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myOtaku.com: Cho

Monday, July 4, 2005

guess where i am!
Actually, I hate it when people tell me to guess things. I'd probably hit myself if I were reading this post. Maybe it's because I'm not that patient of a person? I think I need to work on that...

Ahaha. Anyway, diverging from that rambling topic [I think that's another thing I need to work on...if you've ever had a conversation with me you know how easily distracted I am. ^-^;;] - I'm in Hawaii! Hee. I honestly thought I would die, though, because I really, really hate heat. It's surprisingly not too humid here, though, and it's pretty tolerable. Almost. It was really weird when we got to the hotel, though, because for once my family is staying at a really nice hotel - we're all really cheap in my family and usually just stay in the less expensive ones - and when we got here some guy gave us juice and towels to clean our faces with and leis. I was just like "o.o does he think we're dirty or something?"

But who am I to argue with free stuff? Apparently the drinks in the fridge and the coffee and tea and all the bath supplies [which I'd steal anyway. Does anyone else have a collection of hotel soap? No one? Eh, I'm just weird.] are refilled everyday, so I can exploit to my stingy heart's content. Christmas presents? ^-^v Joking joking~!! I'm not that cheap. Really!

Last night my little brother found a really tiny lizard in the bathtub, which he promptly dubbed "Potato." ^-^ He was really cute, but he moved so quickly! Heh. Actually, we haven't been able to find Potato for a while...maybe he went back to Potato-land?

I like potatoes...I'm getting kind of hungry now...

Food time~ *^-^*

Byeee everyone!! *wavewave*


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