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myOtaku.com: Cho

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Ugh...I'm so tired. >< Homework's evil. I started it as soon as I got home from school, and it still took forever. I've been going to bed at 11:30 or later...so sleepy...*slumps onto keyboard* Well, it's the weekend, so I'll probably spend half of it sleeping. Oh, did I tell you? Probably not, since I haven't updated since last Friday...by the way, did you notice I've been doing almost all my posting on Fridays? I think that's because that's one of the only days I have enough time...probably has something to do with all the homework my psychotic teachers assign. *mutters* Anyway. Back to my original point. Or was there one? *tilts head* Yes...there was. I got into the play! They called yesterday, and I am now a Plumerian. Snazzy, huh? Apparently it's a half-bird half-human thing with superiority problems. ^^ Sounds...interesting. I can’t wait to read the script. But right now I'm going to bed. I fell asleep during Theology again...we’ll need to work on that. Especially since we have a test coming up. Must pay attention, must pay attention...

*yawns and waves*


Sleep...such a wonderful thing...almost as good as Pocky. And new manga. And steak. And grapefruit juice! Mmmm...or Doubleshots...ack, now I'm hungry. *sigh*

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