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myOtaku.com: Cho

Thursday, October 21, 2004

*beams* Well, apparently I'm the new co-president of my school's anime club. Snazzy, huh? Yeah, the original mod hasn't shown up for the last two meetings, even though she's an upperclassmen (and therefore has seniority over the club...) so now Violeteyes and I are the new presidents! *does her happy little dance* I feel...power...BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Ahem. Yes. Yes yes yes. Heh. Well, that's probably one of the only high points of my week. -_- My teachers seem to enjoy giving me obscenely long sections of notes to take (due the next day, of course). So that's lots of fun. I don't think I've gotten more than six hours of sleep any night this week. And that's not really very good. I fell asleep in Theology today...again...

But it's so boring! Ehhhhhh...I gotta type up my history notes...all five million pages of them...



Man Pocky!!!!!!!

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