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myOtaku.com: Cho

Monday, April 19, 2004

Hiya people! I just got back from D.C. a little while ago. It was very wet. And cold. Much like Seattle. Oh well. The food was good...*has a one-track mind* Anyway, I went to Barnes and Noble to read manga, because I'm too cheap to buy my own unless it's really good, and I holed up there for a couple hours. That was interesting. I got my Kare Kano fix. I can't believe I'm obsessed with that manga. It's like a soap opera...but I have to find out what happens! >< I'm so ashamed. Amongst the many other manga I read (eh, hehe... *runs away from angry Barnes and Noble employees*) was this book called Confidential Confessions. Actually, it was the second book in the series, but I don't think it matters because it seemed like there were different stories in every volume. It was about this girl whose tennis coach sexually abuses them, and how it was hard for them to stand up for themselves because the coach was a famous coach. I liked it, but it really bugged me that the school didn't really care when they got the courage to complain. Oh well. It all turned out ok in the end. That was a really long post, but I suppose it makes up for not doing anything over break, right? Byebye!


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