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myOtaku.com: Cho

Saturday, May 14, 2005

It really bothers me how some guys seem to think you are supposedly incapable of "hard work" just because you're a girl. As if by being a girl you automatically are too delicate and girly to do anything remotely strenuous.


In retrospect, I suppose they were only being considerate, but still. I just hate that people think I'm too small and weak to do work.

Well. Enough of that.

Oh, the people who just moved into the house next to us have decided to do a little gardening, apparently. There was this really pretty mountain ash tree next to our window, and for some reason they decided to top it. It looks really sad now...all small and stubby. They cut off all the nice leafy branches. Branches that, coincidentally, gave us privacy. >< So now not only is the pretty greenery gone, but they can see into our living room. It's pathetic, really, but I miss the tree...

Poor Mr. Tree...cruelly stunted...

Hah. I need some tea.


Lack of sleep makes me captious and cranky. ._. I guess the caffeine’s wearing off...

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