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myOtaku.com: Cho

Saturday, December 18, 2004

*tosses confetti* Happy vacation everyone!! Heh. I really think sleep deprivation is bad for me. Today I was wearing two different earrings. And I didn't even notice till I took them out. x.x Yeah...I don't think I'm too alive in the mornings. OH! I got lots of lovely lovely presents today...like Man Pocky...various lovely items of the concentrated sugar variety...Pucca erasers (yeah, recently became obsessed with her. She's so cute!)...and more sugar. Lots of food in general. My friends know me. *hugs her food* That makes me happy. So. Wow. Now that I have all this free time I don't really know what to do. Maybe I should sleep. Yes. Sleep is good. I don't think I've gotten more than 6 hours of sleep any day this week. *loves how her teachers decided to try to get as much work crammed into 4 1/2 days as possible* Ehhhhh...so tired. Well, I hope you guys have a good break too! Eat a lot! And sleep! 'Cause those are good for you!

*waves* Byee!


-Click here for Pucca stuff!
*^^* I found it in reeeeally tiny print on the back of my eraser. Try the game (it's under Amusement)! I was playing it in the library...and people were looking at me funny. I love being weird. *beams* Bye again!

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