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myOtaku.com: Cho

Monday, August 9, 2004

Ugggggh...it's horribly hot right now. And heat is among several things I greatly dislike, including hunger, butterflies (please don't ask. Everyone has their strange phobias...I just don't like the way they fly. *shudders* So gross.), and P.E. Yes. I've also noticed that heat makes me very lethargic...*yawns and slumps forward onto her keyboard* Well, nothing's really happened to me lately. I baked some cookies this morning...I think (or like to believe) that my culinary skills are improving. They were quite edible. I had three for breakfast. Nutritous, eh? But isn't chocolate supposed to be good for you? *ponders chocolate's various positive qualities* Actually, I really should be finishing my required reading instead of posting. I hate summer homework. Especially when it involves books published in the late 1800's. Dry as stale French bread. Which is quite sad, actually, because I love French bread. Especially with hot with butter...*sighs happily* I love food in general, really. Oh well, enough stalling. I'd better get back to reading. Hope things are going well where you guys are!



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