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myOtaku.com: Cho

Wednesday, December 1, 2004

Happy first day of December everybody!!! *^^* It's definitely starting to get colder around here. Yesterday...I saw FROST!!! YAY!!! *skips around room* That's happy, especially since we didn't get any snow last year. And snow means snow days...which mean no school...which means sleeeeeeep!!! -__- Which I don't get enough of...


Speaking of school, I have to finish this stupid project in Geometry...it's basically just reading Flatland, which is supposedly a parody of Victorian society, and write responses to all the chapters, including the preface. =_= That's 23 chapters...and it's so boring! >,< I don't know if I can take much more of the stupid 19th century language...*dies*

Hah. Sooo...well, my cousin's getting married on Monday, which is why I'm doing my Flatland project now (it's due on Monday, and I usually procrastinate...ehehehe...). He's getting married in Monterrey, Mexico, where his fiancé’s from, so that should be exciting. Canada's the only other country I've been to, so I'm looking forward to that. Plus I'm gonna be able to get real Mexican food (hey, food is verrrrry important to me! ^-^). Food food food...I'm so hungryfulll....

*waves* Gonna go eat lunch now. Byee!!!


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