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myOtaku.com: Cho

Sunday, January 2, 2005

Happy New Year's everyone! *throws confetti* I hope you all had a great Christmas, too! *^^* I got The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker for Christmas and I've been practically playing it non-stop. The graphics are soooo cute!! >< Yes. I'm the crazy girl squealing "cuuuuuuuuute!!! So cute!!! I wanna take pictures!!!" at the television. Actually, I think I really like the Zelda series in general. I got this disk when we bought our Gamecube that had four Zelda games on it (are there any more? ‘Cause if there are…), so that was the beginning. I just get obsessed with things easily...first it was Rurouni Kenshin...*recalls her Soujiro phase* ^-^ That was fun. I don't think I'm quite over it. Swords... *sparkly eyes* So pretty...but I'm digressing. Actually, now that I think about it, I got obsessed with a lot of animes. Like .hack//sign and CCS (I think that was one of my first ones...Kero's so cute! But the dubbed version of that show just depresses me. *shakes head* Sad sad sad.), oh and Fruits Basket! *loves Momiji* Heeee...but yeah. I get really sucked into things, and I probably should have studied Bio more...especially considering the fact that I'm really not understanding anything anymore. Maaaahhh...well, I'm going over to my friend's house to study tomorrow, and that should help...she's one of the smartest people I know. >< *feels inadequate* I think I'll go slash up some more things in Zelda...I still need to get the last pearl...

*waves* Bye everyone!


*points above* See? I'm such a bad student. ^-^ *sighs* And I have school on Monday...ugh. Don't wanna go!!! I've gotten used to waking up at 11 every day, and I reeeeally don't wanna go back to the whole 'waking up at six and stumbling to school half-alive' routine again. Maybe it'll snow...*smiles hopefully*

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