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Friday, June 11, 2004

Ah, summer. *looks out window* Though surprisingly (or not so, considering where I live), it doesn't really look like June outside. More like March. Or even late February. Gack. Gotta love that Seattle weather. Oh well. Tomorrow's my birthday! YAY! *grins evilly* Yes...maybe I can convince my mom to take me to Barnes and Noble to read free manga...I'm so cheap. But seriously, manga's expensive. And I want to make sure what I'm buying is good, right? Yeah, that's it. ^^ I should try that the next time the employees glare at me. Hehe! Oh yeah, yesterday my school's anime club went to Uwajimaya for an end of the year party...that was pretty fun. Except they shrink-wrapped their manga, so I couldn't "test" it...but I got hom bow! A big one! Mmmmm...good stuff. I'm somewhat disappointed with the dim sum place we usually go to, they've started making their hom bow really small. That saddens me. Or maybe not...that just means we'll have to buy a lot more...uh huh! Lots and lots and lots of baked hom bow!!! YAY!!! I'm rambling, aren't I? Ehe. Ok. I'm done now. Byebye!


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Tuesday, June 8, 2004

WHEEE I just finished two of my finals!!! And Theology didn't go as badly as I thought it would...maybe that has to do in part to the three or four hours I dedicated to studying...anyway, back to my original point. This means *holds up sign* I only have four tests left!!! *dances around computer lab* That also means that I only have two days left of school, and four days until my birthday!!! And then people will give me food and manga and food and CDs and food and books and food!!! Yesss...Cho likes food...especially Pocky. Men's Pocky. She's already consumed half a box. Yummm...^^ Anyway, I'd better study now. Au revior!



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Monday, June 7, 2004

*twitches* We just went over the topics covered in our Theology final last period. ...let's just say I didn't know about...a third of it. But seriously, how are dates relevant to daily life after this class? Do I really need to know the date of the Babylonian Exile to get far in life? Incidentally, I don't...so I guess I'd better study those. Ehe. And so begins the three days of three hour tests! How lovely.


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Saturday, June 5, 2004

Well, I played my solo, and I survived. *pleased look* It actually didn't go as badly as I thought it would. There was this one measure that I'd been having a lot of trouble with that I was worried about...*curses C sharps everywhere* but, surprisingly, I didn't mess that part up. I messed up another measure! Actually, I just skipped a note, but that's ok. I still hate solos. ^^ My legs were shaking so badly...but yeah, I am alive. So I can be thankful and study without worrying about it. Now...must...learn...French verbs...grr. *chants* Je suis, tu es, il est, elle est...funfun.



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Wednesday, June 2, 2004

*sigh* I have less than seven days left of school now. And four of those days are final exams, which I can't bring myself to care that much about. Eh. Ya, I know I should be studying. And I will be! Probably all weekend. Funfun. Especially since both my math and French exams are cumulative. Whee! But anyway. Enough of my whining. Oh, I have my flute recital on Friday. That's always fun. It's the first time I've really played in front of people, at least all by myself. I hope I don't mess up too badly...*horrible images of audience running out the door screaming* Ehe. Yeah...I'm going to go...practice some more. *window shatters* Byebye!


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Friday, May 28, 2004

*cheers wildly* WHOO HOO I have finals in two weeks! I can barely suppress my excitement. Actually, I can. Quite easily, in fact. But anyway, moving on. I just thought I'd post something to complain about my present plight. Which has to do with finals. Mostly my Theology final. *shudder* Theology. I guess it wouldn’t be so bad if the teacher didn’t drone on and on (and on and on…). I tend to daydream a lot in that class. *points excitedly out the window* Look, a cloud shaped like a giant box of Pocky!!! Yumm…*coughs*. Well, I better go. I'll probably be studying all next week. Gotta love those end of the year tests. Byebye!


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Monday, May 24, 2004

Hiiiii everybody!!! Yeah. I just ate half a box of Men's Pocky. Yumm...We went to the store and I bought two boxes. Wait! One's for finals! Really! >< I'm not a pig...well, maybe I am...but eating's so fun! Anyway. We have finals in about two weeks, so I really should be studying. But I'm not! *beams* Hm...what should I babble about? Oh I know! I just got my yearbook about a week ago, so I've had my friends sign it. I just realized how strange they really are. Strange strange strange. Like me! But you know, there's nothing wrong with being strange. Because being normal's overrated. As is sanity. But I don't know if I have much of either. Hey, it makes life interesting. Ok. Now I think I really should study. Au revoir!


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Monday, May 17, 2004

Waaaiii what happened to the school year?! It's already May and I have three weeks until finals! >< Finals...yucky. I'm especially looking forward to the Theology one. I'm always daydreaming in that class...ehe. YAY the bell just rang. Guess what class I'm going to? THEOLOGY!!! *trudges off to class*


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Thursday, May 13, 2004

Wheeee it's Thursday!!!! That means tomorrow's Friday!!!! Which means I can finally get more than six hours of sleep!!!! *hallelujah chorus* Yeah...I haven't been getting much sleep lately. It's gotten to the point where I fall asleep while I'm studying. Thankfully, that happened while I was at home. *remembers the time she fell asleep in Theology* Ehe. Anyway, I have a Trig test today. *cheers wildly* I'm going to go study some more. And hope I don't fall asleep. Byebye!


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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I hate P.E., and I just failed my football written test. I'm so athletically challenged. >< I forgot about it because I stayed up until midnight finishing my stupid English project! *note to self: Procrastination is bad, procrastination is bad...* So right now I'm running on about 6 hours of sleep and a Doubleshot. Doubleshot...yummy...I think I need about 5 more...*falls asleep*


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