic teachers assign. *mutters* Anyway. Back to my original point. Or was there one? *tilts head* Yes...there was. I got into the play! They called yesterday, and I am now a Plumerian. Snazzy, huh? Apparently it's a half-bird half-human thing with superiority problems. ^^ Sounds...interesting. I can’t wait to read the script. But right now I'm going to bed. I fell asleep during Theology again...we’ll need to work on that. Especially since we have a test coming up. Must pay attention, must pay attention...

*yawns and waves*


Sleep...such a wonderful thing...almost as good as Pocky. And new manga. And steak. And grapefruit juice! Mmmm...or Doubleshots...ack, now I'm hungry. *sigh*

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Friday, September 10, 2004


Wow, haven't posted in a long time. >< Sorry! I've had soooo much homework this week...I was getting to bed between 11 and 12:30. So getting up in the morning was an...interesting ordeal. But now it's the weekend...so I can sleep. Sleep...anyway. What's happened so far? Let's see...

Well, my friend wanted me to try out for our school's play, but we needed to memorize a monologue for it...and I didn't have one. Or the time to memorize one (stupid history projects! >< My history teacher just loooooves projects...) So I didn't try out...but I am going to another rehersal on Sunday. This company doesn't seem as intense, we just have to read a paragraph from the script. ^^ And I've been wanting to check this place out ever since she told me about last year's play. It was some variation of Beauty and the Beast, and they had this group of little kids run by at random moments singing "garden pals, garden pals!" So yeah, it seems a little informal. Which is all right with me. I hate memorizing monologues. Plus, garden pals! *thinks* Well, nothing else has really happened...oh, I started reading Naruto (I'm borrowing it from my friend)...that's pretty good. Lots of lovely fight scenes. Yeah...we have this little "manga exchange" going around my friends...I think Tsubasa's been abducted by someone on its way back to my locker. *glares* Alex......

Anyway. That's about it. Not too interesting. *shrugs* Well, I've got to try to dissect my Bio homework...apparently I'm supposed to be able to tell the difference between the chemical structures of amino acids, carbohydrates, and all that lovely stuff. >< It all looks like a bunch of letters and lines to me! So I feel pretty stupid. But I will get a good grade in AP Bio!!!

*grabs her massive Bio textbook* Off to work!


Oh wait! Before I go, I have to tell you! I got a new alarm clock!!! *beams happily* Yes. Pretty important, especially since my old one was...slightly broken...and sometimes (well, more then I like to admit, anyway) the alarm wouldn't go off. Thus making my carpool very unhappy. Ehe. AND the new one is silver and shiny and has lots of little buttons to play with!!! *grins* Ok, now I'm really off to learn about the lovely structures of nucleotides!

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