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myOtaku.com: Cho

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Haaahh...I'm still so tired. Finals just ended, and I'm sure I completely messed up the Bio one- but at least they're over. I really hate finals week. No one ever gets enough sleep and we're all running around studying frantically and snapping at everyone. -_-' Really brings out the best in people. Finals are such...nasty, nasty things. Though I suppose I'm lucky not to have midterms too...

*shudders* Ugh. It's best not to even consider such things.

Friday was one of those lovely teacher inservices (I love those things), so we had the day off. ^^v I completely wasted it, though, sleeping the whole day. God knows I don't get enough of it during the week. I was a little…out of it during my history final. No wait, I was CONTEMPLATING the effect Charlemagne's empire on Europe. Yup. *nods* Actually, the last day of finals went pretty well. I think it was all the Man Pocky that kept me going. *^^* Food of life.

Anyway. What've I been doing lately? ^-^;; Actually, I'm a pretty boring person. I've studied like mad for the last week or so...probably still didn't do as well as I would have liked...but that's life for you. And AP Bio. Don't take it children! RUN! No...really, I thought we'd be doing more dissecting...but we haven't done anything like that. Just gone over photosynthesis and other complex, boring stuff that has about a million steps and is really, really boring. Now dissecting, that was fun. Not to sound like some kind of sicko or anything. I just thought it was interesting seeing what was inside the squid and the frog (don’t all biology classes seem to dissect frogs? *^^* Just a trend I’ve noticed.) and stuff. Which is kind of strange, especially since I hate those surgery shows on Discovery and really can’t tolerate gory movies. Maybe I’m just weird…

Ehhh…whatever. I had no homework this weekend, which was really strange. I haven’t had a weekend free of homework for… *contemplates* …about six months. Sad. That’s just sad. I wanna be in preschool again! >< We used to get pretzels and cheese cubes during snacktime…

*misses her cheese cubes*

Now I’m all sad. I want some jello, too. Cut into shapes. O_- Finals make you crazy. Anyway, hope all of yours went well, or the ones that are coming up go well (eh Annica?). Good luck!! Byeeee everyone!!


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