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myOtaku.com: Cho

Wednesday, November 3, 2004

Ugh...watching the election coverage...which is just depressing me. So now we're watching a movie. -_- Election...

Gah. New topic. Sooooooo...school! School school school. Well, that's mainly the reason I haven't been on in so long (and to everyone who signed my guestbook- I'm so sorry I haven't signed yours yet!!! I will do it...just...I can't right now. >< I'm really sorry...I feel like such a bad person). School's been...difficult. I don't know why, but lately I've been going to bed really late. Bio...*narrows eyes* I seriously don't understand anything we've gone over in the last few weeks. Photosynethesis confuses me. Too many G3Ps and NADH+'s and other random letters put together to make absolutely no sense to me. =_= That's fun. Well, I gotta go. See ya!



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