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myOtaku.com: Cho

Sunday, June 26, 2005

lazy lazy lazy ramblings...
There's something about summer that makes me really restless and nostalgic. I think it's probably the lack of structure or something, not having every hour planned out. But then that makes me feel really lazy. Ahahaha. I really should wake up earlier, I think. I'll sleep away my whole summer, just watch. But it's so nice being able to sleep again...

Heh. Actually, I applied to get a job at the library where I volunteered when I was in junior high. If I get it, it'll pay pretty well [$9.31 an hour], but I'm a little skeptical of my chances. There were 23 other applicants, and when I went in for my interview I saw the people who came in before and after me. And...they were scaaary. *dies* I think I might be easily psyched-out because this would be my first job, but I felt a little underqualified next to them. But I know how to cover books! That counts for something, right? Hah. I really want to find out if I got the job or not, though. Waiting is so boring.

So...oh, I saw one of my old grade school classmates today. It was a little awkward...since I haven't seen him for about two years. I wasn't really sure what to do. I really don't know what's going on with all my old friends now. I feel really old. >< But I'm not. I'm one of the youngest people in my class, I think [but I'm still older than you, Kao-kao~!]. It scares me that high school is almost over. And then there's college. The deluge of college letters has started already...

*has visions of drowning in unsolicited college mail*

College is scary....but not here yet. I'm still free! Ish. So leave me alone scary college people!!! *shakes stick in random directions*

Eeeeeeeh. I'm hungry now. I got baked hom bow today! o^-^o That makes me incredibly happy.


I really do need that job, though. Paying for all my mangas is really depleting my money rather quickly. x.x Maybe I'm just buying too many...but...I love my manga! I could never abandon you~!

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