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myOtaku.com: Cho

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Sooo...I've been horribly sick for the past two days. x.x That was super. You know, I think I got the most sleep in weeks in those two days. I can't believe I actually got tired of sleeping...scary.

*shudder* Yeah, I actually was feeling pretty wonky during my last period on Tuesday (I missed Wednesday and Thursday- Friday was a day off. Those are so lovely), which was Geometry. My teacher was handing back our vocab quizzes, which, by the way, are one of the banes of my existance. ¬_¬ But I suppose it's important to make sure we all know about all the various nitpicky definitions and such of the geometric world and all that junk...but I still hate them. Lately she's been using this format where she gives us a phrase with an underlined word and we have to decide if it's true or false. And instead of writng false, we get to correct the sentence! How exciting! My math teacher's...interesting. But anyway. Yeah, I'd been falling asleep all day, and I probably got sick because I hadn't been getting enough sleep (though tiredness has pretty much become my constant state of being) and couldn't fight off whatever nasty I'd caught, and I think I actually did in Geometry. >< Luckily my slightly odd teacher is also a little oblivious...and didn't seem to notice that my head was down and not really moving that much for about twenty minutes. Or maybe she figured I wasn't too well. I don't think I looked too good that day... -_o Yeah...being sick's great. And Motrin is my new best friend. *hugs her bottle of pain-killing happiness*

Wow. Ibuprofen-induced ramblings. I'm going back to bed.


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