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myOtaku.com: Cho

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Hiiiiiiiii!!! *waves excitedly* Guess what guess what! Nothing! It's really boring over here! -_- I have a ton of homework I really should be doing, but I'm not. Ehhhhhh...I'll do it tomorrow. When I do all my homework. I'm such a slacker.

Blarg.....I've had so many tests this week. *yaaaaaaaawn* And I've been staying up waaaaaay too late studying for them. Don't you just love it when you've got three major tests in one day? So much fun. Especially Bio. Did you know there's four essays on the AP Bio test? Yes. And my teacher's prepping us by putting essays on our regular tests. It's not that bad...right now. He's kinda breaking us into the whole "AP test" thing...the first time we had to write the essay at home and turn it in on the test day, and he gave us the essay question on the study guide this time. I think next time it'll just be on the test. >< I don't like essays...but that's not really that interesting. Actually, this post was pretty boring. *angst* My life's pretty boring.

Well, it's one in the morning over here, so I'd better go now. Sleeeeeeeepyness....sleep is good. I should really do that more often.

*waves as she stumbles off to bed*


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