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myOtaku.com: Cho

Friday, October 8, 2004

YAY!!! No school for me today!!! Yeah, apparently today is a state inservice...whatever those are, I think I like them. ^^ I haven't really done anything today...I woke up around ten because the phone was ringing. And ringing. And ringing. >< It finally occurred to me that there was no one home, and that I should probably answer it, but there was no one on the other end when I got there. Ehe. I think I let it ring for about five minutes. I'm sorry, person who I don't know! OH! Today I had my first Nutella-banana crepe! My friend Anna was telling me about how she always got them when she was living in Germany, so I thought I'd try one...it was really good, but now I feel a little sick. There was a lot of Nutella in there. So now I'm a little hyper. Let's see...what else have I done today? Not much, really...I was playing around with the little remote that came with our On Demand boxy thing...what do you call them? Well, the little box that came when we updated to On Demand...it has this strange little remote that we're still trying to figure out. It seems like it has a bunch of unnecessary buttons that serve no purpose except for me to play with...but anyway. I found out that we have Anime Network and Adult Swim On Demand stuff, so I was checking out the anime. Yeah...I watched a little of Witch Hunter Robin. I didn't really understand it because it was the 16-18th episodes or something, but I think I like it. But I had no idea what was going on...I'm so confused! ^^ I think I'll buy the anime, though. I liked the theme song. Very guitary. Don't you just love describing things with themselves? Like lemony lemon bars...I'm still kinda hungry, even after that Nutella thing. I think I'll walk down and get a latte. Bye-eeeeeeeeee!!!



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