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myOtaku.com: Cho

Friday, September 24, 2004

It's Friday...

*confetti, balloons*

I've been so tired lately...I never thought I could fall asleep on the floor, but I did that when I was studing for my history test...that was fun. I was all stiff after that. So I didn't get much studying in. ^^ I did the whole "frantically study five minutes before the bell rings" approach...but my grade wasn't actually that bad. Which was nice, considering I only studied for about 20 minutes. Yep. I definitely need to sleep more. Sleep...I remember sleep...

Oh, I forgot to tell you last week, but I got a coffee plant last Sunday! Yes...so now I'll be able to grow my own coffee beans. In three or four years, according to the little card that came with it, but I can be patient. Coffee plant, coffee plant...I could make lattes...*starry eyes* Oh, but first I'll have to roast the beans...and grind them...and then brew the coffee. Maybe I'll just stick to Starbucks.

Ehhhhhhh...that's depressing. I really want to grow my own coffee, though. But I really don't think it'll produce that many beans. I mean, it's about a foot tall. ^^ It'll grow, right? Yeah. It’s got three years. Ok then. Gotta go!



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