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myOtaku.com: Cho

Monday, December 13, 2004

Wow. I've been seriously absent from myOtaku for a few weeks now. Sowwy! -_- ' School's been...rather preoccupying. I got about four hours of sleep last night (or would I say this morning?), and I don't think I operate too well without sleep. And I've been pretty depressed because of Bio. We got our tests back...and it's not going too well. I'm starting to regret taking an AP class. I'm so tired...of everything. I don't know. I think I've just become a little apathetic. And my priorities are so messed up. I’m such a bad person…but being depressed is boring. *^^* I really should be happier. After all, we get out for Christmas break on Friday! Oy...I thought I had one more week...so I only got presents for a few of my friends. Bad Cho. Procrastination is bad. So I'll probably just be making a bunch of cookies and wrapping them with some pretty plastic wrap or something. ^.^ I'm so creative.

Well, at least I'll get to sleep during break. *is somewhat consoled by the prospect of actually getting sleep*


Oh yeah…we have finals about two weeks after we get back from break. Super.

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