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myOtaku.com: Cho

Wednesday, April 6, 2005

Die Daylight Savings Time!!!

How can people wake up so early? I don’t understand…

x.x I had to wake up early to work on this huge evil project we have in history. It’s a really beautiful monster – We get to teach the class all about the revolution of our choice for the duration of one class period, and our teacher wants it to be “as thorough as possible!” I could have sworn I saw the evil-teacher glint of happiness there. So fun. Oh, but I just LOOOOOOOOOOOVE these kinds of projects~!! YAY for the Russian Revolution!! ^-^v Research projects are my secret passion. I’m going to try making vareniky (lovely little potato-filled dumplings that you boil and then sauté in oil. Food is so wonderful. :]), which should be an adventure. Cooking has never been my strong point, but I think I’ve been improving. I haven’ t burned anything beyond recognition in a long time!! *feels incredibly proud of herself*

Hehehe. Well, I’ve got to finish typing up my lovely notes on the many many key events of the Russian Revolution. I just wish my head wasn’t so fuzzy.

Seriously loving this time-zone change.


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