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myOtaku.com: Cho

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Hiyeee everyone! *waves* How are you?! I'm doing...pretty well. Sorta. School's been horrible as usual, and I think I just got a really bad grade on my bio test. >< I am seriously regretting choosing AP Bio as my elective this year. We just had a test on electro-something or other (cellular respiration and photosythesis...together they make something who's name I forget)...and it was ugly. I didn't really know that much of the stuff on the test, even though I studied really hard for it. Blehhhhhh...*depression* I think I'll talk about something else now...

Sooooooo...OH! My cousin got married in Arizona last Saturday, so we all went down there to see her wedding. And that was fun. It was really cute when they both started crying. *beams* Yeah, I know, I'm a sap...but it was really cute! Plus I got steak at the reception. Steak steak steak...me likeys...

Heeee...now I'm hungry. Take care everyone!



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