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myOtaku.com: Cho

Friday, September 10, 2004


Wow, haven't posted in a long time. >< Sorry! I've had soooo much homework this week...I was getting to bed between 11 and 12:30. So getting up in the morning was an...interesting ordeal. But now it's the weekend...so I can sleep. Sleep...anyway. What's happened so far? Let's see...

Well, my friend wanted me to try out for our school's play, but we needed to memorize a monologue for it...and I didn't have one. Or the time to memorize one (stupid history projects! >< My history teacher just loooooves projects...) So I didn't try out...but I am going to another rehersal on Sunday. This company doesn't seem as intense, we just have to read a paragraph from the script. ^^ And I've been wanting to check this place out ever since she told me about last year's play. It was some variation of Beauty and the Beast, and they had this group of little kids run by at random moments singing "garden pals, garden pals!" So yeah, it seems a little informal. Which is all right with me. I hate memorizing monologues. Plus, garden pals! *thinks* Well, nothing else has really happened...oh, I started reading Naruto (I'm borrowing it from my friend)...that's pretty good. Lots of lovely fight scenes. Yeah...we have this little "manga exchange" going around my friends...I think Tsubasa's been abducted by someone on its way back to my locker. *glares* Alex......

Anyway. That's about it. Not too interesting. *shrugs* Well, I've got to try to dissect my Bio homework...apparently I'm supposed to be able to tell the difference between the chemical structures of amino acids, carbohydrates, and all that lovely stuff. >< It all looks like a bunch of letters and lines to me! So I feel pretty stupid. But I will get a good grade in AP Bio!!!

*grabs her massive Bio textbook* Off to work!


Oh wait! Before I go, I have to tell you! I got a new alarm clock!!! *beams happily* Yes. Pretty important, especially since my old one was...slightly broken...and sometimes (well, more then I like to admit, anyway) the alarm wouldn't go off. Thus making my carpool very unhappy. Ehe. AND the new one is silver and shiny and has lots of little buttons to play with!!! *grins* Ok, now I'm really off to learn about the lovely structures of nucleotides!

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