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myOtaku.com: Cho

Friday, June 11, 2004

Ah, summer. *looks out window* Though surprisingly (or not so, considering where I live), it doesn't really look like June outside. More like March. Or even late February. Gack. Gotta love that Seattle weather. Oh well. Tomorrow's my birthday! YAY! *grins evilly* Yes...maybe I can convince my mom to take me to Barnes and Noble to read free manga...I'm so cheap. But seriously, manga's expensive. And I want to make sure what I'm buying is good, right? Yeah, that's it. ^^ I should try that the next time the employees glare at me. Hehe! Oh yeah, yesterday my school's anime club went to Uwajimaya for an end of the year party...that was pretty fun. Except they shrink-wrapped their manga, so I couldn't "test" it...but I got hom bow! A big one! Mmmmm...good stuff. I'm somewhat disappointed with the dim sum place we usually go to, they've started making their hom bow really small. That saddens me. Or maybe not...that just means we'll have to buy a lot more...uh huh! Lots and lots and lots of baked hom bow!!! YAY!!! I'm rambling, aren't I? Ehe. Ok. I'm done now. Byebye!


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