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Sunday, May 9, 2004

Happy Mother's Day!!! My mom is sick, so we just spent today at home. I think she caught my cold...I feel horrible. So I'm cooking dinner. I just hope it doesn't turn out too badly...I'm not that great of a cook. *dimly recalls the time she turned the heat up too high and simultaneously blackened and seared the eggs in toast she was making for her siblings* Yeah. Not my proudest moment. Anyway. New topic.

I got a new solo! And I have three weeks to make it sound like music. Joy. Well, at least it doesn't have so many accidentals...and it doesn't require as much counting...*tries to look on the bright side of things* Whatever. I still have to play it in front of people, and I hate doing things like that. Too bad the recital's mandatory for my music grade. *twitch* Well, I have to go mess around in the kitchen. *crosses fingers* I hope I don't set off the smoke detector...


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Friday, May 7, 2004

*looks around* Hm. They sure have made a lot of changes lately. Then again, I haven't been online for a while. Eh, I was sick. That's my excuse for everything I didn't accomplish this week. Anyway, it's Friday!!! *does a happy little dance around the room* I'm so happy. It felt like this week went by too slowly. Non-stop tests, yaaaaaay! ^^ Maybe that's exaggerating a little, but it seemed that way. Yup, I had fun this week. I also got hooked on X/1999...*glares at Krys* You know, there is no sense of closure at the end of each volume. It just...ends. And then you have to buy the next one. Because you have to find out what happens. *twitch* Anyway, enough of my babbling. I'm going to go eat now. Byebye!


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Friday, April 30, 2004

Ugh. Je suis malade. Actually, I've been sick for a while now. I should have been at home, but I had so many tests this week...*winces* I'll never understand why some of my teachers have absolutely no trace of Kleenex or anything pertaining to it in their classrooms, though. Or why my English teacher gives me dirty looks for taking some of her Kleenex for later. It's not like she bought it. And it's for the communal use of the class. That would be me, the Kleenex needy. Anyway. I'm probably going to take advantage of the only time I can guarantee a decent night's sleep and sleep all weekend. Hopefully I'll be over this stupid cold by then. *sneezes*


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Monday, April 26, 2004

Yaaay!!! I'm back in school!!! I'm so excited, another week of waking up at impossibly early hours of the morning and studying for tests!!! *cough* Riiight. Actually, I could barely drag myself out of bed this morning. It was pretty ugly. Anyway. I'm going to go study for one of the many tests I have today. Evil teachers...byebye!


Ooh, I have Hom Bow for lunch!!! Yaaaay!!!

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Sunday, April 25, 2004

We went for dim sum today, and we got lots and lots of baked hom bows!!! *jumps up and down* I love baked hom bow!!! So yummy...*starry eyes* *realizes she's scaring the innocent readers* Oh...hi...heh. I'll be going now. I should be studying for my *shudder* math test anyway. Byebye!


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Saturday, April 24, 2004

How sad. The HTML buttons are gone...*cries* I liked playing with them...oh well. I will live. But barely. ^^ Well, it's getting late. 11:30 to be exact. So I will go to sleep now. Sleep...I haven't gotten enough of that in a looong time. *dreamy look* Byebye!


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Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Gack. Pleated skirts are hard to hem. My school has "Halloween in April", where we dress up...kinda cheesy...whatever. I was trying to hem my old uniform skirt from grade school to wear today, but the pleats got all messed up. I tried ironing it, but it didn't really work. So I just wore my dad's lab coat. MUAHAHAHA I get to perform surgery!!! *pockets some scalpels*


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Monday, April 19, 2004

Hiya people! I just got back from D.C. a little while ago. It was very wet. And cold. Much like Seattle. Oh well. The food was good...*has a one-track mind* Anyway, I went to Barnes and Noble to read manga, because I'm too cheap to buy my own unless it's really good, and I holed up there for a couple hours. That was interesting. I got my Kare Kano fix. I can't believe I'm obsessed with that manga. It's like a soap opera...but I have to find out what happens! >< I'm so ashamed. Amongst the many other manga I read (eh, hehe... *runs away from angry Barnes and Noble employees*) was this book called Confidential Confessions. Actually, it was the second book in the series, but I don't think it matters because it seemed like there were different stories in every volume. It was about this girl whose tennis coach sexually abuses them, and how it was hard for them to stand up for themselves because the coach was a famous coach. I liked it, but it really bugged me that the school didn't really care when they got the courage to complain. Oh well. It all turned out ok in the end. That was a really long post, but I suppose it makes up for not doing anything over break, right? Byebye!


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Wednesday, April 7, 2004

Hi! I just thought I'd post something. So...spring break is next week. I might be able to get enough sleep of once in my life. That will be nice. *fantasizes* Sleep...something I haven't gotten in a long while...how nice. *hums* I have the song they play with the credits of Spirited Away stuck in my head...so I decided to put it on my site. ^^ Now you can get it stuck in your head too!! Enjoy!!


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Monday, April 5, 2004

I hate my life. That's all.
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